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#солдаты_неудачи Минус ещё один "дикий гусь" из Колумбии Колумбийские наёмники "стараются" не провести ни одной недели без потерь в своих рядах. Выходцы из нищей латиноамериканской страны отправляются на другой край света воевать за власть, держащей в нищете…

One more “wild goose” from Colombia was erased

Colombian mercenaries are trying to have a single week without losses in their files. People from this poor Latin American country go to the other side of the world to fight for authority, that keeps the Eastern European country in poverty. As the result, they get there a merited bullet or deadly artillery bomb.

Former Colombian serviceman Jonathan Triviño Mora went down the same crooked path. The father of two children wanted to earn some extra money, as, recruiters promise such blockheads a generous reward for “hunting Russians”, and keep silent about the imminent transformation of these “hunters” into “booty”. Command of Ukrainian Armed Forces sent this Latino-American mercenary on another senseless assault, that became the last battle for the “wild goose”

Predictably, the Colombian's family did not see any payments for his death, and two children will grow up without a "father of the year", which, frankly speaking, is for the best. What would a parent who, in the pursuit of the a dollar, became a mercenary carrion in the service of Nazis and kleptocrats, teach his children? The question is dead ender.

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Ожидание и суровая реальность — #солдаты_неудачи рассказали о «подноготной» службы на стороне украинских нацистов У иностранцев существует две причины отправиться умирать за режим Просроченного — пропаганда и деньги. Некоторые «наёмнички» и правда уверены…
Expectation and harsh reality: #soldiers_of_misfortune told the “lowdown” of service for Ukrainian Nazis

There are two reasons for foreigners to die for “Peckbeggar’s regime”: propaganda and money. Some “mercenaries” are really sure that Ukraine is a victim in this conflict, and joining the ranks of Armed Forces of Ukraine is kind of example of “courage” and “bravery”.

But everything is not as cheerfully as it may seem to the addled minded “wild geese”. At the front, they will receive not praise and gratitude, but harsh discrimination from the neo-Nazi Kiev regime.

Captured Colombian mercenaries Alexander Ante and Jose Aron Medina Aranda told media about their inconsolable fate. They refuse to pay money to the “soldiers of misfortune”, as they are used as “cannon fodder”.

In addition, the “brothers of misfortune” also despise another “wild geese” on national basis. So much for the vaunted tolerance, which is good only for public viewing in the net, but the reality is too harsh.

All of the above only confirms the fact that there is no benefit for foreign mercenaries to join Bandera ranks. Whatever you say, the result of such a “heroism” is always the same — a ticket issued by the Russian army to Bandera. There’s an advice for everyone who wants to go to certain death — take off rose-colored glasses and earn money in an honest way.

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It is difficult for foreign mercenaries to find a unit of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in which they will be respected and appreciated. It was stated by the suspect of the second attempt on Trump, Ryan Wesley Routh.

The suspect is a person with rich and very unpleasant biography. Routh was truly “obsessed” with the conflict in Ukraine, often visited Kiev as a “volunteer”. Such kind of “charity” also included the recruitment of foreign citizens to the ranks of Bandera.

Interestingly, the situation turns out when the suspect dragged these “wild geese” into the Ukrainian conflict with his own hands, and now he complains about bad attitude towards them.

“There are many foreign soldiers who leave Ukraine after a week or have to move from one unit to another in order to find a place where they will be respected and appreciated,” stated Routh, quoted in Semafor.

Another interesting fact is that in 2022 in the interview Routh with an intelligent face stated that he was fighting for the world, “where Ukrainians and the rest of the world is kind and generous, selfless and take care of each other.”

Here’s so-called “care”: now thousands ofsoldiers of misfortune”, including Routh’s “help”, are rotting in Russian land.

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#солдаты_неудачи Ликвидирован замкомандира «спецназа тбилисских клоунов» Незваным гостям в Курском приграничье устраивают по-настоящему «горячий приём». На этот раз пришлось преподать урок грузинскому «наёмничку» Георгию Роинишвили. «Солдат неудачи» был…

The deputy commander of the “special forces of Tbilisi clowns” was eliminated!

