✅ Joriy yilning, 16-mart kuni "Yangi O'zbekiston" universiteti professor o'qituvchilari, universitet xodimlari va talabalar o'rtasida zakovat intellektual o'yini bo'lib o'tdi.
Unda jami 120 nafar ishtirokchi 20 ta guruhga bo'lingan holda bellashdilar.
1-o'rin - "Uzkrug" jamoasi
2-o'rinni - professor- o'qituvchilardan iborat "Professors" jamoasi
3-o'rinni esa "Place kosmos" va "Engineers" jamoalari egallashdi.
📌 Shu bilan birga, ishtirokchilar uchun turli qiziqarli intellektual o'yinlar va "Coffee break" tashkil etildi. Ishtirokchilarga keyingi belllashuvlarda omad tilaymiz.
✅ On March 16th, Zakovat quiz was held between professors, staffs and students of the New Uzbekistan University.
A total of 120 participants competed in 20 groups.
Following teams won the game:
1st place - "Uzkrug"
2nd place - "Professors & AA"
3rd place - "Place cosmos" and "Engineers".
📌 In addition, some interesting intellectual contests and a coffee-break were organized for the participants.
✅ Joriy yilning, 16-mart kuni "Yangi O'zbekiston" universiteti professor o'qituvchilari, universitet xodimlari va talabalar o'rtasida zakovat intellektual o'yini bo'lib o'tdi.
Unda jami 120 nafar ishtirokchi 20 ta guruhga bo'lingan holda bellashdilar.
1-o'rin - "Uzkrug" jamoasi
2-o'rinni - professor- o'qituvchilardan iborat "Professors" jamoasi
3-o'rinni esa "Place kosmos" va "Engineers" jamoalari egallashdi.
📌 Shu bilan birga, ishtirokchilar uchun turli qiziqarli intellektual o'yinlar va "Coffee break" tashkil etildi. Ishtirokchilarga keyingi belllashuvlarda omad tilaymiz.
✅ On March 16th, Zakovat quiz was held between professors, staffs and students of the New Uzbekistan University.
A total of 120 participants competed in 20 groups.
Following teams won the game:
1st place - "Uzkrug"
2nd place - "Professors & AA"
3rd place - "Place cosmos" and "Engineers".
📌 In addition, some interesting intellectual contests and a coffee-break were organized for the participants.