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#Partnership #Uniqueness

Within the framework of the mission of the New Uzbekistan University, one of the main privileges is the socialization of promising personnel with high professional skills and competencies on the basis of educational programs of reputable foreign universities.

Collaboration with the best Educational Institutions around the world augment New Uzbekistan University its uniqueness.

In 2021 the New Uzbekistan University established a partnership with 6 Institutions and Universities from all over the world, that defines one of the best in its field:

• Cambridge Assessment International Education
• The Times Higher Education
• TUM International GmbH
• MIT J-WEL | Abdul Latif Jameel World Education Lab
• Nottingham Trent University
• Portsmouth University

📌For Note: Given
Educational institutions are assisted in developing curricula, quality control of education, staffing of laboratories and libraries.
New Uzbekistan University
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✍🏻 A Memorandum in the field of education and scientific research was signed between the New Uzbekistan University and Uzbekneftegaz

📌 The purpose of the memorandum is to strengthen and develop cooperation in the field of harmonization of theoretical and practical knowledge.

Students, teachers conducting scientific work will also be assisted in organizing internships, advanced training and professional retraining.

📌 The memorandum also provides the organization of laboratory work in specialized subjects at enterprises run by Uzbekneftegaz in order to ensure educational and industrial integration.

In addition, assistance will be provided in the employment of graduates, the implementation of joint research projects, the organization of short-term training courses, conferences.

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On March 11th, an online meeting was held by the Agency for Presidential Educational Institutions, New Uzbekistan University and the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) J-WELL.

With the framework of the online meeting, the following issues were discussed:
- Prospective areas of future cooperation,
- Cooperation in the development of curricula for new areas at the New Uzbekistan University for the 2022-2023 academic year,
- The organization of short-term internships for students at the MIT Campus and issues related to Research & Development Centers.

The sides also exchanged views on the establishment of exchange projects between the professors of MIT and New Uzbekistan University.
Joriy yilning 11-mart kuni Prezident ta'lim muassasalari agentligi va "Yangi O'zbekiston" universiteti hamda Massachusetts Institute of Technology J-WELL rahbariyatining onlayn uchrashuvi bo'lib o'tdi.

Uchrashuv davomida
- kelajakda amalga oshirilishi rejalashtirilayotgan hamkorlikning istiqbolli yo'nalishlari,
- "Yangi O'zbekiston" universitetida 2022-2023-o'quv yilida ochilishi ko'zda tutilgan yangi yo'nalishlar uchun o'quv dasturlari ishlab chiqish borasida hamkorlik,
- universitet talabalarining MIT Campusda qisqa muddatli amaliyotini tashkil etish va Research & Development markazlar bilan bog'liq masalalar muhokama qilindi.

Shuningdek, MIT hamda "Yangi O'zbekiston" universiteti professorlari o'rtasida o'zaro almashinuv loyihalarini yo'lga qo'yish bo'yicha fikr almashildi.

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