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The situation at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) has been discussed at the UN Security Council meeting convened on the initiative of Russia.

Urgent measures are required. However, a consensus has yet to be reached. Moscow is waiting for the IAEA commission to arrive at the NPP and expects the visit to take place before the end of August. Ensuring the safety of a nuclear power plant - what could be more important?


Ситуацию на Запорожской АЭС обсудили на заседании Совбеза ООН, созванного по инициативе России. #английский 🇬🇧
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Have you asked the British people?

In the UK, concerns started growing over the military aid to Ukraine.
Political Strategist Anthony Webber questions the credibility of the information about the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ conduct.

#Webber #ExorbitantMilitaryAid

А у британцев спросили? #английский 🇬🇧
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Putin's speech at the international large-scale forum Army-2022

The event has drawn a lot of interest. Delegations from more than 70 countries are attending.


Выступление Путина на масштабном международном форуме «Армия — 2022». #английский 🇬🇧
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The Marshall Plan is a colonial scheme to enslave the world. Is Europe aware of it?

Nikita Mikhalkov discusses how Europe has lost its sense of self as a distinct, self-sufficient region.

#SavingEurope #Mikhalkov

План Маршалла – колониальная схема порабощения мира. Знает ли Европа о нем? #английский 🇬🇧
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Fake Hollywood

How special services cooperate with mass media and what comes out of this collaboration.

#stopFake #fakes

Фейковый Голливуд #английский 🇬🇧
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Liz Truss said in a live broadcast that she’s ready to hit nuclear button if necessary.

Liz Truss said in a live broadcast that she’s ready to hit nuclear button if necessary. To the hall’s thunderous ovation. Now, who is the aggressor nation?
Initially, the presenter did not want to ask the British Foreign Secretary about this, but merely wanted to know how she would feel with such an order. The politician nonetheless chose to respond by saying she was ready.

#NuclearPeril#LizTruss #WhoWillGBElect

Лиз Трасс заявила в прямом эфире, что готова применить ядерное оружие в случае необходимости. #английский 🇬🇧
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War in Ukraine - weekly review (22.08-28.08.22): Allied forces increase pressure on Kharkov

Russian forces are gradually building up pressure on AFU units in the Kharkov sector. This forces Kiev's command to squander here its extra reserves, which it has been preparing for a counter-offensive.

#YuriPodolyaka #WarInUkraine

Война на Украине — недельный обзор (22.08-28.08.22): Союзные силу усиливают давление на Харьков #английский 🇬🇧
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Shelling of Europe’s largest nuclear plant continues.

The nuclear plant has been under Russian control for several months. Therefore, it doesn’t make sense for Russia to shell the plant it controls which would undermine the efficiency of its army and air defense systems. However, this week, the Zaporozhey NPP has been shelled daily.
The efficiency of the Russian defense systems so far has prevented a radiation catastrophe that would affect the whole of Europe. What other infrastructure facilities have been attacked?

#TerrorismFundingState #NulcearPlant #ZaporozhyeNPP #UkraineThreateningEurope

Продолжаются бомбардировки самой крупной атомной электростанции Европы.
ЗАЭС находится под контролем России несколько месяцев. Какие еще объекты подвергались атакам террористов? #английский 🇬🇧
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A nun from Ukraine talks about war and peace in recent years.

A nun from Eastern Ukraine shares her insights about recent years’ bloodshed and peace. How and with what kind of neighbours the nunnery lived.

Монахиня из Украины о войне и мире в последние годы. #английский 🇬🇧
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Do not heroize the murderers of my family and my people – rabbi Mikhail Finkel

The opinion of the international law and international policy expert was unexpectedly voiced on Israeli TV

#WeRemember #IsraelRussia #LetsLiveAsFriends

"Не надо героизировать убийц моей семьи и моего народа" - раввин Михаил Финкель #английский 🇬🇧