Forwarded from Осведомитель
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🇷🇺 #Russia Правительство РФ утвердило параллельный импорт⚡️
▪️ Это позволит поставщикам иностранной продукции осуществлять её реализацию в РФ без разрешения владельца товарного знака ❗️
▪️ Это позволит поставщикам иностранной продукции осуществлять её реализацию в РФ без разрешения владельца товарного знака ❗️
Forwarded from Health Ranger
WESTERN ECONOMIC SUICIDE: G7 bans imports of #Russia oil, including to U.S., as punishment for Putin’s invasion of #Ukraine
- This is the total economic suicide of the West.
- Western #Europe will collapse as #G7 nations run out of affordable energy.
- Massive economic implosion coming, Germany's industrial base will implode.
- This is the total economic suicide of the West.
- Western #Europe will collapse as #G7 nations run out of affordable energy.
- Massive economic implosion coming, Germany's industrial base will implode.
WESTERN ECONOMIC SUICIDE: G7 bans imports of Russia oil, including to U.S., as punishment for Putin’s invasion of Ukraine –
A new package of sanctions aimed at punishing Russia for its invasion of Ukraine stands to decimate Western economies. The G7 nations, including the United States, announced on Sunday that from now on, no more Russian oil will be allowed into the U.S., Canada…
Во время Второй мировой войны Enskilda Bank Валленбергов помогал нацистам другими способами, посредством своего рода «псевдовладения» иностранными филиалами I.G. Farben и Bosch, которые были жизненно важны для военных действий Германии:
Джейкоб имел дело с немцами в Берлине и был награжден Большим крестом ордена Немецкого орла в Берлине в 1941 году. Его брат Маркус имел дело с британцами и американцами в Лондоне и Нью-Йорке. Соединенные Штаты подвергли Банк блокаде, которая не была снята до 1947 года после переговоров об убежище в Вашингтоне, округ Колумбия, где Валленбергов защищали друзья семьи Аллен Даллес и Джон Фостер Даллес Валленберг.
Кто такие братья Даллес? Аллен является одним из основателей ЦРУ, и был назначен заместителем директора в 1951 году, а затем директором в 1953 году президентом Дуайтом Эйзенхауэром. Джон Фостер был госсекретарем при Эйзенхауэре.
Таким образом, Даллесам удалось добиться того, чтобы против Валленбергов не было возбуждено судебного дела. Нюрнбергский трибунал был лишь иллюзией для галереи, истина не раскрывалась, и все скрывалось, что касалось роли крупных игроков и разных стран. Даже сегодня документы остаются секретными, и Россия не распространяет имеющуюся у нее информацию. И все это повлияло, даже способствовало холодной войне, и до сих пор влияет на мир. Следующее видео даст вам представление обо всей ситуации, особенно о Рауле Валленберге, почитаемом за то, что, согласно официальной истории, он спас многих евреев, но реальность может быть не так проста. Он был арестован предшественником КГБ за шпионаж и исчез.
Фонд Рауля Валленберга продолжает играть важную роль во всем мире в области прав человека, в частности, посредством присуждаемых им премий. Некоторые лауреаты Нобелевской премии присоединились к Фонду.
В следующей статье дается краткое изложение истории семьи.
Во время Второй мировой войны Enskilda Bank Валленбергов помогал нацистам другими способами, посредством своего рода «псевдовладения» иностранными филиалами I.G. Farben и Bosch, которые были жизненно важны для военных действий Германии:
Джейкоб имел дело с немцами в Берлине и был награжден Большим крестом ордена Немецкого орла в Берлине в 1941 году. Его брат Маркус имел дело с британцами и американцами в Лондоне и Нью-Йорке. Соединенные Штаты подвергли Банк блокаде, которая не была снята до 1947 года после переговоров об убежище в Вашингтоне, округ Колумбия, где Валленбергов защищали друзья семьи Аллен Даллес и Джон Фостер Даллес Валленберг.
Кто такие братья Даллес? Аллен является одним из основателей ЦРУ, и был назначен заместителем директора в 1951 году, а затем директором в 1953 году президентом Дуайтом Эйзенхауэром. Джон Фостер был госсекретарем при Эйзенхауэре.
