Yo, EcoHub fam! ✌️
It is May 20th and we have 226 days left until New Year.🎉
Buuut we already got a dope opportunity for you!🎁🔥
If you’re all about that climate change hustle and global governance game, reserve this whole new week for a massive flow of enlightenment! 🚀
This is because the legggend himself, Professor Randall Abate, Assistant Dean for Environmental Law Studies at George Washington University (the FIRST law university in D.C.) in the U.S with over 30 years of teaching experience everywhere from Oxford to Yale to Seoul National University will be coming to Tashkent to conduct series of open and FREE lectures and a public talk.🇺🇸📚
During the lectures and a public talk, Professor Abate will drop some serious knowledge on how nations come together to tackle that beast called climate change. He’ll break down how institutions handle governance fails, boost incentives, and build mad skills for climate action. 🌎🔍
If you’re ready for this legendary week, the plan of events is as follows:
1. Public Talk on Introduction to Climate Change Governance
📅Date: May 23, 2024
🕕 Time: 6:30 PM
📍 Location: Ziyo Forum, Yakkasaray District, Qushbegi street, 8
🗣️ Working language: English
💸Cost: Free for everybody, especially students
📌To participate in the public talk, register through the link
2. Two UNIQUE lecture series on International Environmental Law and Climate Change Governance - for students, professors, and professionals in Law, International Relations and related fields
A 2-day lecture course on International Environmental Law - May 23-24,
A 3-day lecture course on Climate Change Governance - May 27-29.
🕕 Time: The time schedule of lectures can be found in the poster
📍 Location: Central Asian Green University (2 Chimkent road, Darkhan)
🗣️ Language: English
💸Cost: Free for everybody, especially students
📌To register, please send an email to [email protected] or a telegram message to +998909909984.
Reserve your spots now and join us this week!
It is May 20th and we have 226 days left until New Year.🎉
Buuut we already got a dope opportunity for you!🎁🔥
If you’re all about that climate change hustle and global governance game, reserve this whole new week for a massive flow of enlightenment! 🚀
This is because the legggend himself, Professor Randall Abate, Assistant Dean for Environmental Law Studies at George Washington University (the FIRST law university in D.C.) in the U.S with over 30 years of teaching experience everywhere from Oxford to Yale to Seoul National University will be coming to Tashkent to conduct series of open and FREE lectures and a public talk.🇺🇸📚
During the lectures and a public talk, Professor Abate will drop some serious knowledge on how nations come together to tackle that beast called climate change. He’ll break down how institutions handle governance fails, boost incentives, and build mad skills for climate action. 🌎🔍
If you’re ready for this legendary week, the plan of events is as follows:
1. Public Talk on Introduction to Climate Change Governance
📅Date: May 23, 2024
🕕 Time: 6:30 PM
📍 Location: Ziyo Forum, Yakkasaray District, Qushbegi street, 8
🗣️ Working language: English
💸Cost: Free for everybody, especially students
📌To participate in the public talk, register through the link
2. Two UNIQUE lecture series on International Environmental Law and Climate Change Governance - for students, professors, and professionals in Law, International Relations and related fields
A 2-day lecture course on International Environmental Law - May 23-24,
A 3-day lecture course on Climate Change Governance - May 27-29.
🕕 Time: The time schedule of lectures can be found in the poster
📍 Location: Central Asian Green University (2 Chimkent road, Darkhan)
🗣️ Language: English
💸Cost: Free for everybody, especially students
📌To register, please send an email to [email protected] or a telegram message to +998909909984.
Reserve your spots now and join us this week!
Yo, EcoHub fam! ✌️ It is May 20th and we have 226 days left until New Year.🎉 Buuut we already got a dope opportunity for you!🎁🔥 If you’re all about that climate change hustle and global governance game, reserve this whole new week for a massive flow of…
🌞Kind reminder🌞
Don’t forget join us at 18:30 tonight for an open lecture on an ‘Introduction to Climate Change Change Governance’ 🚀
Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfSL1OgOQLbD27xpPRckmA24_ifR5uYQsTNjBuN662wbsuwig/viewform?usp=sf_link
Don’t forget join us at 18:30 tonight for an open lecture on an ‘Introduction to Climate Change Change Governance’ 🚀
Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfSL1OgOQLbD27xpPRckmA24_ifR5uYQsTNjBuN662wbsuwig/viewform?usp=sf_link
Google Docs
23rd May - Registration for 'Climate Change Governance Talk' with Professor Abate (Green Dialogues 2024)
10:00-12:00 May 27th
Strategic climate litigation – U.S.
Strategic climate litigation – International
10:00-12:00 May 28th
Respective roles of developed and developing countries in climate governance.
Climate geoengineering governance
May 29th
Strategic climate litigation – U.S.
Strategic climate litigation – International
10:00-12:00 May 28th
Respective roles of developed and developing countries in climate governance.
Climate geoengineering governance
May 29th
💥💥Exciting news💥💥
Upon many requests, special for all those who for many different reasons couldn’t join the offline lecture series on ‘Climate Change Governance’ with Professor Randall Abate - now you have a chance to join the lectures online too🥳
You will get a cool chance to learn about the principles of environmental law, climate change governance, and climate diplomacy (PLUS about Prof. Abate's work at GW Law, USA)
Open to ALL students, professors and professionals in law, international relations and related fields
🪐To join the lectures offline - Register through the link: https://forms.gle/RPLqWKCiPrepcfyj7
🪐To join the lecture online, contact the organizers though +998958165626 or email - [email protected]
Book your seat now and we’ll see you later. Hasta la vista😎🦾
Upon many requests, special for all those who for many different reasons couldn’t join the offline lecture series on ‘Climate Change Governance’ with Professor Randall Abate - now you have a chance to join the lectures online too🥳
You will get a cool chance to learn about the principles of environmental law, climate change governance, and climate diplomacy (PLUS about Prof. Abate's work at GW Law, USA)
Open to ALL students, professors and professionals in law, international relations and related fields
🪐To join the lectures offline - Register through the link: https://forms.gle/RPLqWKCiPrepcfyj7
🪐To join the lecture online, contact the organizers though +998958165626 or email - [email protected]
Book your seat now and we’ll see you later. Hasta la vista😎🦾
Salom, do'stlar!
