Iqtisodiyot va moliya vazirligida Koreya iqlim o‘zgarishini o‘rganish instituti (KICC) bilan issiqxona gazlari emissiyasini qisqartirish bo‘yicha xalqaro loyihalarni muhokama qilish yuzasidan uchrashuv bo‘lib o‘tdi.
A meeting was held at the Ministry of Economy and Finance with the Korea Institute of Climate Change (KICC) to discuss international projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
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Iqtisodiyot va moliya vazirligi hamda Yaponiyaning Atrof-muhit bo‘yicha xalqaro hamkorlik markazi (OECC) vakillari o‘rtasida yashil loyihalarni qo‘shma moliyalashtirish (JCM) mexanizmi doirasida hamkorlikni yanada rivojlantirish yuzasidan onlayn uchrashuv bo‘lib o‘tdi.
An online meeting was held between representatives of the Ministry of Economy and Finance and Japan's Overseas Environmental Cooperation Center (OECC) on the further development of cooperation within the joint crediting mechanism (JCM) of green projects.
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Jahon banki vakillari tomonidan Toshkentda havo sifatini baholash va yaxshilash yuzasidan olib borilgan tadqiqot va izlanishlar taqdimot qilindi hamda tashkilotning ushbu sohada Turkiya, Polsha va Qirg‘iziston davlatlaridagi investitsion loyihalari bo'yicha tajribalari muhokama qilindi.
The representatives of the World Bank presented the research and study conducted in Tashkent on the assessment and improvement of air quality, and the experiences of the organization in this field on investment projects in Turkey, Poland and Kyrgyzstan were discussed.
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Uchrashuv so‘ngida tomonlar Mamlakat diagnostika tadqiqoti yuzasidan qo‘shimcha muhokamalar o‘tkazish hamda o‘zaro amalga oshirilayotgan hamkorlik loyihalarini jadallashtirish va kengaytirishga kelishib oldi.
At the end of the meeting, the parties agreed to hold additional discussions on the Country Diagnostic Study and to accelerate and expand the mutual cooperation projects.
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Iqtisodiyot va moliya vazirligida Osiyo taraqqiyot banki vakillari bilan O‘zbekistonda issiqxona gazlari emissiyasi savdosi tizimini ishlab chiqish va uni joriy etish imkoniyatlarini o‘rganish yuzasidan muhokama bo‘lib o‘tdi.
A discussion was held at the Ministry of Economy and Finance with the representatives of the Asian Development Bank (ABD) on the development and implementation of the Emission Trading System in Uzbekistan.
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O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Iqtisodiyot va moliya vazirligi hamda Germaniya xalqaro hamkorlik jamiyati (GIZ) vakillari o‘rtasida amalga oshirilishi rejalashtirilgan “Markaziy Osiyoda iqlimga chidamli landshaftlar” loyihasi doirasida uchrashuv bo‘lib o‘tdi.
The meeting took place between the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan and representatives of the German development agency (GIZ) within the framework of the planned "Climate-Resilient Landscapes in Central Asia" project.
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Muzokaralardan koʻzlangan asosiy maqsad Oʻzbekiston hukumati hamda Osiyo taraqqiyot banki oʻrtasidagi Oʻzbekistonda iqlim oʻzgarishiga qarshi kurashish va infratuzilmani rivojlantirish sohalarida amalga oshirilayotgan ishlar, “yashil” iqtisodiyotga oʻtish va “yashil” oʻsish loyihalari hamda istiqboldagi rejalar muhokamasi boʻldi.
The main goal of the talks was to discuss the work being carried out in the fields of tackling climate change and developing infrastructure in Uzbekistan, the transition to a “green” economy and “green” growth projects, as well as future plans between the government of Uzbekistan and the Asian Development Bank.
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Uchrashuvda tomonlarning o‘zaro amalga oshirayotgan loyihalarning joriy holati, xususan tomonlarning o‘zaro hamkorligida amalga oshirilayotgan “Oʻzbekistonda xususiy sektorga ko‘mak va iqtisodiy siyosatlar boʻyicha maslahatlar” loyihasi yuzasidan amalga oshirilayotgan ishlar hamda bu boʻyicha hamkorlik yoʻnalishlari muhokama qilindi.
At the meeting, the current status of the projects implemented by the parties, in particular, the work being carried out in connection with the project “Promotion of the private sector and economic policy advice in Uzbekistan” and the directions of cooperation in this regard were discussed.
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Uchrashuvda YTTB bilan hamkorlikda amalga oshirilayotgan loyihalarning joriy holati, xususan, O‘zbekistonda metan emissiyasini qisqartirish sohasida olib borilayotgan ishlar atroflicha muhokama qilindi.
At the meeting, the current status of the projects being implemented in cooperation with EBRD, in particular, the work being carried out in the field of reducing methane emissions in Uzbekistan, was discussed in detail.
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Uchrashuvda o‘zaro hamkorlik doirasida amaldagi va kelgusidagi loyihalar, shuningdek, O‘zbekistonda Jahon bankining texnik ko‘magida amalga oshirilayotgan tahliliy tadqiqotlar muhokama qilindi.
The meeting focused on discussing current and future projects within the framework of mutual cooperation, as well as analytical studies being conducted in Uzbekistan with the World Bank's technical assistance.
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