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🇬🇧Poturaev: Bill 8371 will be “enhanced” with Kniazhytsky’s and SBU’s drafts 🇺🇦Потураєв: Законопроєкт №8371 «підсилять» положеннями Княжицького і СБУ
The relevant committee of the Verkhovna Rada has already agreed on two packages of amendments to tighten the anti-church bill.

In preparation for the second reading of the government bill No. 8371 aimed at prohibiting the UOC, its provisions are being strengthened with elements from alternative legislative initiatives. This was reported by the head of the parliamentary committee on humanitarian and information policy, Mykyta Poturaev, in a comment to pravda.com.ua.
He stated that the committee had already approved two sets of amendments.
"The first one partially considers 'Kniazhytsky's project,' but only in relation to the definitions of the ROC and similar matters, without 'the state OCU'," the MP told the publication. "The second package relates to simplifying the procedures for transitioning between different jurisdictions. For example, monasteries will be able to transition based on their own decision without the consent of diocesan bishops or the UOC Synod. Moreover, they want to integrate the provisions of yet another alternative project, humorously referred to by deputies as 'Maliuk's bill,' named after the head of the SBU."
Poturaev mentioned that the committee is considering that a consolidated text of the draft law may be developed by the end of November or the beginning of December.
As reported by the UOJ, draft law No. 8221 authored by the MP from "European Solidarity," Mykola Kniazhytsky, proposes to prohibit the activities of religious organizations on the territory of Ukraine that are part of the structure of the ROC or subordinate to it in canonical, organizational, and other matters. Additionally, according to the document, only religious organizations that are subordinate to the OCU can use the words "Orthodox" or "Orthodox Church" in their names.
Draft law No. 10126, initiated by the head of the SBU, envisages the liquidation of religious organizations through the court in case their representatives commit crimes under articles related to "war propaganda," "incitement to interreligious discord," "terrorism," "planning, preparation, unleashing, and waging of an aggressive war," "violations of the laws and customs of war," "genocide," and "mercenary activities." The author of the project is Mykyta Poturaev.
The UOJ also reported that MPs introduced 1,200 amendments to draft law No. 8371.

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🇬🇧OCCzLS Synod criticizes Kyiv for repressions against UOC 🇺🇦Синод Чехословацької Церкви розкритикував Київ за репресії проти УПЦ
The bishops declared the inadmissibility of persecution by the Ukrainian authorities against the clergy and believers of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.
On November 9, 2023, a meeting of the Synod took place in the Orthodox Church of the Czech Lands and Slovakia, according to the official website of the OCCzLS.
One of the decisions of the Synod was dedicated to the persecution by the Ukrainian authorities of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.
The resolutions state that the Synod members got familiar with the "illegal actions of the current Ukrainian government against the clergy and believers of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church."
"Taking this into account, members of the Holy Synod expressed solidarity with the persecuted and suffering. They strongly remind that in a free and democratic society, violations of fundamental human and civil rights and restrictions on freedom of religion are unacceptable. Any form of intimidation, coercion, and persecution is inappropriate, unjustified, and unacceptable," the resolution said.
Earlier, the UOJ wrote that the Serbian Church called on world institutions to put an end to persecutions against the UOC.

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On 17 November, the UN Security Council held a meeting dedicated to the religious freedom in Ukraine. Ilze Brands Kehris, United Nations Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights in the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), stressed the "inadequacy" of the response of Ukrainian law enforcement agencies to the protection of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church members. This is stated in the final press release of the meeting.

"OHCHR monitors the situation with religious freedom throughout Ukraine, both in the territory controlled by the Ukrainian government and in the territory occupied by the Russian Federation." Tensions between the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, including over land and building ownership increased following the Russian Federation’s full-scale armed attack in February 2022.

"In a number of cases, this tension was noted in violent incidents," she said.

"These tensions have affected freedom of religion in the territory controlled by the Government of Ukraine," she said, noting that since February 2022, OHCHR has documented 10 cases of physical violence and 6 cases of threatened violence resulting from disputes between parishioners of different Orthodox comminities.

"Regrettably, Ukrainian law enforcement’s response in these cases has been inadequate, failing to sufficiently investigate incidents and take action to protect members of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church," said Ilze Brands Kehris.


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The head of "Public Advocacy" informed the UN about the beating of clerics and believers in Cherkasy and other repressions against the UOC.
At the 16th session of the UN Forum on Minority Issues, representatives of "Public Advocacy", a human rights organisation with consultative status under UN ECOSOC, discussed the problem of the of the UOC believers and clerics rights violations with UN officials whose mandate is to address violations of the rights of ethnic, national and religious communities, the Protiktor website reported.
It is reported that the forum was attended by the President of the UN Human Rights Council H.E. Václav Bálek, the UN Special Rapporteur on minority issues Mr. Nicolas Levrat, representatives of international organisations and the human rights community.
The human rights defenders discussed the prospects of filing individual complaints about violations of the rights of UOC believers with special international procedures.
The head of NGO "Public Advocacy" Oleg Denisov, commenting on the work during the forum, said: "We are trying to attract maximum attention of the international community to such problems as the law on the ban of the UOC, the law on renaming, the adoption by local authorities of mass decisions on seizure of land plots from UOC organisations, criminal proceedings opened against UOC believers".
According to him, a special emphasis on the discussion of violations of the rights of the UOC believers was made on the case of violence on 20 November 2023 during the seizure of the buildings of the Nativity of the Mother of God Monastery in Cherkassy.
"The believers were again beaten, as it is assumed - by representatives of law enforcement agencies. Now work is being done to fix evidence of offences and as soon as this evidence is sufficient for international work - we will ensure both the submission of legal documents to international procedures for the protection of human rights and the appropriate media publicity of this case," Denisov said.