Yoz faslining eng qaynoq pallasiga yaqinlashar ekanmiz, biz sizlar uchun tayyorlangan eng QAYNOQ imkoniyatlar bilan ulashishga shoshib pishib keldik.🔥
Agar siz yozning boshlanishini samarali, foydali va qiziqarli o'tkazmoqchi bo'lsangiz, sizni bu yilning eng uzoq kutilgan yoshlar eko-tadbiri – O'zbekistondagi Xalqaro Yoshlar Eko-oromgohida ishtirok etishga taklif qilamiz.🚀🌍
🗓️Kalendaringizda 24-30 iyun kunlarini belgilang! Joriy yilda Xalqaro yoshlar ekologik oromgohi “Jahon yoshlar festivali” doirasida Samarqand va Toshkent shaharlarida bo'lib o'tadi.
Sizni lagerda nima kutmoqda:
💡 Iqlim o'zgarishi sohasidagi yetakchi faollar va ekspertlarning ilhomlantiruvchi treninglari,
🌍 Markaziy Osiyo mamlakatlari, Turkiya, Ozarbayjon va Vengriyadan kelgan iqlim va ekologiya sohalaridan tanlangan yoshlar vakillari bilan muloqot qilish,
🚀 Guruh loyihalarini ishlab chiqish va ularni o'z mamlakatlarida amalga oshirish imkoniyati,
🌟 COP29 iqlim o'zgarishi bo'yicha Butunjahon konferentsiyasida taqdim etiladigan Mintaqaviy strategiyani ishlab chiqishning bir qismi bo'lish imkoniyati;
Tanlov mezonlari:
🌟Yoshingiz 16 dan 22 gacha,
🌟Ingliz tilida bemalol gapirasiz,
🌟Iqlim va/yoki ekologik faollikni targ'ib qilishda tajriba va ishtiyoqingiz bor;
Lagerda qatnashish uchun havola orqali qisqacha anketani to‘ldiring.
Ariza topshirishning oxirgi muddati: 2024-yil 10-iyun, yarim tun (Toshkent vaqti bilan).
Tezroq tezroq harakat qiling va ariza topshiring! Va biz sizni juda tez orada ko’rishga umid qilib qolamiz.
Yoz faslining eng qaynoq pallasiga yaqinlashar ekanmiz, biz sizlar uchun tayyorlangan eng QAYNOQ imkoniyatlar bilan ulashishga shoshib pishib keldik.🔥
Agar siz yozning boshlanishini samarali, foydali va qiziqarli o'tkazmoqchi bo'lsangiz, sizni bu yilning eng uzoq kutilgan yoshlar eko-tadbiri – O'zbekistondagi Xalqaro Yoshlar Eko-oromgohida ishtirok etishga taklif qilamiz.🚀🌍
🗓️Kalendaringizda 24-30 iyun kunlarini belgilang! Joriy yilda Xalqaro yoshlar ekologik oromgohi “Jahon yoshlar festivali” doirasida Samarqand va Toshkent shaharlarida bo'lib o'tadi.
Sizni lagerda nima kutmoqda:
💡 Iqlim o'zgarishi sohasidagi yetakchi faollar va ekspertlarning ilhomlantiruvchi treninglari,
🌍 Markaziy Osiyo mamlakatlari, Turkiya, Ozarbayjon va Vengriyadan kelgan iqlim va ekologiya sohalaridan tanlangan yoshlar vakillari bilan muloqot qilish,
🚀 Guruh loyihalarini ishlab chiqish va ularni o'z mamlakatlarida amalga oshirish imkoniyati,
🌟 COP29 iqlim o'zgarishi bo'yicha Butunjahon konferentsiyasida taqdim etiladigan Mintaqaviy strategiyani ishlab chiqishning bir qismi bo'lish imkoniyati;
Tanlov mezonlari:
🌟Yoshingiz 16 dan 22 gacha,
🌟Ingliz tilida bemalol gapirasiz,
🌟Iqlim va/yoki ekologik faollikni targ'ib qilishda tajriba va ishtiyoqingiz bor;
Lagerda qatnashish uchun havola orqali qisqacha anketani to‘ldiring.
Ariza topshirishning oxirgi muddati: 2024-yil 10-iyun, yarim tun (Toshkent vaqti bilan).
Tezroq tezroq harakat qiling va ariza topshiring! Va biz sizni juda tez orada ko’rishga umid qilib qolamiz.
Хелооу, друзья!
В самый разгар лета мы спешим к вам со свежеурванными специально для ВАС горячими возможностями Июнь месяца🔥
Если вы хотите провести начало лета продуктивно, полезно и весело, приглашаем вас принять участие в самом долгожданном молодежном эко ивенте этого года - Международном молодежном эко-лагере в Узбекистане🚀🌍
🗓️Отметьте в своем календаре 24-30 июня! В этом году Международный экологический лагерь пройдет в ярких городах Самарканд и Ташкент в рамках «Всемирного фестиваля молодежи».
Что Вас ждет в комках лагеря?
