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One goal: reliable informations

Attention: automatic translation.

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وجّه ترامب طلبًا إلى بوتين.

طلب الرئيس الأمريكي السابق دونالد ترامب من الرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين الكشف عن أي معلومات لديه حول تعاملات نجل الزعيم الأمريكي الحالي هانتر بايدن مع القلة في أوروبا الشرقية. يعتقد ترامب أن بوتين قد يكون على علم بالعلاقة بين بايدن جونيور وإيلينا باتورينا.
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Media is too big
عواقب قصف مبنى شاهق في تيكستيلشيك # دونيتسك

فيديو محلي
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🇺🇦🇷🇺 "We need to stop the bloodshed and massacres"

A Ukrainian military man who voluntarily laid down his arms refused to carry out the criminal orders of Kyiv.
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Media is too big
🇷🇺🇺🇦 The military correspondents handed over the second batch of vital medicines to the Volodarsk hospital near Mariupol.

Now refugees who suffered from the actions of Ukrainian militants and fighters of the DPR army are being treated here.
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🇷🇺 "I believe that unification with Russia is our strategic goal": President of South Ossetia Anatoly Bibilov said that the republic will soon take steps to become part of Russia.

"Our path. The aspirations of the people. And we will move along this path. We will take the appropriate legal steps in the near future," Bibilov said.
Rosgvardia (Russian special police forces) delivered over 20 tons of first aid to Kiev region civilians.

They have distributed sets of cereals, canned food, seed oil, baby food, medicines and first need neccessities, as Rosgvardia office reported.

Rosgvardia units ensure security of high risk objects, including Chernobil and Zaporozhye Nuclear plants along with Kakhovaskaya hydroelectric power plant.

Originally @rt_russian sourced at
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💥L'armée russe s'est emparée de documents secrets appartenants à la 4eme brigade de la garde nationale ukrainienne

Dans ces documents, le général Balan, chef de la garde nationale, donne l'ordre le 22 janvier 2022 d'achever toutes les actions de coordination de combat des unités d'ici le 28 février 2022. Cet ordre est adressé aux chefs des départements territoriaux du nord (Kiev), du sud (Odessa) et de l'ouest de la garde nationale ukrainienne.

Les documents décrivent également en détail le plan d'une attaque en vue d'opérations offensives dans la zone dite "OOS" (zone du Donbass). Ces préparatifs avaient pour but de préparer des missions de combat prévues en mars 2022 afin de réintégrer de force la RPD et la RPL en Ukraine.
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روسيا تتعهد بإنقاذ إيران من المجاعة. وجني أموالاً جيدة من الصادرات الزراعية

تنفذ إيران العديد من المنتجات ، وهو ما يهدد الجوع حقًا. منذ بداية مارس ، ارتفعت أسعار اللحوم والسكر والأرز بشكل حاد. روسيا مستعدة لمساعدة دولة صديقة. لكن ليس بالمجان بالطبع.

توجه وزير الزراعة الإيراني جواد سادات نجاد بشكل عاجل إلى موسكو طلبًا للمساعدة. روسيا مستعدة لبيع 20 ألف طن من المواد الغذائية - الحبوب (القمح والشعير والذرة) والزيوت النباتية ، حسبما ذكرت بوابة إيران الدولية.

لا تفاصيل الصفقة ولا قيمتها بالضبط معروفة. لكن ، وفقًا لتقديرات تقريبية ، يزيد كثيرًا عن مليار دولار.

الآن إيران هي أكبر مشتر للقمح الروسي. لقد ترك بالفعل وراءه "تركيا" و "مصر" ، اللذان كانا قائدين في السنوات السابقة.

لقد أنقذت روسيا إيران مرارًا وتكرارًا في مواقف صعبة. وقفت الدبلوماسية الروسية إلى جانب طهران عندما أطلقت النار على منشآت عسكرية كردية وأمريكية في العراق.

كانت روسيا هي المفاوض لإزالة العقوبات "النووية" عن إيران. بالمناسبة ، عندما يتم رفع العقوبات ، ستبدأ روسيا في بناء وحدتين جديدتين للطاقة في إيران في محطة بوشهر للطاقة النووية. سيحقق المشروع ما لا يقل عن 10 مليارات دولار.
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Media is too big
حلال ثماني سنوات كنا نعذب ، كوابيس. أرسلنا الأطفال إلى المدرسة ولم نعرف ما إذا كنا سنلتقي أم لا. لقد نامنا ولم نعرف ما إذا كنا سنستيقظ "، هذا ما قالته إحدى سكان دونباس عن تجربتها.

