David Babayan, diplomat, politician
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Доктор исторических наук, дипломат, политик, председатель Консервативной партии Арцаха

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#Թուրքիա/ն իսկապես շատ լուրջ ու մեծ ջանքեր է գործադրում Անդրկովկասում ուժեղանալու, իր դիրքերն ամրացնելու համար։ Մենք տեսնում ենք բազմաշերտ քաղաքականություն, որը Թուրքիան ու #Ադրբեջան/ը միասին իրականացնում են: Կարևոր նպապակներից են #Ռուսաստան/ը դուրս թողնել ու #հայոց պետականությանը որպես աշխարհաքաղաքական գործոն չեզոքացնել։

#Турция действительно прилагает серьёзные и большие усилия для укрепления своих позиций в #Закавказье. Мы видим многоуровневую политику, проводимую Турцией и #Азербайджан/ом вместе. Среди главных целей - вытеснить #Россию и нейтрализовать #армянскую государственность как геополитический фактор.

#Turkey is really making serious and great efforts to become stronger in the #Transcaucasia and strengthen its position here. We see a multi-layered policy pursued by Turkey and #Azerbaijan together. Among the key goals are to oust #Russia and neutralize the #Armenian statehood as a geopolitical factor.

About Stalingrad and Artsakh. Hidden messages of famous events

Today marks the 80th anniversary of the successful completion of one of the most significant and key military operations in history - the Battle of #Stalingrad. It was here that the turning point in the Second World War was laid. If not for the victory at Stalingrad, then a world catastrophe would have happened and #Nazism would have won. This would be a disaster for the #Armenian people, too, because it was precisely the outcome of the battle of Stalingrad that #Turkey was waiting with such impatience, which, if the Nazis won, would enter the war, moving its hordes to #Transcaucasia, and from there to #CentralAsia, the #Volga region, etc. Obviously, this time not a single Armenian could have avoided a new #genocide. By the way, about 30 thousand Armenians participated in the Battle of Stalingrad, 10 thousand of which died. About a third of them were of #Karabagh descent.
It would seem that this battle will forever remain in history, causing only pride in the selfless feat of our grandfathers. However, when dark times come, the bright pages become prime targets for attack and aggression. Gorbachevism can be attributed to such dark times. We will talk about this phenomenon separately, because it remains a very relevant and dangerous phenomenon in our time too.
So, the encirclement of the Nazi hordes near Stalingrad, the final part of this epic, is known in history under the name of Operation “#Ring”. In April-May 1991, the leadership of #Azerbaijan, with the active and direct support of #Gorbachev, carried out the deportation of the Armenian population of Northern #Artsakh, dozens of settlements in the former Nagorno Karabagh Autonomous Region. In total, about 300 thousand people were deported, hundreds of people died. This operation was also called Operation “Ring”.
The motivation of Azerbaijan is quite obvious - the genocide and #deportation of the Armenians they hate. Of course, there was also a very peculiar hidden meaning here - to get even for Stalingrad, because it was this very victory that then stopped the invasion of the Turkish hordes in Transcaucasia and the creation of a single pan-Turkist empire.
The motivation of the Gorbachev mankurts is also understandable. With such Jesuit methods, they denounced the past and great deeds, thanks to which all mankind was saved from the brown plague. By this they wanted to achieve their dirty goals - discord, collapse, catastrophes, grief, blood, wars, betrayals, blasphemy. And all this under the guise of goodness, reforms, patriotism, etc., in a word, false prophecy.
Третья #азербайджан/о-#карабах/ская война 2020 года и ее последствия создали в Закавказье совершенно новый #геополитический ландшафт, характеризующийся шатким военно-политическим балансом и четкими намерениями ряда государств и центров силы изменить его в свою пользу.
Геополитическая ситуация здесь вступает в качественно новую фазу, которую можно охарактеризовать, как ситуация критического расстояния до точки невозврата.
Точка этого невозврата находится не только в военно-политической, но и в морально-психологической плоскости.
В данном контексте наш народ находится на своеобразном перекрестке, близком к переформатированию национальной идентичности. Это предполагает переосмысление того, что есть армянский народ, что есть армянская государственность, армянская история и т.д. От этого всецело зависит будущее #армянского народа и армянской государственности. Да, это действительно библейский перекресток нашей истории.

The third #Azerbaijan/i-#Karabagh war of 2020 and its consequences have created a completely new #geopolitical landscape in #Transcaucasia, characterized by a precarious military-political balance and clear intentions of a number of states and centers of power to change it in their favor.
The geopolitical situation here is entering a qualitatively new phase, which can be characterized as a situation of critical distance to the point of no return. The point of no return is located not only in the military-political sphere, but also in the moral-psychological one.
In this context, our people are at a kind of crossroads, close to the reformatting of national identity. This implies a rethinking of what the #Armenian people are, what is the Armenian statehood, Armenian history, etc. The future of the Armenian people and the Armenian statehood entirely depends on this. Yes, this is indeed the biblical crossroads of our history.
Геополитическая ценность Арацаха – само его существование. В #Закавказье давно идет переформатирование #геополитического ландшафта и для окончания данного процесса остался лишь один элемент – #Арцах. В случае его исчезновения #кровавыми процессами будет создана уже другая реальность. Но это, как говорится, уже другая история. Самым главным вопросом, стоящим перед арцахским государством – спасти арацахский генофонд.

The geopolitical value of #Artsakh is its very existence. The transformation of the #geopolitical landscape has been going on in #Transcaucasia for a long time, and only one element remains to complete this process - Artsakh. In the event of its disappearance, another reality will be created by #bloody processes. But that, so to say, is another story. The most important issue facing the Artsakh state is to save the Artsakh DNA.