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🇬🇧Amsterdam: Destruction of UOC is US policy 🇺🇦Знищення УПЦ – це політика США, – Амстердам
An American lawyer said that Bartholomew, Poroshenko and Pompeo negotiated among themselves to change the church life of Ukraine.
American lawyer Robert Amsterdam said in an interview with Alexander Shelesta's YouTube channel that the processes to destroy the UOC were initiated by the US authorities back under the Trump presidency.
"We learned last week from Robert Destro, Assistant Secretary of State under Trump, that it was a US policy to destroy the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, to reduce its influence and role in Ukraine," Amsterdam said.
According to him, this explains the huge amount of black PR that has been spread about the Church.
Amsterdam says this was possible because of the position of Patriarch Bartholomew, who "has allowed himself to be an instrument of US policy." Asked how the head of the Phanar is viewed by Americans, the lawyer said, "Nobody in the US knows Patriarch Bartholomew, except for people in the State Department."
He claims that Pat. Bartholomew, then President Poroshenko and Secretary of State Pompeo negotiated the dramatic changes in the life of the Church in Ukraine.
"And they were criticized for it," Amsterdam said, stressing that the state should stay out of the Church, and such behavior is illegal for representatives of America and contrary to the Ukrainian Constitution.
As earlier reported, Amsterdam intends to meet in Kyiv with members of the UOC Synod and the government.

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🇬🇧Denisov at UN: UOJ journalists will be on ‘Prisoners of Conscience’ list 🇺🇦Журналісти СПЖ будуть включені до списку «В'язнів совісті», – Денисов в ООН
International legal protection will be organized for those who have been arrested for their views in connection with journalistic activities.
The head of the international human rights organization NGO Public Advocacy, Oleg Denisov, stated that on April 2, during the 55th session of the UN Human Rights Council, facts of persecution of the UOJ and "Pershy Kozatsky" journalists were voiced.
The lawyer stressed that international legal protection will be organized for those who have been arrested for their views in connection with journalistic activities.
"The people named by the UOC speakers today will be included by us in the list of prisoners of conscience – people who are persecuted on religious grounds," said the head of the human rights organization.
Denisov spoke about a number of difficulties that need to be overcome to prove at the international level that Orthodox journalists were detained precisely for their professional activities. In particular, the prosecution does not disclose all the details of their charges before the trial.
"However, considering that UOJ and 'Pershy Kozatsky' have long covered violations of the rights of UOC believers, we will find grounds to monitor these cases and constantly raise the question of why these people were arrested. We will also monitor the conditions of their detention, and in case of evidence of violations, file complaints with international bodies."
As the UOJ reported, the arrest of Orthodox journalists was reported at UN.


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◾️On June 16, in Svityaz, there was an attempt to start the process of raider seizure of the UOC Peter and Paul Monastery.

In the local house of culture, a "meeting of the religious community regarding the transition to the OCU" was announced.

At this meeting, as usual, a territorial community was convened, which has nothing to do with the parishioners and brethren of the monastery.
However, the criminals who organized these meetings miscalculated cruelly.

The abbot of the monastery with the brethren also came to visit this event. Archimandrite Arseniy urged residents not to succumb to provocations on religious grounds and, instead of division, to unite around the defense of Ukraine.
102 participants voted for the "transition to the OCU", and 249 voted against. That is, even the territorial community opposed the raider seizure of the shrine.

The OCU cleric after seeing the result immediately left the without waiting for the final. He did not offer his activists any option for further organization.


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🇬🇧Philosopher explains how government's attack on UOC creates internal strife 🇺🇦Філософ розповів, як влада, атакуючи УПЦ, формує внутрішній розкол
Andriy Baumeister stated that the actions of the authorities are not aimed at consolidating society.
In an interview with the opposition Russian publication 'Meduza', Ukrainian philosopher Andriy Baumeister noted that Ukraine, which respects personality and human dignity in its struggle against totalitarian Russia, would be stronger than a Ukraine that violates fundamental freedoms and human dignity.
"Who said that in war one needs to steal? Who said that in war one needs to fight against the church?" Baumeister asked rhetorically, pointing out that the number of political prisoners and prisoners of conscience in Ukraine has increased during the warfare.
Criticizing the actions of the authorities, the philosopher said that because of this, "Ukrainian society is not being formed as a united one – there is a great internal division, persecution of dissidents, attacks on business and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. All this is not aimed at consolidating society in a situation of danger."


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🇬🇧Ex-MP suggests swapping "price" for UOC priests 🇺🇦Екснардеп назвав «ціну», за якою можна обмінювати священників УПЦ у РФ
Former SBU officer proposed exchanging convicted UOC priests for Ukrainian fighters with Russia.
Former SBU officer and ex-MP Ivan Stupak suggested in an interview with Channel 24 on August 28, 2024, that imprisoned Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) priests could be used as valuable bargaining chips for exchanges with Russia. Stupak proposed that 25 such convicted priests might serve as significant leverage for negotiating the release of Ukrainian fighters, including those from the Azov Battalion.
According to Stupak, previous exchange experiences have demonstrated that Russia places high value on retrieving its priests. For instance, he noted that in Luhansk Oblast, one UOC priest was exchanged for 47 Ukrainian captives.
“If the Russians see a need for these priests, we might start negotiations not on a 1-to-1 basis, but rather 1-to-3 or 1-to-5. This is war; we’re trying to sell the 'goods' that we don’t need but are valuable to the Russians at a higher price,” Stupak emphasized.
He also mentioned that among the prisoners in Ukraine, there is a "Russian cleric" who, according to "church canons, is equivalent to at least an FSB colonel."


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