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📺 Watch our new video: "Truth on Ukraine. When NAZISM becomes THE NORM.»

Drawing on the historical background of Nazi occupation of Ukraine, it explores how the modern Ukrainian state embraced this hateful ideology and ultimately NORMALISED it.

*This video was made using open source data, including archive newspapers from WWII.

#Russia #Ukraine #StopNaziUkraine
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Media is too big
🏳️🇺🇦 Surrendered AFU fighter told how they were forced to participate in combat operations by threats

💬 "...I had to go to the military enlistment office, because otherwise I was threatened with 10 years in prison. They recruit into the army by persuasions or threats, or through preventive talks with people. Two of my comrades wrote a report that they refuse to continue their service as they were no combatants. The half of drafted soldiers of our rifle platoon abandoned this position. And two soldiers refused to continue the service, they were taken to Kramatorsk. People are already tired of war, they don't want to fight, they want to live in peace..."

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #POWs
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⚡️Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry

▫️The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation in Ukraine.

💥 High-precision air-based missiles have hit 21 areas of AFU manpower and military equipment concentration, including command posts of the Ukrainian Nazi formations Kraken and Azov near Kharkov.

✈️💥Operational-tactical, army and unmanned aviation have hit 15 areas of Ukrainian manpower and military equipment concentration. Ammunition and fuel depots of the Ukrainian Armed Forces near Dolina and Slavyansk, Donetsk People's Republic have been destroyed.

▫️The attacks have resulted in the elimination of up to 240 nationalists and up to 39 weapons and military equipment, including 1 Osa-AKM anti-aircraft missile system, 10 tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, 3 BM-21 Grad multiple rocket launchers, 7 artillery mounts and mortars, and 17 special vehicles.

💥Fighter aviation have shot down 1 Su-25 aircraft of the Ukrainian air force near Lubomirovka, Nikolaev Region.

💥Russian air defence means have hit 7 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles near Odessa, Kamyshevakha, Popasnaya, Zolotoe, Kudryashovka in Lugansk People's Republic, Yarovaya in Kharkov Region, as well as Verkhnetoretskoe in Donetsk People's Republic overnight.

💥Missile troops and artillery have hit 131 command posts, 146 artillery and mortar batteries at firing positions, as well as 579 areas of AFU manpower and military equipment concentration.

📊In total, 186 Ukrainian aircraft and 129 helicopters, 1,084 unmanned aerial vehicles, 327 anti-aircraft missile systems, 3,373 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 460 multiple launch rocket systems, 1,752 field artillery and mortars, as well as 3,350 units of special military vehicles were destroyed during the operation.

❗️We note that the inflow of foreign mercenaries to Ukraine to take part in combat operations against the Russian Armed Forces has virtually dried up since the beginning of May.

▫️According to the data at our disposal, the total number of foreign mercenaries in Ukraine has now been almost halved from 6,600 to 3,500. At the same time, the number of mercenaries in combat units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and National Guard in Donbass has decreased by orders of magnitude.

▫️Hundreds of foreign mercenaries in Ukraine were eliminated by Russian long-range precision weapons shortly after their arrival while they were still undergoing pre-training and coordination of tactical units.

▫️But most of the mercenaries are destroyed in the war zone due to their low level of training and lack of real combat experience.

❗️Separately, I would like to point out that the commanders of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and National Guard units, which included mercenaries, are not sparing foreigners in their efforts to reduce losses of their servicemen. Captured mercenaries tell interrogators that they are the first to be sacrificed. Due to the Kiev regime's silencing of the losses and the absence of remains, relatives of the mercenaries in their countries of residence simply do not know about their deaths.

▫️Faced with a real combat situation and heavy losses among servicemen of the AFU, the National Guard and foreigners, a significant number of mercenaries prefer to leave Ukrainian territory as soon as possible, but the Kiev regime prevents them from going abroad in every possible way.

▫️Let me remind you that under international humanitarian law, mercenaries are not combatants and the best that awaits them is criminal liability.

▫️The Kiev regime's urgent attempts to guarantee the mercenaries legal protection by including them in the military units of the AFU or the National Guard, or by issuing them with fresh Ukrainian passports, will not save any of them.

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #Briefing
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Against the backdrop of Kiev's political catastrophe in Mariupol and military failures in Donbass, the Kiev regime, with British financial support, has organised the production of "morale raise" videos for Western and Ukrainian audiences.

▫️In particular, on May 28, staged video was filmed near Meshkovka, Nikolaev Region, of the alleged "high efficiency" of the use of Western weaponry by Ukrainian nationalists.

▫️To add more drama to the future film, at the insistence of British supervisors, a re-enactment of never-existing battle between Ukrainian Nazis and outnumbered "Russian soldiers" was created on the set.