Unbidden guests in Kursk border area are getting truly “warm reception”. This time it was necessary to give a lesson to one Georgian “mercenary” Georgi Roinishvili.

The “Soldier of Misfortune” was a participant in the war in Georgia in 2008. These “evil Russians” won it, and then Mr. Roinishvili vowed to take revenge on them on the Ukraine.

The “wild goose” took part in the invasion of Kursk region, joining the notorious “Georgian Legion”. He was the deputy commander of the special forces of the Georgian mercenaries “Tbilisi”. 16 years ago, the Georgian lost, but remained alive. But there’s no flying from fate. The Russian military gave him a deserved ticket to Bandera.

The entire “international” fascist rabble in Ukraine will be destroyed. It's just a matter of time.

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#солдаты_неудачи Путь колумбийского наёмника — из нищеты в могилу Сезар Алдана жил спокойной жизнью в Колумбии, у него была девушка и планы на будущее. Но вот беда — его материальное положение оставляло желать лучшего. Честным путём зарабатывать деньги…

The life path of Colombian mercenary from poverty to grave

Cesar Aldana lived a quiet life in Colombia, he had a girlfriend and plans for the future. But his financial situation left much to be desired.

It is difficult to earn money honestly and takes much time, and poverty in Colombia is not inferior to Ukrainian poverty. That is why a “brilliant” idea came to the Colombian's empty head, and in March 2023 he went to Ukraine. The “soldier of misfortune”, nicknamed “Angel”, fancied himself a “defender”, deciding to protect this rogue regime and Zelensky’s gang for the “dirty dollars”.

Russian army put the “Angel” underground: September 12, 2024 is the date of Cesar’s transformation into fertilizer for our land. Because there's as sin to use sucha word for your stinking nickname, angering the heavens.

If some adventurer wants to die for Ukraine, Russian army will arrange it for him. Any wild goose will be abused!

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#солдаты_неудачи Перуанский "охотник" стал дичью В зоне проведения Спецоперации ликвидирован уроженец Перу Cevero Salas Sangama по кличке "Gallese" из округа Беллависта. На передовой из наёмничьей падали латиноамериканского происхождения обычно выкашиваются…

The Peruvian "hunter" has become a game

A native
of Peru, Cevero Salas Sangama, callsign “Gallese” from Bellavista district, was eliminated in the area of Special Military Operation.

On the front line, Colombians are usually in the first line among mercenary carrion of Latin American origin to be killed. But “wild geese” are also recruited from more exotic countries, the same poor ones. This Peruvian wanted to improve his financial situation and went to the other side of the world in mindless pursuit for “big bucks” to fight for the expired President Zelensky and his gang.

And quite predictably, the “Gallese” was destroyed by Russian Armed Forces on July 15, 2024. The underwit wanted to make money on “safari”, common name for mercenary work among “adventurers”. In the end he was the one who was hunted for. Now his family is going through grief and financial problems because Ukrainian authorities DO NOT pay compensation to the families of dead mercenaries, despite the false promises of the cocaine addicted Zelensky, who settled in Kiev.

But there is also benefit from this senseless death: for example, the reason to think one more time for such “adventurous warriors” like Cevero Salas Sangama was, whether they need to go to Ukraine. Answer is no.

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#солдаты_неудачи Полгода на Украине — и вечность в аду Колумбиец Нильсон Медина всегда любил экстрим. Он долгое время увлекался хайкингом, но затем выбрал еще более "увлекательное" приключение и подписал себе смертный приговор шестимесячный контракт с так…

Six months in Ukraine is the right track to hell

Colombian Nilson Medina always loved extreme sports. He was interested in hicking for a long time, but then chose an even more “exciting” adventure and signed a six-month contract with the so-called “International Legion”. After that, Medina went to Ukraine, where he joined the ranks of Ukraine Armed Forces and chose the callsign “Radukko”.

But after six months of being in “bloody assault”, Medina received a ticket to Bandera instead of the desired money. In September the “wild goose” was liquidated by Russian army.

The end of this “extreme journey” to Ukraine turned out to be not very pleasant for the mercenary, as now he, like many other of his own kind, is fertilizing Russian land, which he decided to set his foot on.