💡 Вдохновляющие тренинги от ведущих активистов и экспертов в сфере изменения климата,
🌍 Нетворкинг с отобранными молодежными представителями климатического активизма из стран Центральной Азии, Турции, Азербайджан и Венгрии,
🚀 Возможность разработать групповые проекты и реализовать их в своих странах,
🌟 Стать частью разработки Региональной стратегии, которая будет представлена на Всемирной конференции по изменению климата COP29;
Критерии отбора:
🌟Вам от 16 до 22 лет,
🌟Вы свободно говорите на английском,
🌟У вас есть опыт и энтузиазм в продвижении климатического и/или экологического активизма;
Для участия на лагере, перейдите по ссылке и заполните небольшую анкету приема заявок.
Дедлайн подачи заявок - полночь (по Ташкентскому времени) 10 июня 2024 г.
Поэтому Бегом бегом заполнять анкету прямо сейчас! И мы увидимся с вами очень очень скоро.
В самый разгар лета мы спешим к вам со свежеурванными специально для ВАС горячими возможностями Июнь месяца🔥
Если вы хотите провести начало лета продуктивно, полезно и весело, приглашаем вас принять участие в самом долгожданном молодежном эко ивенте этого года - Международном молодежном эко-лагере в Узбекистане🚀🌍
🗓️Отметьте в своем календаре 24-30 июня! В этом году Международный экологический лагерь пройдет в ярких городах Самарканд и Ташкент в рамках «Всемирного фестиваля молодежи».
Что Вас ждет в комках лагеря?
💡 Вдохновляющие тренинги от ведущих активистов и экспертов в сфере изменения климата,
🌍 Нетворкинг с отобранными молодежными представителями климатического активизма из стран Центральной Азии, Турции, Азербайджан и Венгрии,
🚀 Возможность разработать групповые проекты и реализовать их в своих странах,
🌟 Стать частью разработки Региональной стратегии, которая будет представлена на Всемирной конференции по изменению климата COP29;
Критерии отбора:
🌟Вам от 16 до 22 лет,
🌟Вы свободно говорите на английском,
🌟У вас есть опыт и энтузиазм в продвижении климатического и/или экологического активизма;
Для участия на лагере, перейдите по ссылке и заполните небольшую анкету приема заявок.
Дедлайн подачи заявок - полночь (по Ташкентскому времени) 10 июня 2024 г.
Поэтому Бегом бегом заполнять анкету прямо сейчас! И мы увидимся с вами очень очень скоро.
Hello, friends!
In the pre-heat of summer we are rushing to you with the hottest opportunities of June month.🔥
If you want to kickstart your summer 2024 in the productive, insightful and fun way, we invite you to take part in the most long-awaited youth eco-event of this year - the International Youth Eco-Camp in Uzbekistan🚀🌍
🗓️Mark June 24-30 in your calendar! This year, the International Youth Eco-Camp will be held in the vibrant cities of Samarkand and Tashkent as part of the “World Youth Festival”.
What awaits you in the camp:
💡 Inspiring trainings from leading activists and experts in the field of climate change,
🌍 Networking with selected youth representatives of climate activism from Central Asian countries, Turkey, Azerbaijan and Hungary,
🚀 Opportunity to develop group projects and implement them in your own countries,
🌟 Be part of the development of the Regional Strategy, which will be presented at the Global Climate Change Conference COP29;
Selection criteria:
🌟You are between 16 and 22 years old,
🌟You speak English fluently,
🌟You have experience and enthusiasm in promoting climate and/or environmental activism;
To participate in the camp, follow the link and fill out a short application form.
The application deadline is midnight (Tashkent time) June 10, 2024.
Therefore, run and fill out the form right now! And we will see you very very soon.
In the pre-heat of summer we are rushing to you with the hottest opportunities of June month.🔥
If you want to kickstart your summer 2024 in the productive, insightful and fun way, we invite you to take part in the most long-awaited youth eco-event of this year - the International Youth Eco-Camp in Uzbekistan🚀🌍
🗓️Mark June 24-30 in your calendar! This year, the International Youth Eco-Camp will be held in the vibrant cities of Samarkand and Tashkent as part of the “World Youth Festival”.
What awaits you in the camp:
💡 Inspiring trainings from leading activists and experts in the field of climate change,
🌍 Networking with selected youth representatives of climate activism from Central Asian countries, Turkey, Azerbaijan and Hungary,
🚀 Opportunity to develop group projects and implement them in your own countries,
🌟 Be part of the development of the Regional Strategy, which will be presented at the Global Climate Change Conference COP29;
Selection criteria:
🌟You are between 16 and 22 years old,
🌟You speak English fluently,
🌟You have experience and enthusiasm in promoting climate and/or environmental activism;
To participate in the camp, follow the link and fill out a short application form.
The application deadline is midnight (Tashkent time) June 10, 2024.
Therefore, run and fill out the form right now! And we will see you very very soon.