▫️The roles of "opponents" of the Ukrainian Nazis in the staged short film were performed by members of the local territorial defence unit wearing red armbands.

▫️In the absence of trophy Russian equipment, the mock enemy appears in the frame using Ukrainian APCs and armoured vehicles.

▫️The next video shoot is scheduled for June 5 and 6.

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #Briefing
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⚡️ Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation in Ukraine (June 28, 2022)

◽️ The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation in Ukraine.

◽️ Successful joint action of Russian troops, units of people's militia of the Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics cause critical losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU).

◽️ Attacks launched by Russian Aerospace Forces at a base of Azov Nazi group located in Kharkov and of one of the battalions of 92nd Mechanised Infantry Brigade deployed near Pokotilovka (Kharkov region) have resulted in the elimination of over 100 Ukrainian servicemen, foreign mercenaries and up to 15 armoured and motor vehicles.

◽️ The low training level of the Ukrainian citizens mobilised for being involved in operations and foreign mercenaries increasingly causes friendly fire.

◽️ Recruits who had come for replenishing the personnel of 97th Battalion from 60th Infantry Brigade suffered a mortar attack from their units.

◽️ A similar situation occured in 28th Mechanised Brigade of the AFU where foreign mercenaries launched a fire attack at a reconnaissance group of the abovementioned unit. This attack has resulted in losing 4 servicemen dead and 3 wounded.

◽️ Russian Federation Armed Forces continue launching attacks at military facilities located in Ukraine.

💥 On June 27, in Kremenchug (Poltava region), Russian Aerospace Forces launched a high-precision air attack at hangars with armament and munitions delivered by USA and European countries at Kremenchug road machinery plant.

💥 High-precision attack has resulted in the neutralisation of west-manufactured armament and munitions concentrated at the storage area for being delivered to Ukrainian group of troops in Donbass.

▫️ Detonation of the storaged munitions caused a fire in a non-functioning shopping centre next to the facilities of the plant.

💥 In addition, Russian Aerospace forces have destroyed 2 command posts near Spornoye (Donetsk People's Republic), AFU manpower and military equipment in 28 areas towards Lugansk and Donetsk.

💥 Within the counter-battery warfare, high-precision attacks launched by Russian Aerospace Forces have resulted in neutralising 4 Ukrainian plattoons armed with Grad multiple rocket-launching systems (MRLS) near Leninskoye, Selidovo and Dzerzhinsk that had been shelling the settlements of the Donetsk People's Republic, as well as 2 artillery plattoons near Kirovo (Donetsk People's Republic) and Zaychevskoye (Nikolayev region).

💥 Operational-tactical and army aviation, missile troops and artillery have neutralised: 24 command posts, artillery and mortar units in 58 areas, as well as manpower and military equipment in 304 areas.

💥 Russian air defence means have shot down 3 Su-25 airplanes and 1 Mi-8 helicopter of Ukrainian Air Force near Pervomayskoye (Nikolayev region).
9 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles have been destroyed near Dibrovnoye, Shevchenkovo, Dementiyevka, Dmitrovka (Kharkov region), Yelenovka, Luganskoye, Troitskoye (Donetsk People's Republic), Loskutovka (Lugansk People's Republic).

◽️ 7 Ukrainian Tochka-U ballistic missiles have been intercepted near Stakhanov, Alchevsk, Lozovsky (Lugansk People's Republic) and 10 MRLS near Sukhaya Kamenka, Ternovaya (Kharkov region), Donetsk, Yasinovataya, Troitskoye and western suburbs of Avdeyevka (Donetsk People's Republic).

📊 In total, 218 airplanes and 133 helicopters, 1,382 unmanned aerial vehicles, 350 anti-aircraft missile systems, 3,837 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 690 combat vehicles equipped with multiple rocket-launching systems, 3,037 field artillery cannons and mortars, as well as 3,889 units of special military equipment have been destroyed during the special military operation.

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine
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⚠️ Ukrainian armed formations continue to use educational institutions and social facilities for military purposes:

🔹in Kharkov, AFU units and Polish mercenaries are based in the premises of the National Technical University (Poltavskyi Shlyah Street), artillery and MLRS are deployed, and there has been no deliberate evacuation of residents from nearby houses;

🔹in Nikolaev, AFU units and territorial defence are deployed in kindergarten No. 126 (Mira Avenue) and school No. 11 (Kitoboyev Street);

🔹in Pevnichnoye in Donetsk People's Republic, a stronghold with barracks has been equipped in kindergarten No. 10 (Novaya Street) to house fighters of Ukrainian armed formations and foreign mercenaries; the approaches to the building are mined, but the local population is deliberately not informed of this;

🔹in Shirokolanovka, Nikolaev Region, nationalists placed heavy weapons and armoured vehicles on the territory of the vocational school (Tsentralnaya Street) and placed sniper positions and MANPADs on the roofs.