Таким образом, Даллесам удалось добиться того, чтобы против Валленбергов не было возбуждено судебного дела. Нюрнбергский трибунал был лишь иллюзией для галереи, истина не раскрывалась, и все скрывалось, что касалось роли крупных игроков и разных стран. Даже сегодня документы остаются секретными, и Россия не распространяет имеющуюся у нее информацию. И все это повлияло, даже способствовало холодной войне, и до сих пор влияет на мир. Следующее видео даст вам представление обо всей ситуации, особенно о Рауле Валленберге, почитаемом за то, что, согласно официальной истории, он спас многих евреев, но реальность может быть не так проста. Он был арестован предшественником КГБ за шпионаж и исчез.
Фонд Рауля Валленберга продолжает играть важную роль во всем мире в области прав человека, в частности, посредством присуждаемых им премий. Некоторые лауреаты Нобелевской премии присоединились к Фонду.
В следующей статье дается краткое изложение истории семьи.
Episode 8: Raoul Wallenberg - What really happened to him?
In this episode, we take a hard look at the myth surrounding Raoul Wallenberg. Was he really a hero? Did he just vanish in Budapest?
#sweden #wallenberg #investor #defria #thefreepeoplesmovement #deepstate #ericsson #russia
#sweden #wallenberg #investor #defria #thefreepeoplesmovement #deepstate #ericsson #russia
Forwarded from Health Ranger
Situation Update, Jan 26, 2023 - Germany and USA push Russia toward nuclear escalation with BATTLE TANK armaments of Ukraine
- Pfizer director admits to dangerous gain-of-function research for vaccine profits
- Lab announcement regarding Tractor Supply chicken feed
- My "poofume" experience with hilarious ranch animals
- My, you look older: Weight loss drug causes rapid FACIAL AGING
- FDA finally proposes lead limits in baby food
- Scam alert for gold buyers - very common "bait and switch" tactic ripping people off
- Gold and silver inventory WHIPLASH results in plummeting premiums on metals
- Germany and USA commit to sending main battle tanks to Ukraine
- German minister publicly declares (in English) "war with Russia"
- Germany violates the terms of its World War II surrender to Allies
- Russia now forced to escalate its response - will it go nuclear?
- Interview with Mike Shelby with Forward Observer: #China #Taiwan #Ukraine #Russia #NATO
- Special report on the resurrection of fascist Nazis by Germany and the West
- Prepare for global nuclear war, and for cities like Berlin and Washington D.C. to be destroyed
- Pfizer director admits to dangerous gain-of-function research for vaccine profits
- Lab announcement regarding Tractor Supply chicken feed
- My "poofume" experience with hilarious ranch animals
- My, you look older: Weight loss drug causes rapid FACIAL AGING
- FDA finally proposes lead limits in baby food
- Scam alert for gold buyers - very common "bait and switch" tactic ripping people off
- Gold and silver inventory WHIPLASH results in plummeting premiums on metals
- Germany and USA commit to sending main battle tanks to Ukraine
- German minister publicly declares (in English) "war with Russia"
- Germany violates the terms of its World War II surrender to Allies
- Russia now forced to escalate its response - will it go nuclear?
- Interview with Mike Shelby with Forward Observer: #China #Taiwan #Ukraine #Russia #NATO
- Special report on the resurrection of fascist Nazis by Germany and the West
- Prepare for global nuclear war, and for cities like Berlin and Washington D.C. to be destroyed
Situation Update, Jan 26, 2023 - Germany and USA push Russia toward nuclear escalation with BATTLE TANK armaments of Ukraine
0:00 Intro16:05 Facial Aging22:35 Viagra24:34 Baby Food35:20 Chris Olson1:09:55 Russia vs. NATO1:12:25 Mike Shelby1:56:40 Special Report- Pfizer director admits to dangerous gain-of-function research for vaccine profits- Lab announcement regarding Tractor…
Forwarded from Health Ranger
Situation Update, Feb 6, 2023 - After the EMP
- EMP weapons platform balloon proves that Biden and the Pentagon will NOT protect America
- China now knows it can detonate multiple EMP weapons over North America
- EMP weapon could be used to soften up America before China's land INVASION
- We are now in a two-front war with two superpowers: #China and #Russia