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Hi friends, Radio FM Ecohub.uz is on the line again! 📻
Has your week been average or below and nothing exciting happened lately?🥺
Yes or No, Please, get prepared mentally for a dopamine release because we’ve got a craaaazy awesome opportunity. Special for you. Yes, You!💥
🎙On Sunday this week Join us for the the very SPECIAL Gurung (meet-up) within ECO-GAP series, where over a piola of hot green choy, we'll have a live conversation with the Global Winners of the Climate Science Olympiad, Swikrit Subedi and Umanga Pandit. Yes, you got it right - Global Winners! How crazy is that? 😎🚀
We will also be having a superstar from Uzbekistan, Dilnoza Sulaymonova, who became a top Semi-finalist of the Climate Science Olympiad and will be with us to prove you that you can be the next one in the hall of fame too!🌟🇺🇿
During the live conversation our speakers will share their experience of participating in Climate Science Olympiad, give some useful tips & tricks how to crack it, and also narrate their story of participating at COP28 in Dubai🇺🇳, which was sponsored by ClimateScience org for the top three winners. 🏆🌍
If you want to meet and shake hands online with the global climate superstars, and also get some insider tips on how YOU can join the next Climate Science Olympiad and events like COP28? This webinar is for YOU! 💥
📅 Date: June 9th (Sunday)
🕖 Time: 7 PM (Tashkent time)
🗣️ Language: English
📍 Where: Zoom
❗️ To get the Zoom link, please, fill out the Registration form - link
❗️ Deadline for registration is 5PM, June 9 ❗️
Save the date and join us for our hot CHOYBOZLIK. Cheers! 🫖☕️🍀
P.S. Share the post with your friends too🌱💚
Has your week been average or below and nothing exciting happened lately?🥺
Yes or No, Please, get prepared mentally for a dopamine release because we’ve got a craaaazy awesome opportunity. Special for you. Yes, You!💥
🎙On Sunday this week Join us for the the very SPECIAL Gurung (meet-up) within ECO-GAP series, where over a piola of hot green choy, we'll have a live conversation with the Global Winners of the Climate Science Olympiad, Swikrit Subedi and Umanga Pandit. Yes, you got it right - Global Winners! How crazy is that? 😎🚀
We will also be having a superstar from Uzbekistan, Dilnoza Sulaymonova, who became a top Semi-finalist of the Climate Science Olympiad and will be with us to prove you that you can be the next one in the hall of fame too!🌟🇺🇿
During the live conversation our speakers will share their experience of participating in Climate Science Olympiad, give some useful tips & tricks how to crack it, and also narrate their story of participating at COP28 in Dubai🇺🇳, which was sponsored by ClimateScience org for the top three winners. 🏆🌍
If you want to meet and shake hands online with the global climate superstars, and also get some insider tips on how YOU can join the next Climate Science Olympiad and events like COP28? This webinar is for YOU! 💥
📅 Date: June 9th (Sunday)
🕖 Time: 7 PM (Tashkent time)
🗣️ Language: English
📍 Where: Zoom
Save the date and join us for our hot CHOYBOZLIK. Cheers! 🫖☕️🍀
P.S. Share the post with your friends too🌱💚
Please open Telegram to view this post
Hi friends, Radio FM Ecohub.uz is on the line again! 📻 Has your week been average or below and nothing exciting happened lately?🥺 Yes or No, Please, get prepared mentally for a dopamine release because we’ve got a craaaazy awesome opportunity. Special for…
🍄👣Step-by-step Guidance on how to join us to meet the ClimateScience Olympiad superstars on Sunday:
Step 1 - Fill out the quick Registration form through this link👨💻 ,
Step 2 - Look through the awesome web-site of ClimateScience org🌐 ,
Step 3 - Prepare a full choynak of extra strong green tea (black tea is illegal in our mahalla (joking))🫖🌱,
Step 4 - Log into Zoom through the Zoom link that we will send to your email soon 🔗📧,
Step 5 - Forget for two hours that it is Monday next day and just have FUN with us 😌🥺🫂
See ya very soon.
Yours truly,
Ecohub.uz 🫡💚
Step 1 - Fill out the quick Registration form through this link
Step 2 - Look through the awesome web-site of ClimateScience org
Step 3 - Prepare a full choynak of extra strong green tea (black tea is illegal in our mahalla (joking))🫖🌱,
Step 4 - Log into Zoom through the Zoom link that we will send to your email soon 🔗📧,
Step 5 - Forget for two hours that it is Monday next day and just have FUN with us 😌🥺🫂
See ya very soon.
Yours truly,
Ecohub.uz 🫡💚
Please open Telegram to view this post
Google Docs
ECO-GAP series: “ClimateScience Olympiad Experience “ - Choybozlik with 2023 Olympiad winners and a semi-finalist”
📅 Date: June 9th
🕖 Time: 7 PM (Tashkent time)
🗣️ Language: English
📍 Where: Zoom (Once you fill out this form, we will send you the link via email)
Deadline for registration - 5 PM, June 9 (Sunday)
🕖 Time: 7 PM (Tashkent time)
🗣️ Language: English
📍 Where: Zoom (Once you fill out this form, we will send you the link via email)
Deadline for registration - 5 PM, June 9 (Sunday)
Hi friends, Radio FM Ecohub.uz is on the line again! 📻 Has your week been average or below and nothing exciting happened lately?🥺 Yes or No, Please, get prepared mentally for a dopamine release because we’ve got a craaaazy awesome opportunity. Special for…
Kind reminder: Today at 7 PM (Tashkent time) we are having our online chat on Climate Science Olympiad Experience.
Grab the Zoom link below:
Link to the ZOOM meeting -
Meeting ID: 873 7148 7039
Passcode: 305582
See you soon!🫖🌱💚
Kind reminder: Today at 7 PM (Tashkent time) we are having our online chat on Climate Science Olympiad Experience.
Grab the Zoom link below:
Link to the ZOOM meeting -
Meeting ID: 873 7148 7039
Passcode: 305582
See you soon!🫖🌱💚
Zoom Video
Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution…
Hey Ecohub fam!💚
We have missed you, and you?
We know it’s been a while, but we’re excited to be back with fresh energy and some awesomeee opportunities coming your way. Life’s been busy, but our mission to empower climate leaders of Uzbekistan is stronger than ever before.💪
So, here we are with the hottest opportunity special for our dedicated eco-mahalladoshlar (who have been with us all this time)! 🚀🔥
If you are interested in the field of climate change🌱 and dream about representing Uzbekistan🇺🇿 on the global stage at COP29 in Baku - then this is Your chance! 🌍🎤
We’re looking for an experienced climate warrior to participate at COP29 as a representative of jonajon Uzbekiston.🇺🇿🇺🇳 If you’re passionate about climate action and ready to take the stage on a global platform to share your invaluable experience of bringing positive change in your community, we need You!💥
What’s COP29, you’re asking?🤔
COP29 (Conference of the Parties) is part of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).🇺🇳 It is one of the most important annual UN conferences on climate change, where world governments come together to negotiate and make decisions on climate action and policies.🌍🌱
This year COP29, which will be held in Baku, Azerbaijan🇦🇿 from November 11 to November 22, is focused primarily on climate finance and addressing gaps in global financial support for climate action.
