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O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Raqamli texnologiyalar vazirligi yangiliklari

Новости Министерства цифровых технологий
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Another victory for Uzbekistan is an important sign for companies seeking to leverage their competitiveness through looking for affordable talents.

The international summit “Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week” opened with exciting news.

The Presidential School in Tashkent won 1st place in the “Global Middle Schools” nomination, highlighting global recognition of Uzbekistan’s rapidly advancing education system.

In recent years, Uzbekistan has seen remarkable reforms in education and innovation. Over the past seven years, the coverage rate in preschool education has increased from 27% to 72%, while in higher education, it has risen from 9% to 42%.

All schools are connected to broadband. To prepare youth for the digital world, initiatives like “One Million Uzbek Coders” were launched.

Uzbekistan ranks #1 globally on Coursera, with 6.25% of the workforce actively learning—far above the global average of 0.73%. The number of IT education centers in the country has increased from 78 to 500, and currently, 25,000 young people are receiving education in future-oriented IT professions each year at these institutions.

The number of higher education institutions specializing in IT has reached 110, with 60,000 students currently enrolled in these programs. The number of freelancers earning income in the ICT sector has reached 86,000.

At present, a total of 38,000 skilled IT specialists are employed in active IT companies across the country.

In 2024, 79,000 young people received training in foreign languages and obtained C1-level or higher certifications. The educational and certification expenses of 2,400 young people for obtaining international IT certifications were reimbursed. Currently, these professionals with IT certifications are earning $1,000 or more per month.

Now, Uzbekistan, in partnership with the UAE, is launching a bold initiative to train 1 million AI prompters, making prompt engineering a key skill of the future.

These efforts are transforming Uzbekistan into a talent pool for the global IT market, equipped with future-forward skills.

This combined with tax free regime up to 2040 for ITES exporting companies makes Uzbekistan ideal place for outsourcing:

#Uzbekistan #Innovation #DigitalEconomy #AI #EducationReform #OneMillionCoders #OneMillionPrompters #GlobalSuccess
👍 Uzbekistan Offshore Outsourcing Conference'ga qo‘shiling

📅 2025-yil 26–27-fevral
📍 Lokatsiya: Raqamli texnologiyalar vazirligi, Conference Hall

Sizni O‘zbekistonni global IT markazi sifatida kashf qilish imkoniyatini taqdim etuvchi Offshore Outsourcing Conference'ga taklif qilamiz!

Nega qatnashishingiz kerak?
- O‘zbekiston hukumati yetakchilaridan biznes maqsadlaringizni qo‘llab-quvvatlash yo‘llarini bilib oling.
- Strategik hamkorliklarni yo‘lga qo‘yib, qimmatli bilimlar orttiring.
- HR ekspertlari bilan uchrashib, O‘zbekistonda mavjud malakali kadrlar haqida ma’lumotga ega bo‘ling.
- 12 oylik bepul ofis maydoni va HR xarajatlarining qoplab berilishi kabi "Zero Risk" dasturi bilan tanishing.
- Moliyaviy, yuridik, buxgalteriya va mehnat munosabatlariga bag‘ishlangan amaliy seminarlarda ishtirok eting.
- Keyingi avlod IT mutaxassislarini tarbiyalayotgan yetakchi IT universitetlariga tashrif buyuring.
- Mamlakatning yorqin madaniyati va quyoshli jozibasini o‘zida aks ettirgan sayohatlarda ishtirok eting.

🔗 Bugunoq o‘z joyingizni band qiling!

👍 Join the Uzbekistan Offshore Outsourcing Conference

📅 February 26–27, 2025
📍 Location: Conference Hall, Ministry of Digital Technologies

We are excited to invite you to the Offshore Outsourcing Conference — your gateway to exploring Uzbekistan as the emerging global IT hub offering world-class opportunities.

Why attend?
- Learn how Uzbekistan's government leaders can support your business goals.
- Establish strategic partnerships and gain valuable insights.
- Meet HR experts and discover the skilled workforce available in Uzbekistan.
- Explore government-backed incentives as Zero Risk, which provides free office space for 12 months and HR cost reimbursements.
- Participate in workshops covering financial, legal, accounting, and labor relations.
- Visit leading IT universities shaping the next generation of specialists.
- Take guided tours to immerse yourself in the country’s vibrant culture and sunny charm.

🔗 Secure your spot now!

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“O‘zkomnazorat” inspeksiyasiga rahbar tayinlandi

O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti qarori bilan Rustamov Farrux Shoruxovich Raqamli texnologiyalar vazirligi huzuridagi Axborotlashtirish va telekommunikatsiyalar sohasida nazorat inspeksiyasi boshlig‘i lavozimiga tayinlandi.

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Unicorn Battle Tashkent 2025: Where Startups Make History

Imagine yourself standing on stage in front of some of the world’s most influential investors and tech pioneers.

You’ve got 3 minutes to share your vision—a vision that could disrupt industries and define the future.

This isn’t just a pitch.
It’s your moment to connect with the people who can make your dreams a reality.

📅 On January 29, 2025, IT Park and U-Enter will host Unicorn Battle, a global startup competition designed to showcase the best of the best.