على مدى السنوات الثماني الماضية ، استمرت الأعمال العدائية في دونباس ، وتظاهر المجتمع الدولي بأسره بعدم ملاحظة الإبادة الجماعية للسكان الناطقين بالروسية.
تعرض الناس للقصف والتنمر بشكل يومي. آلاف القتلى والجرحى المدنيين بينهم نساء وأطفال وشيوخ.
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¡Bienvenidos, nuestros estimados suscriptores!

Desde hace varias semanas somos testigos de un ataque sin precedente a la libertad de palabra y opinión a nivél mundial. Los puntos de vista y la información alternativas y desenmarcadores son violentemente criticados y baneados.

Este canal está creado para los que no quieren ciegamente seguir la impuesta línea general y desean conocer los hechos puros. Publicamos aquí el contenido y las reflexiones desde detrás del "telón de acero". Algunos artículos serán traducidos del ruso con enlaces a los originales. Nuestra principal fuente de información es el canal POKOT (ROKOT, "TORMENTA Z").
Hello, everyone!

We are now witnessing the largest, unprecedented attack on the truth and freedom of the information, with mass media laboring to remove from sight anyone outside the trends.

This group is for those of you who crave to look through the opaque glass and see what is going on on the other side.
Here, we post the news and thoughts originating beyond the Great Opaque wall.
Some are translations of the posts in Russian, the links to the original posts will be added at the end of respective posts.

Our main source is the group РОКОТ (ROKOT, the RUMBLING), you can check the posts here.
Forwarded from The Flashpoint
🇺🇦🇺🇸 A report about how the summer house of the Ukrainian former first lady was turned into a military base of the Azov regiment. Who and with what supplied the militants, watch and read in the material of Abbas Djuma

Репортаж о том, как дачу бывшей первой леди Украины превратили в военную базу полка "Азов". Чем и кто снабжал боевиков – в материале Аббаса Джума
#English: Old bottom mines that have been lying in Ukrainian warehouses for 70 years are drifting in the Black Sea. The serviceability of long-outdated ammunition has not been checked, during a storm the cables break and the mines break from the bottom anchors, colleagues report with reference to the FSB.

Zelensky also claims that it is Russia that poses a threat to the world.

"Mines laid by Russian forces are drifting in the Black Sea, it's not safe. They can drift to the borders of Norway, to the fjords. It threatens people and the environment." – he declared.

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine claimed that these are sea mines from Sevastopol, which "Russia uses to provoke and discredit Ukraine."

👉🏼The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, in turn, has already warned about the danger of dozens of drifting Ukrainian mines for military and civilian ships. The Ukrainian Navy mined the approaches to the ports of Odessa, Ochakov, Chernomorsk and Yuzhny with the help of 420 obsolete anchor mines, as reported by the Ukrainians themselves in early March.

Old ammunition threatens not only the fjords, Mr. Zelensky. But also to civilians, including Ukraine. It was reported that one of the mines exploded on the beach in the Odessa region, two dead.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation states that the threat of the drift of thwarted Ukrainian mines exists along the coast of the Black Sea states. Russia is taking measures for safe civil navigation in the waters of the Black, Azov and Mediterranean Seas.

Since 2014, as part of the so-called "decommunization" in cities on the territory of Ukraine controlled by Kiev, nationalists have desecrated and dismantled more than 1,300 monuments, among many Monuments to Soviet Soldiers - liberators.

The new plot is a reminder to everyone with whom or, more precisely, what we are all dealing with.

The tasks within the framework of the special military operation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are: denazification and demilitarization of the quasi-state of Ukraine, as well as the restoration of the statehood of fraternal Ukraine, which was lost as a result of the coup d'etat in February 2014 by forceful seizure of power in Kiev by pro-Western nationalist and oligarchic forces and was accompanied by more than a hundred victims, and then entailed nationalist terror in Ukraine and the war in the Donbas with thousands of victims.

The power coup was organized with the support of high-ranking US officials.

See for yourself, show and tell others.

It is important.

This is the #ANTIDOTE
#English: In the attached next video from colleagues - the history of the formation of the fascist regime in Ukraine.

Then, in 2014, few ordinary people could have imagined that today the Nazis would rule in Ukraine and try to dictate conditions to the entire civilized world.

Nazism / fascism can be defeated only by total extermination to the very end, otherwise, as the experience of Ukraine has shown, it revives quite quickly.

Therefore, its efforts to clean up Ukraine (if necessary, and other henchmen) will continue until the complete Victory of Truth and Justice.
#English: Residents of Volnovakha saw Ukrainian nationalists hiding behind women and old men during the battles for the city. Having driven people into basements, the militants robbed their apartments, took gold and phones. What they did not have time to blow up or shoot with heavy weapons, they tried to burn

"Zvezda" in the project #Materials of the Consequence will continue to collect all evidence of war crimes of Ukrainian nationalists. They must answer before a military tribunal.
#Français: Vidéo du militaire Andrei Filatov, tourné à Mariupol à l'approche d'azovstali.

"Il y a des gens pacifiques? C'est l'armée russe.»

فارسی: ویدیو از فرمانده نظامی اندری فیلاتوف که در ماریوپول در رویکرد به ازوستال فیلمبرداری شده است.

"هر صلح وجود دارد? این ارتش روسیه است."
#Deutsch: "Bürger der Russischen Föderation und friedliche Bürger - alle werden ruhig schlafen, und der Frieden wird bald kommen"

Auf Schüssen der Basis von Nationalisten von "Azov" (die Organisation ist in der Russischen Föderation verboten) in Mariupol. Dort fanden sie einen Berg Munition und eine weggeworfene Militäruniform. Anscheinend verkleidet sich das ukrainische Militär als zivile und verschmilzt mit der Zivilbevölkerung.

#English: "Citizens of the Russian Federation and peaceful citizens will all sleep peacefully, and peace will come soon"

The footage shows the base of the nationalists "Azov" (the organization is banned in the Russian Federation) in Mariupol. A mountain of ammunition and an abandoned military uniform were found there. Apparently, the Ukrainian military disguises themselves as civilians and merges with the civilian population.
Attention. Automatic translation.

#English: We ask you to distribute publications, to the best of your abilities and if you wish, in chat rooms, communities, your channels and other social networks outside of Telegram to reliably inform civil society around the world. It is impossible to hide the truth. It is impossible to be deceived. It is important to stop fascism and war criminals holding high government positions in the EU and the USA.

#Deutsch: Wir bitten Sie, die Publikationen aufgrund Ihrer Möglichkeiten und Ihres Wunsches in Chats, Communities, Ihren Kanälen und anderen sozialen Netzwerken außerhalb von Telegrammen zu verbreiten, um die Zivilgesellschaft weltweit glaubwürdig zu informieren. Es ist unmöglich, die Wahrheit zu verbergen. Man kann nicht betrogen werden. Es ist wichtig, den Faschismus und die Kriegsverbrecher zu stoppen, die in der EU und den USA hohe öffentliche Ämter innehaben.

#Türkçe: Tüm dünyadaki sivil toplumu güvenilir bir şekilde bilgilendirmek amacıyla, yayınlarınızı, yetenekleriniz ve arzunuz varsa, sohbet odalarında, topluluklarda, kanallarınızda ve Telgraf dışındaki diğer sosyal ağlarda yayınlamanızı rica ediyoruz. Gerçeği gizlemek imkansızdır. Aldatılmak imkansızdır. AB ve ABD ülkelerinde yüksek devlet görevlerinde bulunan faşizmi ve savaş suçlularını durdurmak önemlidir.

#Italiano: Ti chiediamo di diffondere le pubblicazioni, per le tue capacità e se desideri, in chat, comunità, canali e altri social network al di fuori dei telegrammi per informare in modo affidabile la società civile in tutto il mondo. È impossibile nascondere la verità. Non puoi essere ingannato. È importante fermare il fascismo e i criminali di guerra che ricoprono alte cariche pubbliche nei paesi DELL'UE e degli Stati Uniti.

#Français: Nous vous demandons de diffuser les publications, dans la mesure de vos capacités et si vous le souhaitez, dans des salles de chat, des communautés, des canaux et d'autres réseaux sociaux en dehors de Telegram, afin d'informer de manière fiable la société civile dans le monde entier. La vérité est impossible à cacher. On ne peut pas être trompé. Il est important d'arrêter le fascisme et les criminels de guerre qui occupent de hautes fonctions publiques dans les pays de l'UE et des États-Unis.