Who can apply?🤔
🌱 You must be working in a local NGO working in the fields of ecology, sustainable development, climate change.
🌱 You must be ready to give a presentation on your experience and actively engage in international discussions.
🌱You speak English fluently
What you will get provided?😎
Organizers will provide free accommodation, food, and will cover 70% of your flight costs! 🍲🛏️✈️
Apply ASAP!
Send + in the comment section below if you’re interested or want more info - we will DM you shortly.
This is your chance to represent your country and be part of something HUGE! 🌍💥
P.S. Share this post with your friends and get +1000 bonus for your eco-karma😎
❗️Deadline: 16.00, October17th ❗️
#EcoTandoor #HotOpportunities #ClimateAction
We have missed you, and you?
We know it’s been a while, but we’re excited to be back with fresh energy and some awesomeee opportunities coming your way. Life’s been busy, but our mission to empower climate leaders of Uzbekistan is stronger than ever before.💪
So, here we are with the hottest opportunity special for our dedicated eco-mahalladoshlar (who have been with us all this time)! 🚀🔥
If you are interested in the field of climate change🌱 and dream about representing Uzbekistan🇺🇿 on the global stage at COP29 in Baku - then this is Your chance! 🌍🎤
We’re looking for an experienced climate warrior to participate at COP29 as a representative of jonajon Uzbekiston.🇺🇿🇺🇳 If you’re passionate about climate action and ready to take the stage on a global platform to share your invaluable experience of bringing positive change in your community, we need You!💥
What’s COP29, you’re asking?🤔
COP29 (Conference of the Parties) is part of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).🇺🇳 It is one of the most important annual UN conferences on climate change, where world governments come together to negotiate and make decisions on climate action and policies.🌍🌱
This year COP29, which will be held in Baku, Azerbaijan🇦🇿 from November 11 to November 22, is focused primarily on climate finance and addressing gaps in global financial support for climate action.
Who can apply?🤔
🌱 You must be working in a local NGO working in the fields of ecology, sustainable development, climate change.
🌱 You must be ready to give a presentation on your experience and actively engage in international discussions.
🌱You speak English fluently
What you will get provided?😎
Organizers will provide free accommodation, food, and will cover 70% of your flight costs! 🍲🛏️✈️
Apply ASAP!
Send + in the comment section below if you’re interested or want more info - we will DM you shortly.
This is your chance to represent your country and be part of something HUGE! 🌍💥
P.S. Share this post with your friends and get +1000 bonus for your eco-karma😎
❗️Deadline: 16.00, October17th ❗️
#EcoTandoor #HotOpportunities #ClimateAction
Ertaga yakshanba, lekin hali kuningiz uchun ulkan rejalaringiz yo'qmi? 🌞
Unda, dam olish kuningizni uka yoki singlingiz bilan quvnoq jamoada samarali va foydali tarzda o‘tkazish imkoniyatini qo‘ldan boy bermang! 👦👧
Clean Games Kids o‘yiniga qo‘shiling va uka-singillaringiz ham haqiqiy Ekologik qahramonlar qatorida bo‘lish imkoniyatini qólga kiriting 🦸♂️🦸♀️
Clean Games Kids – bu bolalar uchun qiziqarli jamoaviy o‘yin bo‘lib, unda ishtirokchilar turli qiziqarli topshiriqlarni bajarayotib, hududlarni chiqindilardan tozalaydilar 🚮
✨ Eng faol jamoalar esa sovrinli o‘rinlarga ega bo‘ladilar 🏆
📅 Qachon: 20-oktabr, 11:00
📍 Manzil: Toshkent Botanika bog‘i 🌳
1️⃣ Ertaga soat 9:00 ga qadar jamoangizni ro'yxatdan o'tkazish uchun qisqa anketani to‘ldiring👩💻,
2️⃣ Jamoada 3-4 kishi bo‘lishi kerak, ularning yarmi 12 yoshgacha bo‘lgan bolalar bo‘lishi kerak 👧👦
3️⃣ Qulay kiyim va krossovka kiyib oling 👟
❗️Ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun yoki qo‘shimcha ma'lumot uchun tashkilotchilarga yozishingiz mumkin @zenginanne 📩
Unda, dam olish kuningizni uka yoki singlingiz bilan quvnoq jamoada samarali va foydali tarzda o‘tkazish imkoniyatini qo‘ldan boy bermang! 👦👧
Clean Games Kids o‘yiniga qo‘shiling va uka-singillaringiz ham haqiqiy Ekologik qahramonlar qatorida bo‘lish imkoniyatini qólga kiriting 🦸♂️🦸♀️
Clean Games Kids – bu bolalar uchun qiziqarli jamoaviy o‘yin bo‘lib, unda ishtirokchilar turli qiziqarli topshiriqlarni bajarayotib, hududlarni chiqindilardan tozalaydilar 🚮
