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The selection process for internship in Germany has started.

As reported before, in the framework of cooperation with TUM Intl, 8-10 students of the NUU will do a one-week internship in Germany this spring!

Today, March 10th, the first stage of students selection has been launched. Multiple teams consisting of several students each presented their startup projects to the judges. The projects submitted by students will be evaluated by the University evaluation committee and the team that submitted the best project will go to the next round of selection.

📌 First stage of the selection proccess will take place till March 15.

Myunxenda amaliyot o'taydiganlar saralanmoqda

Xabar berib o'tganimizdek, TUM international tashkiloti bilan hamkorlikda shu yilning aprel oyida "Yangi O'zbekiston" universiteti talabalarining 8-10 nafari Germaniyaning Myunxen shahridagi yetakchi korxonalarda 1 haftalik amaliyot o'tash imkoniga ega bo'ladilar.

Shu munosabat bilan, bugun 10-mart kuni universitet tomonidan talabalarni saralashning 1-bosqichi boshlandi. Unda talabalar o'zlari ishlab chiqqan loyiha taqdimoti bilan ishtirok etmoqdalar.

Talabalar taqdim etgan loyihalar universitet hakamlar hay'ati tomonidan baholanib, eng yaxshi deb topilgan loyiha egalari saralashning ikkinchi bosqichiga yo'l oladi.

📌 Eslatib o'tamiz, saralash bosqichi 15-martga qadar davom etadi.