В #Арцах/е, в #блокадном и #осадном положении оказались и несколько ветеранов #ВеликойОтечественнойВойны, им всем под 100 лет. Недавно встретился с одном из них. Дед сказал поразительные слова. Он рассказал, что воевал в #Сталинград/е, под #Курском, брал #Берлин, но никогда не представлял, что под конец жизни может умереть с голоду. Но даже в таком преклонном возрасте и тяжелом положении воин-победитель думает не о себе, а о праправнуках, своей израненной стране, так много сделавшей и для победы над коричневой чумой и о ситуации, в которой оказался на сегодня мир. Да, очень интересное послание миру.
In #Artsakh, several veterans of the #SecondWorldWar also found themselves in a #blockade and #siege, all of them under 100 years old. I recently met one of them. Grandfather said amazing words. He told that he fought at #Stalingrad, #Kursk, took #Berlin, but never imagined that at the end of his life he could die of hunger. But even in such an advanced age and difficult situation, the victorious warrior does not think about himself, but about his great-great-grandchildren, his wounded country, which did so much to defeat the brown plague and about the situation in which the world finds itself today. Yes, a very interesting message to the world.
In #Artsakh, several veterans of the #SecondWorldWar also found themselves in a #blockade and #siege, all of them under 100 years old. I recently met one of them. Grandfather said amazing words. He told that he fought at #Stalingrad, #Kursk, took #Berlin, but never imagined that at the end of his life he could die of hunger. But even in such an advanced age and difficult situation, the victorious warrior does not think about himself, but about his great-great-grandchildren, his wounded country, which did so much to defeat the brown plague and about the situation in which the world finds itself today. Yes, a very interesting message to the world.