Волонтеры Музея Монино, Aviamuseum.ru
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🇬🇧 #exhibits_CMVVS 🇷🇺 текст на русском - в предыдущем посте

There are two Li-2T airplanes by Lisunov’s Design Bureau in the Museum of Russian #AirForces in #Monino and to see the posts about them click on #Li2T_CMVVS.
Photo by @russian_kate

Also there is Pe-2 airplane by Petlyakov Design Bureau in #CMVVS - click on #Pe2_CMVVS
Photo by Igor Kolokolov @igor113113

And most of the aviation lovers should know L-29 Dolphin which was tagged
🇬🇧 #exhibits_CMVVS 🇷🇺 текст на русском - в предыдущем посте
Click here #Unique_CMVVS to see all posts about unique flying objects at the Museum of Russian #AirForces in #Monino

To see posts about certain unique exhibit at #CMVVS click on hashtags below.

#Р63_CMVVS aka #Kingcobra_CMVVS