✨ Eng faol jamoalar esa sovrinli o‘rinlarga ega bo‘ladilar 🏆
📅 Qachon: 20-oktabr, 11:00
📍 Manzil: Toshkent Botanika bog‘i 🌳
1️⃣ Ertaga soat 9:00 ga qadar jamoangizni ro'yxatdan o'tkazish uchun qisqa anketani to‘ldiring👩💻,
2️⃣ Jamoada 3-4 kishi bo‘lishi kerak, ularning yarmi 12 yoshgacha bo‘lgan bolalar bo‘lishi kerak 👧👦
3️⃣ Qulay kiyim va krossovka kiyib oling 👟
❗️Ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun yoki qo‘shimcha ma'lumot uchun tashkilotchilarga yozishingiz mumkin @zenginanne 📩
Завтра воскресенье, но у вас еще нет грандиозных планов на день? 🌞
Тогда ловите крутую возможность провести ваше воскресенье мега продуктивно и полезно 💪 с вашими братишками и сестренками! 👦👧
Присоединяйтесь в очередную игру Clean Games Kids и подарите возможность вашим братишкам и сестренкам попасть в ряды самых настоящих Эко-героев 🦸♂️🦸♀️
Clean Games Kids – это увлекательная командная игра для детей, во время которой участники очищают территории от мусора 🚮, параллельно выполняя различные интересные задания. ✨ Самые активные команды получают призовые места 🏆
📅 Когда: 20 октября, 11:00
📍 Место: Ботанический сад, Ташкент 🌳
1️⃣ Заполнить до 9:00 завтра краткую форму для регистрации вашей команды📲
2️⃣ В команде должно быть от 3 до 4 человек, половина из них должны быть дети до 12 лет 👧👦
3️⃣ Надевайте удобную одежду и кроссовки 👟
❗️Для регистрации или дополнительной информации, пишите организаторам @zenginanne 📩
Тогда ловите крутую возможность провести ваше воскресенье мега продуктивно и полезно 💪 с вашими братишками и сестренками! 👦👧
Присоединяйтесь в очередную игру Clean Games Kids и подарите возможность вашим братишкам и сестренкам попасть в ряды самых настоящих Эко-героев 🦸♂️🦸♀️
Clean Games Kids – это увлекательная командная игра для детей, во время которой участники очищают территории от мусора 🚮, параллельно выполняя различные интересные задания. ✨ Самые активные команды получают призовые места 🏆
📅 Когда: 20 октября, 11:00
📍 Место: Ботанический сад, Ташкент 🌳
1️⃣ Заполнить до 9:00 завтра краткую форму для регистрации вашей команды📲
2️⃣ В команде должно быть от 3 до 4 человек, половина из них должны быть дети до 12 лет 👧👦
3️⃣ Надевайте удобную одежду и кроссовки 👟
❗️Для регистрации или дополнительной информации, пишите организаторам @zenginanne 📩
Media is too big
Shahringizda eko-tadbirlar kundan-kun “vij-vij” qaynashini ko'rishdan ko'ra ajoyibroq narsa bo’lmasa kerak, to’g’rimi? 😎🔥
“Qo’yin-e, gapni ham olasiz-da😏”, deb o’ylaganalar va o’ylamaganlqr uchun mahsus - Roppa rossa ertaga “EZGU TILAK” eko-festivaliga🌱 keling va katta ekologik hamjamiyatining bir qismi bo'lish naqadar ajoyib ekanini o’zizingiz his qilib ko’ring. 🌍✨
Bu shunchaki festival emas, balki eko-bayram bo'ladi, unda har bir kishi - eng kichigidan 👶🏻 tortib to eng kattagacha 👵🏼 - o’zi uchun qiziqarli narsa topadi.
Festivalda ertaga nimalar bo’ladi:
* 🛠️ Upcycling bo’yicha Master-klasslar - bu erda siz keraksiz narsalaringizga ikkinchi hayot berishingiz mumkin, buning uchun keraksiz yoki eski kiyimlaringizni olib kelishingiz mumkin. 👗♻️
* 📖 Madina Mo'minovaning eko kitobini kitobdagi qahramonlar ijrosidagi jonli spektakl orqali ko’rish va eshitish imkoniyati - bu bolalar va ayniqsa kattalar uchun juda qiziqarli bo’lishi aniq - ushbu kitobni avval o'qigan bo’lmasangiz ham. 🎭
* 📚🌸 Eski kitoblar va gullarni almashtirish uchun burchaklar - o'zingiz o'qib bo’lgan yoki kerakmas kitoblaringizni yoki xona gullarni olib keling va boshqa yoqtirganingizga almashtiring.
* 🔋🗑️ Eski batareyalar, shisha va alyuminiy idishlarni yig'ish uchun burchaklar.
* 💬 Ekologiya bo’yicha ekspert bilan ochiq suhbat.
📌Bularning barchasi sizni 25 oktyabr kuni - soat 14.00 dan 20.00 gacha - Gyote instituti hududida kutmoqda.
Ishtirok etish mutlaqo bepul🤩
Ekologik faollik yo’lida biz bilan birga bo‘ling va ekologiya nafaqat muhim, balki nihoyatda qiziqarli va “модный” ekanligini his eting! 🚀🌿
“Qo’yin-e, gapni ham olasiz-da😏”, deb o’ylaganalar va o’ylamaganlqr uchun mahsus - Roppa rossa ertaga “EZGU TILAK” eko-festivaliga🌱 keling va katta ekologik hamjamiyatining bir qismi bo'lish naqadar ajoyib ekanini o’zizingiz his qilib ko’ring. 🌍✨
Bu shunchaki festival emas, balki eko-bayram bo'ladi, unda har bir kishi - eng kichigidan 👶🏻 tortib to eng kattagacha 👵🏼 - o’zi uchun qiziqarli narsa topadi.