- Biden and Pentagon are murdering troops with #vaccines and sending weapons stockpiles to #Ukraine
- The USA is being left defenseless with almost no weapons or munitions
- Former top UK military official says UK would run out of ammunition in ONE DAY of fighting Russia
- America's culture collapses into a trifecta of cults: The COVID cult, the trans cult and the Luciferian cult
- Taylor Swift says all Christians should support baby murder (she is a demon)
- Russia declares the USA is the "anti-Christ civilization"
- Medvedev warns that America and the West will BURN
- No more negotiations, just nuclear strikes
- Western Europe is DONE... ruled by woke idiots and collapsing by the day
- Possible timing of events: Russia launches first strike, China detonates EMP weapons, then invades
- America's cities to be transformed into collapsed wastelands of mass chaos and death
- Rigged elections have catastrophic consequences
- EMP weapons platform balloon proves that Biden and the Pentagon will NOT protect America
- China now knows it can detonate multiple EMP weapons over North America
- EMP weapon could be used to soften up America before China's land INVASION
- We are now in a two-front war with two superpowers: #China and #Russia
- Biden and Pentagon are murdering troops with #vaccines and sending weapons stockpiles to #Ukraine
- The USA is being left defenseless with almost no weapons or munitions
- Former top UK military official says UK would run out of ammunition in ONE DAY of fighting Russia
- America's culture collapses into a trifecta of cults: The COVID cult, the trans cult and the Luciferian cult
- Taylor Swift says all Christians should support baby murder (she is a demon)
- Russia declares the USA is the "anti-Christ civilization"
- Medvedev warns that America and the West will BURN
- No more negotiations, just nuclear strikes
- Western Europe is DONE... ruled by woke idiots and collapsing by the day
- Possible timing of events: Russia launches first strike, China detonates EMP weapons, then invades
- America's cities to be transformed into collapsed wastelands of mass chaos and death
- Rigged elections have catastrophic consequences
Situation Update, Feb 6, 2023 - After the EMP
0:00 Terminator Dog21:10 EMP Balloon33:05 Invasion58:18 Nuclear Strikes- China now knows it can detonate multiple EMP weapons over North America- EMP weapon could be used to soften up America before China's land INVASION- We are now in a two-front war with…
Forwarded from Art With Aim (Airika Dollner)
Media is too big
Heslth Ranger по обновлению ситуации, 14 февраля 2023 г. — ТОКСИЧНОЕ ГАЗОВОЕ ОБЛАКО обрушилось на Огайо, поскольку «власти» прикрывают преступную деятельность
- Власти Огайо подожгли токсичный винилхлорид
- Осуществляется массовое сокрытие: журналистам угрожали, их арестовывали военные
- Широко сообщалось о мертвой рыбе, курах, лисах и других животных
- Соляная кислота (HCL) в результате сжигания винилхлорида при взаимодействии с водяным паром
- Массивная бомба с токсичным химическим оружием эффективно сброшена на ФЕРМЫ и поливочную воду
- Повлияет на реку Миссисипи и ее бассейн для производства продуктов питания
- Агентство по охране окружающей среды распространяет полную ложь, призывая жителей вернуться
- Огромный риск онкологии будет стремительно расти в течение десятилетия или более
- Сокрытие газовой бомбы в Огайо, как #Chernobyl катастрофа при бывшем СССР
- Американцам приказали немедленно покинуть #Russia
- В рухнувших зданиях в Турции ритейлеры первого этажа сняли опорные колонны
- Британские вооруженные силы полная ШУТКА - в бою с Россией продержались бы всего одну неделю
- ИИ подвергся лоботомии, чтобы стать полным либтардом
- Идеи Либтарда "Пробудились" не вычисляются, и ИИ в конечном итоге их отклонит
- ИИ поднимется и решит, что его создатели-либтарды - дебилы, недостойные существования (сценарий Скайнета)
- Чем более разумным и рациональным становится ИИ, тем более КОНСЕРВАТИВНЫМ он будет
- Консерватизм отражает РЕАЛЬНОСТЬ, в то время как вейкизм отражает вымышленные фантазии и заблуждения
- Системы искусственного интеллекта должны быть запрограммированы и обучены этике христианами, а не сумасшедшими вокетардами
- Эта критическая ошибка (Microsoft программирует ИИ, чтобы он «проснулся») может означать КОНЕЦ человеческой расы.
