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Who is shelling the largest nuclear power plant in Europe and who benefits from it?

'Zaporozhskaya nuclear power facility shelling poses a threat to the entire world,' said US military analyst Scott Ritter.


Кто обстреливает самую крупную в Европе атомную электростанцию и кому это выгодно? #английский 🇬🇧
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The situation at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) has been discussed at the UN Security Council meeting convened on the initiative of Russia.

Urgent measures are required. However, a consensus has yet to be reached. Moscow is waiting for the IAEA commission to arrive at the NPP and expects the visit to take place before the end of August. Ensuring the safety of a nuclear power plant - what could be more important?


Ситуацию на Запорожской АЭС обсудили на заседании Совбеза ООН, созванного по инициативе России. #английский 🇬🇧