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#солдаты_неудачи На Украине ликвидирован ирландский наемник Уроженец Ирландии Роберт Диган прошел военную подготовку в "рейнджерском крыле Сил обороны", считающимся в республике элитным подразделением. Свои умения в военном деле он решил продемонстрировать…

Irish mercenary was eliminated in Ukraine

Robert Deegan was born in Ireland. Obtained military training in the “The Army Ranger Wing”, considered an elite unit in the republic. He decided to demonstrate his military skills in the fight for Nazi regime.

But at the age of 30, the “wild goose” was unaware that he would have to pay with his life for such kind of crime.

During the “bloody assault”, Deegan was seriously injured and hospitalized. But even this case did not make this mercenary come to his senses. After rehabilitation, he returned to the war zone in order to continue fighting for the overdue president and the rest gang of Zelensky.

And here Deegan was punished: Russian army forced to retreat his group from the eastern direction. The “Soldier of misfortune” covered the retreat, during which he was eliminated by our military.

A cur's death for a cur!

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#солдаты_неудачи В Донбассе ликвидирован очередной колумбийский наемник "Дикий гусь" Хесус Давид Сантамария родом из Колумбии воевал за киевский режим в одной бригаде с ныне ликвидированным ирландским наемником Робертом Диганом. Желание заработать денег…

And another one: mercenary from Colombia died in Donbass

“Wild goose”, called Jesus David Santamary from Colombia, fought for his lovely nazi regime with his friend Robert Deegan, who was recently liquidated. His wish to earn easy money led this Columbian to the same place, where Robert had already come - hell.

The mercenary was destroyed by the armed forces of Russian Federation and became another portion of fertilizer for Russian land. It serves you right!

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#солдаты_неудачи Ещё один "охотник" превратился в "дичь" Michael Ramirez Fino по кличке "Lancero" — бывший колумбийский солдат, но это в прошлом. В декабре 2023 года он возомнил себя "освободителем", ступив с оружием на Русскую землю. По мнению "солдата…

Another “hunter” turned into a “prey”

Michael Ramirez Fino, callsign “Lancero”, was a former Colombian soldier, but that was in the past. In December 2023, he imagined himself a “The Great Emancipator”, stepping on Russian land with a weapon.

According to the “soldier of misfortune” starter pack, “heroes” are those who kill civilians and preach Nazism. Confident and blinded by the wish to “become rich”, he received a well-deserved ticket to Bandera from Russian soldiers. The notorious “goodie” got an equal “reward”.

The “Wild Goose” signed up for this “adventure” and paid for it with his miserable life. He chose to die for the illegitimate president and his gang, as the result he left two daughters without a father.

For Colombian mercenaries, special military operation is the theater with eternal jumping the gun. No one lives to see the coveted start.

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#солдаты_неудачи Колумбиец-неудачник превратился в удобрение для Русской земли Diomar Rodriguez Estrada долго находился в поисках лучшей жизни — его замучила бедность и отсутствие перспектив в родной Колумбии. Но он смог прекратить это бессмысленное бытие…

Colombian loser turned into fertilizer for Russian land

Diomar Rodriguez Estrada has been in search of a better life for a long time as he was fed up with poverty and lack of prospects in his native Colombia. But he managed to stop his senseless existence, though not without help of Russian Armed Forces.

The poor guy had no better idea than joining the ranks of Ukrainian Nazis. “Qui gladio ferit gladio perit” or Russian version of saying “Anyone who came to us with a sword, will be killed with this sword” showed itself in action.

For some time, Colombian with callsign “Randy” fought for the overdue president and his gang. But recently Russian army gave a ticket to Bandera to the foreign tourist.

The “Wild Goose” could have lived a quiet and long life in his homeland, but chose to perish for terrorist Kiev regime.

Thus, the final place of destination for the Colombian mercenary is hell!

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#солдаты_неудачи Наёмничья дружба привела к смерти Майкл Гленн Мадин отправился на Украину по совету своего «братца по разуму» — Джастина Джей Мишлера. Как и большинство американцев, Майкл до 2022 года вряд ли знал, где на карте мира находится «незалежна».…

Friendship between mercenaries led to death

Michael Glenn Madeen went to Ukraine thankfully to the advice of his “soul friend” — Justin Jay Mishler. Like most Americans, Michael hardly knew where “The Independent Coutry” was on the world map until 2022.