Festivalda ertaga nimalar bo’ladi:
* 🛠️ Upcycling bo’yicha Master-klasslar - bu erda siz keraksiz narsalaringizga ikkinchi hayot berishingiz mumkin, buning uchun keraksiz yoki eski kiyimlaringizni olib kelishingiz mumkin. 👗♻️
* 📖 Madina Mo'minovaning eko kitobini kitobdagi qahramonlar ijrosidagi jonli spektakl orqali ko’rish va eshitish imkoniyati - bu bolalar va ayniqsa kattalar uchun juda qiziqarli bo’lishi aniq - ushbu kitobni avval o'qigan bo’lmasangiz ham. 🎭
* 📚🌸 Eski kitoblar va gullarni almashtirish uchun burchaklar - o'zingiz o'qib bo’lgan yoki kerakmas kitoblaringizni yoki xona gullarni olib keling va boshqa yoqtirganingizga almashtiring.
* 🔋🗑️ Eski batareyalar, shisha va alyuminiy idishlarni yig'ish uchun burchaklar.
* 💬 Ekologiya bo’yicha ekspert bilan ochiq suhbat.
📌Bularning barchasi sizni 25 oktyabr kuni - soat 14.00 dan 20.00 gacha - Gyote instituti hududida kutmoqda.
Ishtirok etish mutlaqo bepul🤩
Ekologik faollik yo’lida biz bilan birga bo‘ling va ekologiya nafaqat muhim, balki nihoyatda qiziqarli va “модный” ekanligini his eting! 🚀🌿
Media is too big
Что может быть круче, чем видеть, как твой город кипит эко движами? 😎🔥
Все, кто подумал и не подумал про себя "Камон, ну, вы даете😏" - для вас специальное предложение!
Приходите прям завтра на Эко-Фестиваль "ЭЗГУ ТИЛАК"🌱и почувствуйте, как круто быть частью большого эко-сообщества нашей страны.
Это будет не просто фестиваль, а эко-вечеринка, где каждый найдёт для себя что-то познавательное и развлекательное — от самых маленьких до самых взрослых 👶🏻👵🏼
На фестивале будут проводиться:
• Мастер-классы по апсайклингу - где вы сможете придать вторую яркую жизнь своим ненужным вещам - можете принести свою ненужную или старую одежду и вернуться с ними в их новом крутом облике 👗♻️,
• Чтение эко-книги Мадины Муминовой в сопровождении живого перформанса в исполнении костюмированных героев из книги - для детей и особенно взрослых - и совсем не обязательно, чтобы вы или ваши дети читали эту книгу раньше 📚🎭,
• Пункты для обмена старых книг и цветов - приносите прочитанные вами книги или ненужные комнатные цветы, чтобы обменять на другое 🌸📖,
• Пункты для сбора старых батареек, стеклянных и алюминиевых бутылок 🔋🗑️,
• Open-talk с эко-экспертом, который помогает делать нашу страну экологичнее 🌍🗣️,
📌Все это ждет вас 25 октября c 14.00 до 20.00 на территории Института Гете.
Участие абсолютно бесплатное🤩
Будь с нами на волне эко-активизма и почувствуйте, что экология — это не только важно, но и безумно интересно и модно! 🚀🌿
Все, кто подумал и не подумал про себя "Камон, ну, вы даете😏" - для вас специальное предложение!
Приходите прям завтра на Эко-Фестиваль "ЭЗГУ ТИЛАК"🌱и почувствуйте, как круто быть частью большого эко-сообщества нашей страны.
Это будет не просто фестиваль, а эко-вечеринка, где каждый найдёт для себя что-то познавательное и развлекательное — от самых маленьких до самых взрослых 👶🏻👵🏼
На фестивале будут проводиться:
• Мастер-классы по апсайклингу - где вы сможете придать вторую яркую жизнь своим ненужным вещам - можете принести свою ненужную или старую одежду и вернуться с ними в их новом крутом облике 👗♻️,
• Чтение эко-книги Мадины Муминовой в сопровождении живого перформанса в исполнении костюмированных героев из книги - для детей и особенно взрослых - и совсем не обязательно, чтобы вы или ваши дети читали эту книгу раньше 📚🎭,
• Пункты для обмена старых книг и цветов - приносите прочитанные вами книги или ненужные комнатные цветы, чтобы обменять на другое 🌸📖,
• Пункты для сбора старых батареек, стеклянных и алюминиевых бутылок 🔋🗑️,
• Open-talk с эко-экспертом, который помогает делать нашу страну экологичнее 🌍🗣️,
📌Все это ждет вас 25 октября c 14.00 до 20.00 на территории Института Гете.
Участие абсолютно бесплатное🤩
Будь с нами на волне эко-активизма и почувствуйте, что экология — это не только важно, но и безумно интересно и модно! 🚀🌿
📣Odamlaru-odamlar, eshitmadim demanglar!
Roppa rossa bir haftadan so‘ng MOC Hub madaniy markazda uzoq kutilgan “Amu Darya: River to a Missing Sea” filmi namoyishi bo‘lib o‘tadi. 📽️
Ushbu namoyish davomida sizlarda film mualliflaridan biri hamda Oksford universiteti bitiruvchisi, Enni Liddell opa bilan uchrashish imkoniyati bo’ladi. Ular Buyuk Britaniyadan kelgan tadqiqotchilar jamoasi nima uchun aynan O’zbekistonga film yaratish uchun kelgani haqida ham aytib beradi.
Film nima haqida?
“Amu Darya: River to a Missing Sea” (“Amudaryo: yoʻqolgan dengiz tomon daryo”) - bu qisqa metrajli hujjatli film boʻlib, unda hayoti va turmush-tarzi qurib borayotgan Amudaryo va Orol boʻyiga bogʻliq boʻlgan oʻzbek va qoraqalpoq odamlari o’zi duch kelgan qiyinchiliklar va hayot qissalari bilan bo’lishishadi.
