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🤔 Xitoy eksport-import banki vakillari bilan hamkorlik istiqbollari yuzasidan fikr almashildi

Muloqot davomida tomonlar iqtisodiyot sohalarida yangi loyihalarni shakllantirish, xususan, yashil loyihalarni amalga oshirish, qishloq xo‘jaligini rivojlantirish, jumladan, sohaga zamonaviy va innovatsion texnologiyalarni jalb qilish va sug‘orish kanallarini rekonstruksiya qilish masalalarini muhokama qildi.

🇺🇿 Batafsil

🤔 Prospects for cooperation were discussed with representatives of the Export-Import Bank of China

During the discussion, the parties addressed the formation of new projects in various economic sectors, particularly the implementation of green initiatives, agricultural development, specifically the incorporation of modern and innovative technologies into the industry, and the reconstruction of irrigation canals.

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#international_cooperation #economic_growth

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🤔 Sertifikatlangan diplomli buxgalterlar xalqaro assotsiatsiyasi (ACCA) vakillari bilan uchrashuv bo‘lib o‘tdi

O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Iqtisodiyot va moliya vazirligi Sertifikatlangan diplomli buxgalterlar xalqaro assotsiatsiyasi (ACCA) bilan xalqaro standartlar asosida buxgalteriya hisobi, audit va moliya bo‘yicha malakali mutaxassislarni tayyorlash sohasida hamkorlikni davom ettirmoqda.

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🤔 A meeting was held with representatives of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)

The Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan continues to cooperate with the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) in the field of training qualified specialists in accounting, auditing and finance based on international standards.

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#international_cooperation #ACCA

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💼 Germaniyaning “Deutsche bank” banki vakillari bilan hamkorlik istibollari muhokama qilindi

Muloqot davomida tomonlar o‘zaro hamkorlik aloqalarining bugungi kundagi holati, istiqbolda hamkorlik yo‘nalishlarini aniq maqsadlar asosida va tizimli ravishda belgilab olish, innovatsion va zamonaviy dasturlarni taqdim etish masalalari muhokama qilindi.

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💼 Prospects for collaboration with representatives of Germany's Deutsche Bank were discussed

During the conversation, the parties discussed the current state of mutual cooperation, systematically defining future cooperation directions based on specific goals, presenting innovative and modern programs.

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#international_cooperation #Deutsche_Bank

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💼 Turkiyaning “BATTAL Holding” kompaniyasi vakillari bilan farmatsevtika sohasini rivojlantirish yuzasidan fikr almashildi

Muloqot davomida tomonlar sog‘liqni saqlash tizimini takomillashtirish, jumladan, farmatsevtika sohasini rivojlantirish hamda strategik dori-darmonlarni ishlab chiqarishni mahalliylashtirish, shuningdek, o‘zaro hamkorlik olib borish istiqbollarini muhokama qildi.

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💼 An exchange of views took place with representatives of the Turkish company "BATTAL Holding" regarding the development of the pharmaceutical sector

During the conversation, the parties discussed the improvement of the healthcare system, including the development of the pharmaceutical industry and the localization of strategic drug production, as well as prospects for mutual cooperation.

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#international_cooperation #health #pharmaceutical_sector

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💼 Toshkentda turk ishbilarmonlari bilan hamkorlikdagi loyihalar va ularning istiqbollari yuzasidan davra suhbati bo‘lib o‘tdi

Davra suhbatining maqsadi mamlakatimizda turk sarmoyasi ishtirokida tashkil qilingan korxonalar uchun qulay shart-sharoitlar yaratish, faoliyati davomida yuzaga kelayotgan muammoli vaziyatlarni tahlil qilish, biznes tartib-qoidalarini soddalashtirish bilan bog‘liq dolzarb masalalarni muhokama qilish va samarali yechimlarni topishga qaratilgan.

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💼 Tashkent hosted a roundtable discussion with Turkish businessmen on joint projects and their prospects

The purpose of the roundtable discussion was to create favorable conditions for enterprises established in our country with Turkish investment participation, analyze problematic situations arising during their operations, discuss pressing issues related to simplifying business regulations, and find effective solutions.

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#international_cooperation #business #discussions

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💼 O‘zbekiston hududiy rivojlanish forumi doirasida “Hududiy barqaror rivojlanishga koʻmaklashishda hukumatning roli” mavzusida plenar yig‘ilish bo‘lib o‘tdi

Muhokamalar davomida ishtirokchilar urbanizatsiya, mahalliy hokimiyat organlarining iqtlim oʻzgarishi sharoitida hududiy rivojlanishni samarali rejalashtirish va boshqaruv salohiyatini mustahkamlash mavzulari yuzasidan fikr almashdi.

