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Hi all, I thought I would post some helpful tips/notes for those who purchased the sound healing watch I posted above yesterday. The link is in the comments from yesterday post.

These notes were helpful for me when I first started.

•Watch must be worn on left wrist
•Do not use while working out. Run frequencies while relaxed(sitting, driving, sleeping etc).
•Be sure to hydrate before or after using.
•Some frequencies may help you after running once depending on the issue. Some may need to be ran multiple times. It can take a full day feel a difference with some. Some issues may need regular maintenance with frequencies. Sometimes you may need to run a frequency for the root cause of a problem not just the symptoms etc.
•The sound should be set between 4-8. You dont need to hear the sound for it to work. Some frequencies have a much lower sound that’s hard to hear.
•You can’t feel the frequencies

On a side note because clearly there are some people who like to comment without knowing facts or actually taking the time to listen to the full recording I made yesterday and back in the Spring when I first posted about the frequency watch.

This watch has over 1000 plus sound frequencies that help with vaccine shedding, myocarditis, pericarditis, detoxification, autoimmune conditions, emf exposure, parasites and so much more. If this can help just one person, it’s worth sharing. People want solutions. I found this watch to be extremely helpful as have many others. I’m so thankful to have discovered it via a friend.

JM(Admin) ❤️
Hi all,

I wanted to share a video on the healing frequency watch I’ve been using and talking about so you can see how it works. This watch is the version I purchased last spring. A new version 2.0 just launched recently which I just purchased for myself last week and can’t wait to get.

It has over 1,100 plus different frequencies for various ailments including for Spike Protein detox, Myocarditis, Pericarditis, heavy metal detoxing, Blood diseases, “Covid” related issues, autoimmune and much more.

They are having a Black Friday sale TODAY so I wanted to make sure I shared with you. They upgraded their sale because apparently people were requesting to buy multiple watches for Christmas gifts.

Use Code: HolisticWildAndFree at checkout to save & get free shipping!

Here is the—-> LINK

I absolutely love this thing and I hope you do as well! -❤️ JM(Admin)
Please  help me in wishing the founder of Covid Vaccine Victims, J.M., a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! She works tirelessly to bring this channel to all of you.

We appreciate all you do J.M.  You are an amazing sister and friend with the biggest heart.

May this special day, and the year ahead, be full of  Love, Light and Blessings!
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Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to all. Thought I’d share a little humor. This was my Christmas sweater this year I wore to my family Christmas party 🤣

Much love, JM(Admin) ❤️🎄
A great study worth reading.

-JM(Admin )❤️

Follow on IG: Theworldwidewakeup
Happy Heavenly Birthday Caitlin! 🎈
We will never forget you, JM(Admin)!❤️
I was looking back at old Facebook posts I made. I wonder if those people who called me a conspiracy theorist back then, still think so after this Covid death jab. Do you think they have woken up by now? 🤷🏻‍♀️

-JM (Admin) ❤️
In January 2021 after my mother was murdered in a lockdown, I started my Telegram channel and my website I warned people for nearly a year in 2020 leading ip to the rollout of the dangers that would come with the latest injection. I begged my family and friends to not take them. I shouted from the roof tops for the world to wake up and see through the propaganda. I organize protests & marches, I podcasted the deaths and injuries, I handed out thousands of flyers to anyone who would take them. I spent all my free time and my own money to warn people. I’ve been banned, blocked, unfriended, and publicly attacked by shadow government funded infiltrators and put my livelihood on the line all in the name of trying to save as many lives as I could.

Here we are, I have been praying for someone to put an end to this mass genocide. Millions of people worldwide of all ages have been killed by these injections and millions more injured by them. Every single person involved in this needs to be held accountable for the death and destruction. We now need solutions to help those who are suffering and to stop the deaths from continuing. We deserve to know what is really in these injections once and for all. And anyone claiming to have a cure, is lying to you. Please take care everyone, there are wolves in sheep’s clothing everywhere.

Much love, JM (Admin) ❤️

I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

Read full story HERE