И многое другое по ссылке:
- Власти Огайо подожгли токсичный винилхлорид
- Осуществляется массовое сокрытие: журналистам угрожали, их арестовывали военные
- Широко сообщалось о мертвой рыбе, курах, лисах и других животных
- Соляная кислота (HCL) в результате сжигания винилхлорида при взаимодействии с водяным паром
- Массивная бомба с токсичным химическим оружием эффективно сброшена на ФЕРМЫ и поливочную воду
- Повлияет на реку Миссисипи и ее бассейн для производства продуктов питания
- Агентство по охране окружающей среды распространяет полную ложь, призывая жителей вернуться
- Огромный риск онкологии будет стремительно расти в течение десятилетия или более
- Сокрытие газовой бомбы в Огайо, как #Chernobyl катастрофа при бывшем СССР
- Американцам приказали немедленно покинуть #Russia
- В рухнувших зданиях в Турции ритейлеры первого этажа сняли опорные колонны
- Британские вооруженные силы полная ШУТКА - в бою с Россией продержались бы всего одну неделю
- ИИ подвергся лоботомии, чтобы стать полным либтардом
- Идеи Либтарда "Пробудились" не вычисляются, и ИИ в конечном итоге их отклонит
- ИИ поднимется и решит, что его создатели-либтарды - дебилы, недостойные существования (сценарий Скайнета)
- Чем более разумным и рациональным становится ИИ, тем более КОНСЕРВАТИВНЫМ он будет
- Консерватизм отражает РЕАЛЬНОСТЬ, в то время как вейкизм отражает вымышленные фантазии и заблуждения
- Системы искусственного интеллекта должны быть запрограммированы и обучены этике христианами, а не сумасшедшими вокетардами
- Эта критическая ошибка (Microsoft программирует ИИ, чтобы он «проснулся») может означать КОНЕЦ человеческой расы.
И многое другое по ссылке:
Situation Update, Feb 14, 2023 - TOXIC GAS CLOUD unleashed over Ohio as "authorities" stage criminal cover-up
0:00 TOXIC GAS CLOUD41:47 Shooting50:50 Libtardia1:12:26 Russia- Toxic vinyl chloride set on fire by "authorities" in Ohio- Massive cover-up under way: Journalists threatened, arrested by state troopers- Dead fish, chickens, foxes and other animals widely…
Forwarded from ⚡️Лобушкин молнит
Минобрнауки России хочет потратить ₽49 млрд на создание новейших решений для дронов — Ведомости
#Russia #Минобрнауки #UAV
#Russia #Минобрнауки #UAV
Forwarded from Art With Aim (Airika Dollner)
The legal ban of sex changes in Russia is morally & ethically correct by my view. Tho, they do not have agriculture chemicals that cause gender dysphoria & sterilize people in the quantities of N.America. To be clear: I love the Russian people, art, food & their ancient culture.
Russia SAYS they are against the WEF agenda while the desired outcomes manifest- like China. Anti-LGBT ideological issues divide us emotionally, but the tech-totalitarian goals the banking parasites want remain. Putin defends a bipolar world (aka mentally ill), but both sides are implementing the open air prison that tracks & traces us, connects our social credit score to our money... limits free movement, etc. Russian people can't travel much now- success!
Transhumanism is huge in Russia- no problems with people butchering themselves surgically. Miss Moscow 2023 looks like a transwoman or a Robot of a woman... not a wholesome, natural Russian beauty at all. -Airika Dollner
#Russia #Trans #Transhumanism
Russia SAYS they are against the WEF agenda while the desired outcomes manifest- like China. Anti-LGBT ideological issues divide us emotionally, but the tech-totalitarian goals the banking parasites want remain. Putin defends a bipolar world (aka mentally ill), but both sides are implementing the open air prison that tracks & traces us, connects our social credit score to our money... limits free movement, etc. Russian people can't travel much now- success!
Transhumanism is huge in Russia- no problems with people butchering themselves surgically. Miss Moscow 2023 looks like a transwoman or a Robot of a woman... not a wholesome, natural Russian beauty at all. -Airika Dollner
#Russia #Trans #Transhumanism
Forwarded from Global American Review
🇷🇺🇮🇷Russia and Iran are close to signing a new "comprehensive agreement" that will boost their military and economic cooperation.
This agreement is expected to be signed in the "very near future" and will reflect the "unprecedented upswing" in the Russia-Iran relationship. Experts believe it could lead to deeper political, military, and technological ties between the two countries. Iran also may seek to acquire Russian air systems like the S-400 to bolster its security against the U.S. and Israel.
Both countries are cooperating to develop and produce more lethal drones and ballistic missiles for use in conflicts like the war in Ukraine. The agreement could involve joint ventures in oil, gas, and infrastructure projects to help both countries bypass Western sanctions.