⏰ Sana: 19:00, 13-noyabr, chorshanba
📍 O'tkaziladigan joy: Moc Hub, Buyuk Turon ko'chasi
🌐 Film va savol-javob tili: Inglizcha
Namoyishdan so‘ng kino ijodkorlari bilan savol-javob bo‘lib o‘tadi, unda siz mintaqaning suv resurslari va ekologiya bilan bog‘liq dolzarb muammolari, shuningdek, Orol dengizidagi “Amudaryo” loyihasi guruhining keyingi rejalari bilan tanishishingiz mumkin bo’ladi.
🎟️ Kirish bepul
Ixtiyoriy xayriyalar ham qabul qilinadi 💚 - ular film uchun o'zbekcha va qoraqalpoqcha subtitrlar yaratishga sarflanadi.
Film Treyleri: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xYSf6aQ4BiM
Roppa rossa bir haftadan so‘ng MOC Hub madaniy markazda uzoq kutilgan “Amu Darya: River to a Missing Sea” filmi namoyishi bo‘lib o‘tadi. 📽️
Ushbu namoyish davomida sizlarda film mualliflaridan biri hamda Oksford universiteti bitiruvchisi, Enni Liddell opa bilan uchrashish imkoniyati bo’ladi. Ular Buyuk Britaniyadan kelgan tadqiqotchilar jamoasi nima uchun aynan O’zbekistonga film yaratish uchun kelgani haqida ham aytib beradi.
Film nima haqida?
“Amu Darya: River to a Missing Sea” (“Amudaryo: yoʻqolgan dengiz tomon daryo”) - bu qisqa metrajli hujjatli film boʻlib, unda hayoti va turmush-tarzi qurib borayotgan Amudaryo va Orol boʻyiga bogʻliq boʻlgan oʻzbek va qoraqalpoq odamlari o’zi duch kelgan qiyinchiliklar va hayot qissalari bilan bo’lishishadi.
⏰ Sana: 19:00, 13-noyabr, chorshanba
📍 O'tkaziladigan joy: Moc Hub, Buyuk Turon ko'chasi
🌐 Film va savol-javob tili: Inglizcha
Namoyishdan so‘ng kino ijodkorlari bilan savol-javob bo‘lib o‘tadi, unda siz mintaqaning suv resurslari va ekologiya bilan bog‘liq dolzarb muammolari, shuningdek, Orol dengizidagi “Amudaryo” loyihasi guruhining keyingi rejalari bilan tanishishingiz mumkin bo’ladi.
🎟️ Kirish bepul
Ixtiyoriy xayriyalar ham qabul qilinadi 💚 - ular film uchun o'zbekcha va qoraqalpoqcha subtitrlar yaratishga sarflanadi.
Film Treyleri: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xYSf6aQ4BiM
📣Одамлару-одамлар, эшитмадим деманглар!
Ровно через неделю будет долгожданный показ фильма “Amu Darya: River to a Missing Sea” в MOC Hub. 📽️
У вас будет уникальная возможность познакомиться с Энни Лиддел опа, автором данного проекта и выпускницей Университета Оксфорд, и узнать, почему их команда исследователей из Великобритании решила прилететь именно в Узбекистан для создания фильма об историях наших людей, чья жизнь неразрывно связана с умирающей рекой Амударья.
О чем фильм?
“Amu Darya: River to a Missing Sea” — это короткометражный документальный фильм, который рассказывает истории людей из узбекских и каракалпакских общин, чей быт и культура зависят от реки Амударья и Аральского региона. Вы сможете поближе познакомиться с жизнью людей Амударьи через их жизненные истории, которых вы, возможно, никогда бы не увидели и не услышали.
⏰ Дата: 19:00, 13 ноября, среда
📍 Место проведения: Moc Hub, улица Буюк Турон
🌐 Язык фильма и сессии вопросов & ответов: английский
После показа состоится сессия вопросов и ответов с создателями фильма, где вы сможете узнать о текущих проблемах региона, связанных с водными ресурсами и экологией, а также о последующих планах команды проекта «Амударья» в регионе Аральского моря.
🎟️ Вход свободный
Добровольные пожертвования тоже приветствуются 💚 — они будут потрачены на создание узбекских и каракалпакских субтитров для фильма.
Трейлер: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xYSf6aQ4BiM
Ровно через неделю будет долгожданный показ фильма “Amu Darya: River to a Missing Sea” в MOC Hub. 📽️
У вас будет уникальная возможность познакомиться с Энни Лиддел опа, автором данного проекта и выпускницей Университета Оксфорд, и узнать, почему их команда исследователей из Великобритании решила прилететь именно в Узбекистан для создания фильма об историях наших людей, чья жизнь неразрывно связана с умирающей рекой Амударья.
О чем фильм?
“Amu Darya: River to a Missing Sea” — это короткометражный документальный фильм, который рассказывает истории людей из узбекских и каракалпакских общин, чей быт и культура зависят от реки Амударья и Аральского региона. Вы сможете поближе познакомиться с жизнью людей Амударьи через их жизненные истории, которых вы, возможно, никогда бы не увидели и не услышали.
⏰ Дата: 19:00, 13 ноября, среда
📍 Место проведения: Moc Hub, улица Буюк Турон
🌐 Язык фильма и сессии вопросов & ответов: английский
После показа состоится сессия вопросов и ответов с создателями фильма, где вы сможете узнать о текущих проблемах региона, связанных с водными ресурсами и экологией, а также о последующих планах команды проекта «Амударья» в регионе Аральского моря.
🎟️ Вход свободный
Добровольные пожертвования тоже приветствуются 💚 — они будут потрачены на создание узбекских и каракалпакских субтитров для фильма.
Трейлер: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xYSf6aQ4BiM