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Joriy yilning, 16-mart kuni "Yangi O'zbekiston" universiteti professor o'qituvchilari, universitet xodimlari va talabalar o'rtasida zakovat intellektual o'yini bo'lib o'tdi.

Unda jami 120 nafar ishtirokchi 20 ta guruhga bo'lingan holda bellashdilar.
1-o'rin - "Uzkrug" jamoasi
2-o'rinni - professor- o'qituvchilardan iborat "Professors" jamoasi
3-o'rinni esa "Place kosmos" va "Engineers" jamoalari egallashdi.

📌 Shu bilan birga, ishtirokchilar uchun turli qiziqarli intellektual o'yinlar va "Coffee break" tashkil etildi. Ishtirokchilarga keyingi belllashuvlarda omad tilaymiz.

On March 16th, Zakovat quiz was held between professors, staffs and students of the New Uzbekistan University.

A total of 1
20 participants competed in 20 groups.

Following teams won the game:
1st place - "Uzkrug"
2nd place - "Professors & AA"
3rd place - "Place cosmos" and "Engineers".

📌 In additi
on, some interesting intellectual contests and a coffee-break were organized for the participants.