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New Uzbekistan University (NUU) seeks to fill positions at the teaching professor level starting in the academic year of 2022-2023. In evaluating applications, our recruitment committee seeks evidence of outstanding research and/or teaching potential.

We welcome candidates whose experience in teaching, research, or community service has prepared them to contribute to our commitment to diversity and excellence.

1️⃣ Invitation Fields
New Uzbekistan University (NUU) seeks to recruit faculty members for Department of Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Software Engineering, Nano and Advanced Materials Engineering, Computer Engineering (Schools of Engineering), and Industrial Management (School of Management) for the Fall semester of 2022.

2️⃣ Features of Faculty positions at New Uzbekistan University
Full-time faculty positions are offered with the renewal of the contract every year and/or under the Employment Contract term.
- Evaluation of faculty members will primarily be based on educational administrative activities.
- NUU will provide research facilities on an ad-hoc basis.
- Full-time faculty members must be involved in research activities and publish at least two scientific papers with the University affiliation in the international journals; Scopus, Elsevier, annually.

3️⃣ Requirements to Candidates
Ph.D. or Master’s degree with strong background experience in related field:
- Five years’ professional work experience; at least three years relevant teaching experience in higher education;
- Track record of publications and scientific output;
- High-level English proficiency

4️⃣ Work conditions and Salary
- New Uzbekistan University (NUU) assigns up to 15 teaching hours per week for full-time faculty members. At least 3 hours per week shall be dedicated to research & publications.
- Paid vacation: 48 calendar days per year.
- A competitive salary will be proposed during negotiation, taking into account the candidate’s qualifications.

5️⃣ Employee Benefits unique to the New Uzbekistan University
- Competitive salary on the international job market;
- Free medical insurance;
- Free accommodation or compensation of rental cost;
- Free transportation;
- Round trip airfare once a year (Economy class)
- Other benefits are negotiable on an ad-hoc basis

📌 Procedure of Recruitment
Step 1
All applicants need to send their CVs via the following email address or LinkedIn:
[email protected] or [email protected]

Step 2.
Interview and submission of additional documents.

Only shortlisted candidates from Step 1 will be invited to a job interview. During the interview, a candidate may be asked to conduct a 7 min demo lecture.

A candidate should submit the additional required documents upon request.
We will look forward to great candidates for our University!
#researchanddevelopment #professor #jobopportunity #teaching
Media is too big
Germaniyaning Dresden amaliy fanlar universitetidan kelgan professor Robert Baumgartl bilan tanishing

Professor 25 yillik faoliyati davomida ko'plab yoshlarga ta'lim bergan. Endilikda ushbu bebaho tajriba “Yangi Oʻzbekiston” universiteti talabalari bilan ham ulashiladi.

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#Germaniya #professor

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Professor Luchano Retsolla – PRACE HPC Excellence Award 2024 sovrindori bo'ldi

💥 “Yangi O‘zbekiston” universiteti faxriy professori Luchano Retsolla nufuzli PRACE HPC Excellence Award 2024 mukofotiga sazovor bo‘ldi.

🚛 Yevropaning yuqori samarali hisoblash texnologiyalari bo‘yicha hamkorligi (PRACE) tomonidan ta’sis etilgan ushbu mukofot 20 ming dollar miqdorida boʻlib, HPC texnologiyalaridan foydalangan holda amalga oshirilgan muhim ilmiy yutuqlarni e’tirof etadi.

🔹 Professor Retsolla nafaqat universitetimizning faxriy professori, balki dunyo miqyosida tan olingan yetakchi olimlardan biri hisoblanadi.

🎗 Professorni ushbu yuksak mukofot bilan samimiy tabriklaymiz va u universitetimiz akademik jamoasining bir qismi ekanidan faxrlanamiz.

🔁 English

#Retsolla #professor #PRACE #mukofot

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