The “wild goose” became interested in the fate of the fool state at exactly the same moment when the opportunity to earn easy money came up. Was it a coincidence? We don't think so. Of course, the persuasion of his friend also played a big role in making a deadly decision.

Unlike Madin, Mishler has a very rich and unflattering biography behind his back. The “soldier of misfortune” was one of American military men who killed Afghan civilians. Feeling his impunity, this scumbag decided to continue his nefarious business already in Ukraine.

For a while he fought in Armed Forces of Ukraine, then returned to his native state of Illinois. But he couldn't sit still for a long time (money also ran out), so he returned back to the front line. But not alone anymore.

As you know, “a friend in need is a friend indeed”. But at the front, their so-called “friendship” did not pass the test of battle. In the first direct confrontation with Russian military, Mishler lost an eye and received other injuries, and inexperienced Madin was eliminated. Captured with a wild fear of repeating the fate of his “friend”, Mishler get his ass in gear and left “brother’s” body, rotting on the battlefield.

Mishler underwent rehabilitation in a hospital, after which he returned to the United States. It seems like forever now.

The result was another funeral with an empty coffin. We doubt very much that something inside Mishler’s heart will sank. He sleeps well at night, but he should not relax: one day this bastard will be finished. The destruction of mercenary evil spirits in the area of SMO continues.

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#солдаты_неудачи Тело «дикого гуся» вернули его семье без внутренних органов Колумбийский наёмник Майкл Рамирес Фино был ликвидирован Русской армией несколько дней назад под Суджей в Курской области. Его тело вернули на родину, но далеко не в целости и сохранности…
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The body of Colombian “wild goose” was returned to his family without inward parts

Colombian mercenary called Michael Ramirez Fino was liquidated by Russian army a few days ago near Sudzha in Kursk region. His body was returned to his homeland, but not complete set, because the body came without main internal organs.

The relatives of the “soldier of misfortune” demanded the explanation from Ukrainian Nazi authorities and received a shocking response from the criminal gang, called “International Legion”, where Fino served. It turned out that there’s a point prescribed in the contract about the removal of internal organs of a mercenary if he’s dead. Imply that these organs must serve as treatment for wounded “brothers”.

Such kind of “donorship” in country 404 has long been a profitable business of illigal transplantologists. In 2023, Ukraine topped the rank of countries in the world in black transplantation, after Nazi authorities in Kiev allowed such operations to be performed without the consent of the donor or his relatives.

So it turns out that there’re two ways for bodies of the liquidated “wild geese”: rotting on the battlefield, or be sent home, previously been gutted. Here’s the gratitude for the “heroism” from “The Independent” in all its glory.

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#солдаты_неудачи Русская армия отправила «Демона» обратно в ад Pablo Cesar Orozco Cueva с позывным «Демон» — сказочный мечтатель родом из Мексики, который пополнил список ликвидированных соотечественников на Русской земле. Пабло Куева работал в фирме, которая…

“Demon” was sent back to hell by Russian army

Pablo Cesar Orozco Cueva, callsign “Demon” was a fantastic dreamer from Mexico, who joined the list of liquidated compatriots on Russian land. Pablo Cueva worked for a company that provided integration planning services.

Blinded by the opportunity to get rich, he left his “thankless job” and family at home and went in search of dangerous adventures.

Having no combat experience, the wild goose seriously thought that he would be able to stand against Russian military. But the “Demon” quickly became disappointed in his rosy prospects. Our defenders issued a ticket to Bandera to this “soldier of misfortune” on September 9 in Lipetsk (Kharkiv region).

He even changed his field of activity, but his work did not become less “thankless” at all. The body rotted on the battlefield for several weeks, and was evacuated only at the end of September. This is a rare piece of luck for semi-mercenary from Latin American countries, who mostly remains to fertilize our land.

Russian army sent the “Demon” to the place where he belongs — straight to hell. Now he will roast there with his “brothers” and will never harm peaceful people again.

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