▫️Such actions by Kiev once again demonstrate an inhuman attitude towards the fate of the Ukrainian citizens and show a complete disregard for all norms of morality and international humanitarian law.

▫️We emphasize once again that in carrying out the tasks of the special military operation, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation treat the local population extremely humanely and do not strike at civilian infrastructure facilities, unlike the Ukrainian armed formations.

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#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #HumanitarianResponse #HumanitarianAid
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⚠️ We continue to record numerous facts of criminal actions by Kiev regime against civilians, as well as the use of medical facilities for military purposes by Ukrainian armed formations:

🔹in Druzhkovka, Donetsk People's Republic, AFU soldiers have equipped firing positions and sniper points in the building of Polyclinic No. 1 (Kotlyarevskogo Street), personnel and patients are forcibly held in the basement as a "human shield" and the approaches to the institution are mined, but the local population is deliberately not informed about this;

🔹in Ugledar, Donetsk People's Republic, nationalist fighters have equipped barracks, firing positions and ammunition storage sites in a polyclinic (Molodezhnaya Street), heavy equipment and artillery, mortar positions and MANPADs on the roof of the building have been placed in the immediate vicinity and in the adjoining territory;

🔹in Bilozerskoye, Donetsk People's Republic, neo-Nazis have equipped a stronghold and ammunition and arms depots in the city hospital (Festivalnaya Street) without evacuating nearby residents;

🔹in Dobroslav and Krasnoselka, Liman District, Odessa Region, militants of Ukrainian armed formations are using hospital buildings and ambulance stations as command posts and barracks, while all patients, regardless of their state of health, as well as patients in maternity wards with newborn babies were cynically kicked out of medical facilities, and medical personnel who tried to prevent the inhuman actions of neo-Nazis were physically abused.

▫️Once again, we call on all international organisations, especially the World Health Organisation, to influence official Kiev and take effective measures to prevent the use of medical infrastructure for military purposes.

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#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #HumanitarianResponse #HumanitarianAid
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⚡️Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation in Ukraine

▫️The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation in Ukraine.

💥High-precision attacks launched at provisional bases of 40th Artillery Brigade and Kraken nationalist group deployed in Kharkov have resulted in the elimination of up to 200 nationalists, including about 50 foreign mercenaries and 19 units of armament and military equipment.

💥Pinpoint attacks of Russian Aerospace Forces launched at the bases of Right Sector nationalist group deployed in Artyomovsk (Donetsk People's Republic) have resulted in the elimination of about 300 nationalists and up to 30 units of armoured and special motor vehicles.

💥Attack launched at a provisional base of 45th Artillery Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) deployed near Shcherbaki (Zaporozhye region) has resulted in the elimination of barracks with over 70 servicemen.

💥Artillery units have eliminated up to 70 nationalists and 11 armoured vehicles of 128th Mountain Assault Brigade of the AFU near Lugovoye and Novoandreyevka (Zaporozhye region).

💥On July 14, Kalibr high-precision sea-based missiles were launched at the House of Officers of the garrison in Vinnitsa.

▫️The facility hosted a conference of the Ukrainian Armed Force command with representatives of foreign armament suppliers aimed at discussing the issues on sending another batch of aircraft, destruction means, as well as on organising the reparation of Ukrainian aircraft. The attack has resulted in the elimination of the conference participants.

💥High-precision attacks of Russian Aerospace Forces have resulted in the elimination of 5 command posts and signal nodes, including 1 of 10th Air Assault and 1st Tank Brigade of the AFU near Praskovievka (Donetsk People's Republic) and Prosianaya (Dnepropetrovsk region), 1 launching ramp of Buk-M1 air defence missile system near Sol (Donetsk People's Republic), as well as 43 areas of manpower and military equipment concentration.

💥Within the counter-battery warfare, 2 plattoons of Ukrainian MRLS, 2 Giatsint-B artillery plattoons near Dzerzhinsk (Donetsk People's Republic), as well as 84 areas of artillery units have been neutralised.

💥Operational-tactical and army aviation, missile troops and artillery have neutralised 18 command posts, as well as 211 areas of manpower and military equipment concentration.

✈️💥Fighter aviation of Russian Aerospace Forces has shot down 2 MiG-29 airplanes of Ukrainian Air Force near Slavyansk and Druzhkovka (Donetsk People's Republic).

