⚡ Меня номинировали на международную премию «За мир и права человека» ❗️
🕊 Премия учреждена Международным благотворительным фондом имени Эмиля Чечко. Она объединяет людей, которые не боятся говорить правду!
👥 Польский рядовой 11-го Мазурского артиллерийского полка 16-й Поморской механизированной дивизии имени короля Казимира Эмиль Чечко пересек границу с Беларусью 16 декабря 2021 года и попросил политического убежища. В Беларуси Эмиль Чечко обратился в Гаагский трибунал с прошением о возбуждении дела за преступления против человечности в отношении Польши и Литвы за действия против беженцев.
😱 Он рассказывал о десятках убитых им людей.
По его словам, стрелять в мигрантов его вынуждали польские пограничники. Их приказы Чечко, по его словам, выполнял под угрозой смерти.
17 марта 2022 года милиция обнаружила Эмиля Чечко по месту его проживания в Минске повешенным.
❗️ Как человек, всю свою жизнь посвятивший борьбе за свободу слова, я считаю, что каждый гражданин - будь-то в исторических регионах России или в Европе - имеет право знать правду, не искаженную дезинформацией и манипуляцией.
🔥 Вручение премии состоится в Минске 11 ноября.
Несмотря на напряженный график, планирую лично приехать на мероприятие. Тем более, там обещают быть правозащитники, деятели культуры и науки, журналисты из Польши, Венгрии, Великобритании, Сербии, Франции, Австрии, США, Австралии, Казахстана, Германии и других стран.
👍 А это шанс обменяться опытом с теми, кто находит силы и мужество защищать права и свободы простых людей, несмотря на всю грязь, что льется с экранов и страниц западных СМИ.
🕊 Премия учреждена Международным благотворительным фондом имени Эмиля Чечко. Она объединяет людей, которые не боятся говорить правду!
😱 Он рассказывал о десятках убитых им людей.
По его словам, стрелять в мигрантов его вынуждали польские пограничники. Их приказы Чечко, по его словам, выполнял под угрозой смерти.
17 марта 2022 года милиция обнаружила Эмиля Чечко по месту его проживания в Минске повешенным.
❗️ Как человек, всю свою жизнь посвятивший борьбе за свободу слова, я считаю, что каждый гражданин - будь-то в исторических регионах России или в Европе - имеет право знать правду, не искаженную дезинформацией и манипуляцией.
🔥 Вручение премии состоится в Минске 11 ноября.
Несмотря на напряженный график, планирую лично приехать на мероприятие. Тем более, там обещают быть правозащитники, деятели культуры и науки, журналисты из Польши, Венгрии, Великобритании, Сербии, Франции, Австрии, США, Австралии, Казахстана, Германии и других стран.
👍 А это шанс обменяться опытом с теми, кто находит силы и мужество защищать права и свободы простых людей, несмотря на всю грязь, что льется с экранов и страниц западных СМИ.
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Media Малькевич 🇷🇺
⚡ Меня номинировали на международную премию «За мир и права человека» ❗️
🕊 Премия учреждена Международным благотворительным фондом имени Эмиля Чечко. Она объединяет людей, которые не боятся говорить правду!
👥 Польский рядовой 11-го Мазурского артиллерийского…
🕊 Премия учреждена Международным благотворительным фондом имени Эмиля Чечко. Она объединяет людей, которые не боятся говорить правду!
👥 Польский рядовой 11-го Мазурского артиллерийского…
Media is too big
Александр Малькевич - номинирован на премию «За мир и права человека»!, которая состоится в Минске 11 ноября!
Добро пожаловать в Минск!
Александр Малькевич - номинирован на премию «За мир и права человека»!, которая состоится в Минске 11 ноября!
Добро пожаловать в Минск!
Media is too big
ДРАГАНА ТРИФКОВИЧ - Политик, общественный деятель и публицист (СЕРБИЯ)
Dear friends, I will soon be in Minsk on the occasion of the awarding of the International Peace and Human Rights Awards for 2024.
It is a great honor for me to be among the nominees for this prestigious award and especially to be among the names of real fighters for a better future
The International Peace and Human Rights Award 2024 ceremony will be held on November 11 this year in the capital of Belarus, where the organizers will recognize outstanding individuals who have made a significant contribution to peace and human rights around the world.
The organizer of this event is the International Charitable Foundation Emil Čečko, which was registered in 2022 in Belarus with the aim of performing charitable activities, as well as supporting social, cultural, educational and other socially beneficial programs and initiatives.
The nominees for this prestigious award are prominent politicians who are not afraid to take responsibility for peace initiatives and human rights reform, brave journalists who have dedicated their careers to uncovering the truth and fighting for freedom of speech.
Greetings to everyone and follow the news from the ceremony for the awarding of the International Peace and Human Rights Awards for 2024.
ДРАГАНА ТРИФКОВИЧ - Политик, общественный деятель и публицист (СЕРБИЯ)
Dear friends, I will soon be in Minsk on the occasion of the awarding of the International Peace and Human Rights Awards for 2024.
It is a great honor for me to be among the nominees for this prestigious award and especially to be among the names of real fighters for a better future
The International Peace and Human Rights Award 2024 ceremony will be held on November 11 this year in the capital of Belarus, where the organizers will recognize outstanding individuals who have made a significant contribution to peace and human rights around the world.
The organizer of this event is the International Charitable Foundation Emil Čečko, which was registered in 2022 in Belarus with the aim of performing charitable activities, as well as supporting social, cultural, educational and other socially beneficial programs and initiatives.
The nominees for this prestigious award are prominent politicians who are not afraid to take responsibility for peace initiatives and human rights reform, brave journalists who have dedicated their careers to uncovering the truth and fighting for freedom of speech.
Greetings to everyone and follow the news from the ceremony for the awarding of the International Peace and Human Rights Awards for 2024.
ЯРОСЛАВ АВГУСТЫНЯК - общественный деятель и публицист (ПОЛЬША)
My dears... I'm going to the free world for a few days! I'm going at the invitation of the Emil Czeczko Foundation for Peace and Human Rights. I'm one of the nominees for the foundation's annual award for peace and human rights.
Where will it be? I'm going to our closest neighbors, the Belarusians. To a country that has been the target of constant persecution and hostile actions by Polish-speaking authorities since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Hostile actions, interference in the internal affairs of this country in order to change the local government and open this country to the sale of assets to the West, leading, like in Poland, to the loss of sovereignty by this country.
Exactly as it happened in Poland after 1989, when the so-called new elites in Poland plundered and sold our national assets. These hostile actions take various forms. From supporting the local, often just like the Polish elites, anti-Belarusian so-called opposition, to financing various groups or individuals hostile to their country, or anti-Belarusian television, with its anti-Belarusian propaganda, created in Poland with Polish taxpayers' money.
Yes, yes I am going to this terrible regime, in which, to the indignation of the degenerate West, there are still only two genders, and traditional values, including family, remain under the protection of the state.
Among the nominees for the award are many distinguished figures. I will not mention all of them here. They include Australian journalist Julian Assange, a political prisoner of the West, recently released from prison, where he was held for his honest journalistic work. Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs Péter Szijjártó or the leader of the new German left-wing party, Sarah Wagenknecht. And many, many other wonderful, although not as well-known people, who do no less important and useful work for human rights and peace in the world in their countries.
In Europe, among the European elites, peace is not popular. Europe, the NATO-affiliated one, and the United States with it, are waging a proxy war with Russia, at the hands of the Ukrainian regime and at the cost of the lives of Ukrainian citizens. Just talking about peace is the only way to achieve peace in this Europe, where more weapons and deaths are supposed to lead to “Russia’s strategic defeat.” Everything else is “supporting Russian aggression.” Apart from a few exceptions, such as the attitude of Hungary or Slovakia, the rest of the European so-called elites want to continue the war, regardless of the threat of a nuclear conflict, in order to maintain their dominance over the world and satisfy their greed.
Belarus, which was extremely hard hit by World War II, and whose society is exceptionally peaceful towards all its neighbors and the whole world, is the perfect place to organize such events. One only needs to recall Belarus’ role in concluding the Minsk agreements, cynically exploited by the West to prepare Ukraine for the war with Russia it needed. I am very proud to be in this company and I hope to use my time in Belarus to establish and strengthen people-to-people ties and work with like-minded Belarusians for peace and human rights.
Let's be together, because only together can we at least try to oppose militarism and war, which people who are hungry for money and power over the world want to impose on us.
ЯРОСЛАВ АВГУСТЫНЯК - общественный деятель и публицист (ПОЛЬША)
My dears... I'm going to the free world for a few days! I'm going at the invitation of the Emil Czeczko Foundation for Peace and Human Rights. I'm one of the nominees for the foundation's annual award for peace and human rights.
Where will it be? I'm going to our closest neighbors, the Belarusians. To a country that has been the target of constant persecution and hostile actions by Polish-speaking authorities since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Hostile actions, interference in the internal affairs of this country in order to change the local government and open this country to the sale of assets to the West, leading, like in Poland, to the loss of sovereignty by this country.
Exactly as it happened in Poland after 1989, when the so-called new elites in Poland plundered and sold our national assets. These hostile actions take various forms. From supporting the local, often just like the Polish elites, anti-Belarusian so-called opposition, to financing various groups or individuals hostile to their country, or anti-Belarusian television, with its anti-Belarusian propaganda, created in Poland with Polish taxpayers' money.
Yes, yes I am going to this terrible regime, in which, to the indignation of the degenerate West, there are still only two genders, and traditional values, including family, remain under the protection of the state.
Among the nominees for the award are many distinguished figures. I will not mention all of them here. They include Australian journalist Julian Assange, a political prisoner of the West, recently released from prison, where he was held for his honest journalistic work. Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs Péter Szijjártó or the leader of the new German left-wing party, Sarah Wagenknecht. And many, many other wonderful, although not as well-known people, who do no less important and useful work for human rights and peace in the world in their countries.
In Europe, among the European elites, peace is not popular. Europe, the NATO-affiliated one, and the United States with it, are waging a proxy war with Russia, at the hands of the Ukrainian regime and at the cost of the lives of Ukrainian citizens. Just talking about peace is the only way to achieve peace in this Europe, where more weapons and deaths are supposed to lead to “Russia’s strategic defeat.” Everything else is “supporting Russian aggression.” Apart from a few exceptions, such as the attitude of Hungary or Slovakia, the rest of the European so-called elites want to continue the war, regardless of the threat of a nuclear conflict, in order to maintain their dominance over the world and satisfy their greed.
Belarus, which was extremely hard hit by World War II, and whose society is exceptionally peaceful towards all its neighbors and the whole world, is the perfect place to organize such events. One only needs to recall Belarus’ role in concluding the Minsk agreements, cynically exploited by the West to prepare Ukraine for the war with Russia it needed. I am very proud to be in this company and I hope to use my time in Belarus to establish and strengthen people-to-people ties and work with like-minded Belarusians for peace and human rights.
Let's be together, because only together can we at least try to oppose militarism and war, which people who are hungry for money and power over the world want to impose on us.
Jadę na Białoruś
Zostałem zaproszony na Białoruś przez Fundację na rzecz pokoju i praw człowieka im. Emila Czeczko.
Первая группа номинантов и гостей премии #ЗаМИРиПРАВАЧЕЛОВЕКА отправились в ТЦ "Первый национальный торговый дом". В нем представлены товары из разных регинов Беларуси, а так как наши гости живо интересуются культурой и жизнью страны - это лучший вариант для посещения.
Forwarded from Dmitriy Beliakou
Последние приготовления перед церемонией.
Forwarded from Dmitriy Beliakou
Первый номинанты премии - Драгана Трифкович, общественный деятель, Сербия.
Forwarded from Dmitriy Beliakou
Номинирована Екатерина Дашевская - общественный деятель, Россия.