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💼 A plenary session on "Government’s Role in Promoting Sustainable Territorial Development" was held as part of the Uzbekistan’s Territorial Development Forum

During the discussions, participants exchanged views on topics such as urbanization, effective planning of regional development in the context of climate change, and strengthening the managerial capacity of local authorities.

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#international_cooperation #territorial_development #master_plans #green_growth

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💼 Osiyo taraqqiyot banki vakillari bilan hududlarni barqaror rivojlantirish va urbanizatsiya jarayonlari yuzasidan fikr almashildi

Muloqot davomida tomonlar mamlakatimizda hududlarni rivojlantirish yuzasidan amalga oshirilayotgan ishlar, aholi uchun yetarli ish o‘rinlarini yaratish, sifatli ta’lim uchun imkoniyat yaratish maqsadida urbanizatsiya jarayonlarini jadallashtirish, resurslarni samarali boshqarish masalalarini muhokama qildilar.

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💼 Discussions were held with representatives of the Asian Development Bank regarding sustainable regional development and urbanization processes

During the dialogue, the parties discussed ongoing efforts for regional development in our country, acceleration of urbanization processes to create sufficient job opportunities for the population, provide access to quality education, focusing on effective resource management.

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#international_cooperation #urbanization #master_plans #green_growth

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💼 Turkiyaning “Studio Verebra” kompaniyasi vakillari bilan master-rejalarni ishlab chiqish yuzasidan fikr almashildi

Muhokamalar davomida tomonlar O‘zbekistonda hududlarni ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy jihatdan rivojlantirish, xususan, tumanlar va shaharlarning geografik joylashuvi, tabiiy-iqlimiy sharoiti, iqtisodiy salohiyati va urbanizatsion imkoniyatlarini inobatga olgan holda uzoq muddatli rivojlanish modelini ishlab chiqish masalalarini muhokama qildi.

🇺🇿 Batafsil

💼 Views were exchanged with representatives of the Turkish company "Studio Verebra" regarding the development of master plans

During the discussions, the parties addressed issues concerning the socio-economic development of regions in Uzbekistan. Specifically, they focused on developing a long-term development model for districts and cities, taking into account its geographical location, natural and climatic conditions, economic potential, and urbanization opportunities.

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#international_cooperation #territorial_development #master_plans

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💼 Buyuk Britaniyaning “Benoy” kompaniyasi vakillari bilan urbanizatsiya jarayonlari yuzasidan fikr almashildi

Muloqot davomida tomonlar zamonaviy urbanizatsiya talablariga javob beradigan shahar infratuzilmasini rivojlantirish, mahalliy va xalqaro tajribalarni uyg‘unlashtirgan holda master-rejalarni shakllantirish masalalarini batafsil muhokama qildi.

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💼 Views on urbanization processes were exchanged with representatives of the British company Benoy

During the discussion, the parties thoroughly examined issues related to developing urban infrastructure that meets modern urbanization requirements, formulating master plans that integrate local and international experiences.

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#international_cooperation #urban_planning #master_plans

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💠 “Gürok Holding” kompaniyasi bilan zargarlik sohasini rivojlantirish yuzasidan fikr almashildi

Muhokamalar davomida tomonlar O‘zbekistonda zargarlik sanoatini rivojlantirish, zargarlik buyumlarini ishlab chiqarishda yangi texnologiyalarni tatbiq etish, xalqaro standartlarga javob beradigan mahsulotlar ishlab chiqarish hamda ushbu sohada yangi loyihalarni ishlab chiqish masalalarini muhokama qildi.

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💠 Views were exchanged on developing the jewelry industry with "Gürok Holding" company

During the conversation, the parties deliberated on developing the jewelry industry in Uzbekistan, implementing new technologies in jewelry production, manufacturing products that meet international standards, and creating new projects in this sector.

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#international_cooperation #jewelry

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💠 Rossiya Federatsiyasining Davlat ro‘yxatidan o‘tkazish, kadastr va kartografiya federal xizmati vakillari bilan kadastr tizimini rivojlantirish yuzasidan fikr almashildi

Muloqot davomida tomonlar mamlakatimizda kadastr sohasini rivojlantirish, xususan, davlat kadastr baholash tizimini joriy etish, ushbu yo‘nalishda texnik hamkorlik olib borish, sohada raqamlashtirish jarayonlarini jadallashtirish masalalari muhokama qilindi.

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💠 Views were exchanged on the development of the cadastral system with representatives of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography of the Russian Federation

During the meeting, the parties discussed the development of the cadastral sector in our country, particularly the implementation of a state cadastral valuation system, technical cooperation in this field, acceleration of digitalization processes in the sector.

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#international_cooperation #cadastre

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