Here’s the deal:

🔘10 startups will pitch their ideas in 3 minutes to a panel of top investors and VCs.
🔘The winning startup will secure a spot at the Unicorn CUP in San Francisco, one of the biggest stages for tech innovation in the world.
🔘50+ investors, VCs, and decision-makers will be there, ready to discover the next big thing.

And that’s just the start. You’ll also:
Explore groundbreaking AI solutions.
Join an expert-led discussion on “Investing in AI Startups – Opportunities in Emerging Markets.”
Network with founders, investors, and innovators in a relaxed, inspiring atmosphere at the networking party.

This is the place where startups connect with real opportunities. Investors, founders, innovators—it’s a melting pot of people ready to shape the future.

Don’t just dream about it—be part of it.
📍 January 29, 2025
📍 16:00
📍 U-Enter

Get the details at Unicorn.Events

This is where ideas meet action. See you there. 🚀

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Unicorn Battle Tashkent 2025: startaplar tarix yaratadigan joy

Tasavvur qiling, dunyoning eng nufuzli investorlari va texnologiya yetakchilari oldida sahnada turibsiz.

Sizda o‘z g‘oyangizni baham ko‘rish uchun atigi 3 daqiqa bor — g‘oya, bu butun sohalarni o‘zgartirishi va kelajakni belgilashi mumkin.

Bu oddiy pitch emas.
Bu sizning orzularingizni ro‘yobga chiqaradigan insonlar bilan bog‘lanish imkoniyatingizdir.

📅 2025-yil 29-yanvar kuni IT Park va U-Enter Unicorn Battle’ga mezbonlik qiladi. Bu global startap tanlovi bo‘lib, eng yaxshi g‘oyalarni namoyish etish uchun mo‘ljallangan.

Mana imkoniyatlar:

🔘 10 ta startap o‘z g‘oyalarini 3 daqiqada eng yaxshi investorlar va venchur kapitalistlar hay’ati oldida taqdim etadi.
🔘 G‘olib startap San-Fransiskodagi Unicorn CUPda qatnashish imkoniyatini qo‘lga kiritadi — bu texnologik innovatsiyalar uchun dunyoning eng katta maydonlaridan biridir.
🔘 50+ investor, venchur kapitalistlar va qaror qabul qiluvchilar yangi innovatsiyalarni kashf etishga tayyor bo‘ladi.

Bu faqat boshlanishi. Siz shuningdek:
Eng ilg‘or AI (sun’iy intellekt) yechimlarini kashf etasiz.
“AI Startaplarga Investitsiya Qilish – Rivojlanayotgan Bozorlar Imkoniyatlari” mavzusida mutaxassislar yetakchiligidagi muhokamada qatnashasiz.
Tadbirkorlar, investorlar va innovatorlar bilan ilhomlantiruvchi va samimiy tarmoq kechasida muloqot qilasiz.

Bu startaplar haqiqiy imkoniyatlar bilan bog‘lanadigan joy. Investorlar, asoschilar, innovatorlar — bu kelajakni shakllantiradigan odamlarning uchrashuv nuqtasi.

Bu faqat orzu qilish joyi emas — uning bir qismi bo‘ling.
📍 2025-yil 29-yanvar
📍 16:00
📍 U-Enter

Batafsil ma’lumot: Unicorn.Events

Bu yerda g‘oyalar harakatga aylanadi. Sizni kutamiz! 🚀

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⚡️'da temir yo‘l xizmatlari!

📱Endilikda Yuridik va jismoniy shaxslarga tegishli bo‘lgan harakatdagi temir yo‘l tarkibi hamda Temir yo‘l infratuzilmasi obyektlarini davlat ro‘yxatidan o‘tkazish va ro‘yxatdan o‘tganligi haqida guvohnoma olish tartibi osonlashdi.

💬 Harakatdagi temir yo‘l tarkibini ro‘yxatdan o‘tkazish

🚂 Mazkur xizmat orqali lokomotiv va motorvagonlar, yo‘lovchi va yuk vagonlar va maxsus harakatdagi tarkibni ro‘yxatdan o‘tkazish (qayta ro‘yxatdan o‘tkazish, ro‘yxatdan chiqarish, foydalanishni vaqtincha to‘xtatish) mumkin.

💬 Temir yo‘l infratuzilmasi obyektlarini ro‘yxatdan o‘tkazish

🛃 Ushbu xizmat orqali stansiya, bekatlar oralig‘i hamda shahobcha yo‘llarini ro‘yxatdan o‘tkazish (qayta ro‘yxatdan o‘tkazish, ro‘yxatdan chiqarish, foydalanishni vaqtincha to‘xtatish) mumkin.

💰Xizmatlardan orqali foydalanganda 10% chegirma mavjud.


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⚡️Железнодорожные услуги на!

📱Теперь упрощен порядок государственной регистрации и получения свидетельства о регистрации подвижного состава железных дорог и объектов железнодорожной инфраструктуры, принадлежащих юридическим и физическим лицам.

💬 Регистрация подвижного железнодорожного состава

🚂 С помощью данной услуги возможна регистрация (перерегистрация, снять с учета, временное прекращение использования) локомотивов и моторвагонов, пассажирских и грузовых вагонов, также специального подвижного состава.

💬 Регистрация объектов железнодорожной инфраструктуры

🛃 С помощью данной услуги возможна регистрация (перерегистрация, снятие с учета, временное прекращение использования) станций, расстояния между остановками, подъездных путей.


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