الفبای صلح و مهربانی
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با #صلح_و_مهربانی

با خالق #مثنوی_معنوی،همراه شویم و چراغی برفروزیم فرا راه همزیستی مسالمت آمیز👇

تو مگو همه به جنگند و ز صلح من چه آید
تو یکی نه‌ای هزاری تو چراغ خود برافروز

ارسال نظرات،پیشنهادات،نگاشته ها و تصاویر مرتبط

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Stop killing of civilians in #Syria.

In God of Peace we Trust

To ones who are kind and peaceable and all the humans on the earth, as it's known the painful tragedy of massacre in Syria in the beginning of the third millennium and the more painful phenomenon of the silence of human conscience and lack of any action to stop the violence and crimes is going to annihilate the origin and manifestation of humanity as a concept.
Although it's been too late for the people of the world and international assemblies to act and the massacre mashine in Syria in its 7th anniversary has accelerated so rapidly that there is not any hope to stop it, we as a small group of peace-loving people in "Sardasht" - a kurdish town whose residents have been innocently the victims of using chemical and mass-destruction weapons ask all the human right activists allover the world to take action in any possible way such as preparing and delivering protesting scrolls to United Nations Organisation and to states to which they belong and holding peaceful protest marches in front of the embassies of the countries involved in war in Syria and UN offices and asking Security Council to take practical action to stop killing and besieging civilians by dispatching peacekeeping troops into the area and attempting to call a fast ceasefire and delivering humanitarian aid and finally establishing a temporary state until the time of holding a free democratic election in order to form a government originating in Syrian people's real will.
We're feeling pretty hopeful that we'll not be alone in this peaceful movement , and there will be considerable unanimity and cooperating with us and consequently the Peace as a valuable present will displace the geography of war in the unkind and violent nature of the middle-east .
The Peace and Kindness Activists of Sardasht-Kurdistan


کانال الفبای صلح و مهربانی