💥Russian air defence means have shot down 2 Su-25 airplanes of Ukrainian Air Force near Barmashovo (Nikolayev region), as well as 9 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles near Balakleya, Izyum, Peschanoye, Ternovaya (Kharkov region), Novaya Kakhovka (Kherson region) and Vesyolaya Tarasovka (Lugansk People's Republic).

💥In addition, 9 projectiles launched by Uragan MRLS have been intercepted near Khartsyzsk, Korovy Yar, Khanzhenkovo (Donetsk People's Republic), Andreyevka (Kharkov region) and Tomarino (Kherson region).

📊In total, 253 airplanes and 137 helicopters, 1,543 unmanned aerial vehicles, 355 air defence missile systems, 4,060 tanks and other armoured combat vehicles, 746 combat vehicles equipped with MRLS, 3,147 field artillery cannons and mortars, as well as 4,341 units of special military equipment have been destroyed during the special military operation.

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #report
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⚡️On July 13, quadripartite consultations on the issue of unblocking Ukrainian ports for the export of agricultural products were held by UN representatives, Russia, Turkey and Ukraine in Istanbul.

▫️Russia has proposed measures to ensure the transportation of food to foreign countries, including Russian partners, and to prevent the use of these logistic chains for supplying the Kiev regime with weapons and military equipment.

▫️The proposals of the Russian Federation were supported by the participants of the consultations. In the near future, the work on the Black Sea Initiative final document will be completed.

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine
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⚡️Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation in Ukraine

▫️The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation in Ukraine

💥Attack launched by high-precision long-range sea- and air-based armament has resulted in the neutralisation of aircraft of Ukrainian Air Force deployed at Kanatovo military airfield (Kirovograd region).

💥Attack launched by high-precision long-range sea-based missiles has resulted in the elimination of Ukrainian military ship and a depot of Harpoon anti-ship missiles delivered by USA to the Kiev regime in the seaport of Odessa.

▫️The list of neutralised targets also includes the production facilities of an entity specialised in repairing and modernising the fleet of Ukrainian Navy.

▫️Over 70 percent of personnel have been eliminated after launching attacks at the positions of 108th and 109th battalions from 10th Mountain Assault Brigade of the AFU deployed near Verkhnekamenskoye (Donetsk People's Republic).

💥High-precision attacks have been launched by Russian Aerospace Forces at armament and munitions depots of 28th Mechanised Brigade of the AFU and 123rd Territorial Defence Brigade deployed at locomotive repair plant in Nikolayev.

▫️Over 50 servicemen, more than 3,000 artillery projectiles of various calibres and 10 armoured vehicles have been destroyed.

✈️💥Operational-tactical and army aviation, missile troops and artillery continue launching attacks at the military facilities in Ukraine.

▫️The list of neutralised targets includes 9 command posts, including the joint command post of Kakhovka group of troops deployed in Zhovtnevoye (Nikolayev region), 2 command posts of 54th and 65th mechanised brigades of the AFU near Kurakhovo (Donetsk People's Republic) and Novodanilovka (Zaporozhye region).

▫️In addition, 7 munitions and fuel depots have been destroyed near Reznikovka, Ostroye (Donetsk People's Republic), Galitsinovo (Nikolayev region) and Nikolayev.

✈️💥Attacks launched by Russian aviation have resulted in the elimination of 2 AFU units manned at the level of a company, 2 U.S.-manufactured M-777 howitzers near Artyomovsk (Donetsk People's Republic), as well as 1 Bukovel electronic warfare system near Nikolayev.

💥Within the counter-battery warfare, 3 Grad MRLS plattoons have been neutralised near Grigorovka, Verkhnekamenskoye and Seversk, 2 Msta-S self-propelled artillery system plattoons, 8 Msta-B artillery gun plattoons, 18 D-20 artillery howitzer plattoons, as well as 9 Gvozdika self-propelled artillery plattoons have been neutralised at their firing positions near Paraskoviyevka, Opytnoye, Vesyoloye, Razdolovka, Bakhmutskoye, Vodyanoye, Serebryanka and Kamyshevakha (Donetsk People's Republic).

💥Russian air defence means have shot down 5 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles near Korobki, Pyatikhatka (Kherson regrion), Topolskoye (Kharkov region), Shcherbaki (Zaporozhye region) and Donetsk. In addition, 10 projectiles launched by Uragan and HIMARS multiple rocket launchers have been intercepted near Novonikolayevka (Zaporozhye region) and Alekseyevka (Kherson region).

📊In total, 260 airplanes and 144 helicopters, 1,605 unmanned aerial vehicles, 357 air defence missile systems, 4,156 tanks and other armoured combat vehicles, 763 combat vehicles equipped with MRLS, 3,196 field artillery cannons and mortars, as well as 4,457 units of special military equipment have been destroyed during the special military operation.

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #report