Hamid Olimjon va Zulfiya nomidagi ijod maktabi
#Nazm_gulshani to`garagidan...3 Drabllar * Uning “ko’z gavhari” uchun yomg’ir ham ezilib-ezilib yig’ladi. Axir uning o’zi ham yomg’irdan daryo o’zani toshishini bilmagandi. * Dard bugun yomg’ir yog’ganidan xursand. Chunki…


Sorrow is happy that it has rained today. Because the rain is a blessing. Yes, but that blessing turned into grief. Sorrow could not find an umbrella for its pains…

Even the rain cried bitterly for her “pupil”. After all, she herself did not know that the river had overflown from the rain.

Apricot blossoms cannot open their wet cover because of the drops. When I felt sorry for them, the dews stroked my eyelashes and whispered.

The sky threw itself on the cotton. Unfortunately, the cotton was moist. The water sqeezed and woke up the Earth.

The girl came to her hut and took off her warm patched boots. But she was very pleased. Because for her, life was “newly” begun.

by Eshboyeva Marjona, a pupil of the 8th grade of the Creative school named after Hamid Olimjon and Zulfiya

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