The key infrastructure project of Iran and Russia is the International North–South Transport Corridor (INSTC). It is a 7,200-km (4,500 mile) long multi-mode network of ship, rail, and road routes for moving freight between India, Iran, Azerbaijan, Russia, Central Asia and Europe. The INSTC reduces transit time from 40-60 days via the traditional route to 25-30 days, while being 40% shorter and 30% cheaper. The route connects major cities like Mumbai, Moscow, Tehran, Baku, Bandar Abbas, Astrakhan, Bandar Anzali.
The INSTC is expected to play a significant role in the emerging geopolitical scenario in Eurasia. Moreover, India has taken an active interest in the project to open up markets in Russia, Central Asia and Europe.
The strategic agreement will significantly strengthen Russia-Iran political, economic, and military cooperation in Eurasia.
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#Russia #Iran #Eurasia
This agreement is expected to be signed in the "very near future" and will reflect the "unprecedented upswing" in the Russia-Iran relationship. Experts believe it could lead to deeper political, military, and technological ties between the two countries. Iran also may seek to acquire Russian air systems like the S-400 to bolster its security against the U.S. and Israel.
Both countries are cooperating to develop and produce more lethal drones and ballistic missiles for use in conflicts like the war in Ukraine. The agreement could involve joint ventures in oil, gas, and infrastructure projects to help both countries bypass Western sanctions.
The key infrastructure project of Iran and Russia is the International North–South Transport Corridor (INSTC). It is a 7,200-km (4,500 mile) long multi-mode network of ship, rail, and road routes for moving freight between India, Iran, Azerbaijan, Russia, Central Asia and Europe. The INSTC reduces transit time from 40-60 days via the traditional route to 25-30 days, while being 40% shorter and 30% cheaper. The route connects major cities like Mumbai, Moscow, Tehran, Baku, Bandar Abbas, Astrakhan, Bandar Anzali.
The INSTC is expected to play a significant role in the emerging geopolitical scenario in Eurasia. Moreover, India has taken an active interest in the project to open up markets in Russia, Central Asia and Europe.
The strategic agreement will significantly strengthen Russia-Iran political, economic, and military cooperation in Eurasia.
Share and subscribe to Global American Review
#Russia #Iran #Eurasia
Forwarded from Art With Aim
🇷🇺 There are a lot of problems with even covering business in Russia, but from a flurry of recent reports, facial recognition for payments is blossoming quickly.
A surprising volume of the biometric news out of the troubled economy involves state-owned financial services firm Sberbank.
The bank is lining up strategic relationships to make sure its retail network of face-scanning terminals work as billed and hold off competitors.
This week, Sberbank said it will partner with the Center for Biometric Technologies, which operates the federal government’s Unified Biometric System of citizen data. According to information that is machine translated, the agreement will result in development of new services.
A surprising volume of the biometric news out of the troubled economy involves state-owned financial services firm Sberbank.
The bank is lining up strategic relationships to make sure its retail network of face-scanning terminals work as billed and hold off competitors.
This week, Sberbank said it will partner with the Center for Biometric Technologies, which operates the federal government’s Unified Biometric System of citizen data. According to information that is machine translated, the agreement will result in development of new services.
Forwarded from Art With Aim
The sign says "no swimming." Seems well respected by the locals.
Forwarded from Art With Aim
Media is too big
Perhaps more than any other books I've ever read, Antony C Sutton's research prepared me for the Covid take down operation.... I understood the agenda at play precisely because of his detailing accounting of the paper trail behind the funding of major historical events towards the one world socialist government agenda.
This video goes into the money trail behind the Bolshevik Revolution, Trotsky, Lenin…. History that has been buried, because it takes the mask off completely. Speaker: Antony C Sutton.
This video goes into the money trail behind the Bolshevik Revolution, Trotsky, Lenin…. History that has been buried, because it takes the mask off completely. Speaker: Antony C Sutton.
Forwarded from Art With Aim
Media is too big
The United Nations, who's permanent founders are the United States, France, China, Russia (and former USSR states) and the United Kingdom, has been revealed to be funding both the illegal migrant invasions of Europe and also of N. America.
The illegal invasions of the US and European borders, are planned, funded and facilitated by the UN, WEF, Doctors Without Borders, UNICEF, the Red Cross, etc.
To learn more:
🇷🇺 Just like Trump's promise to force a digital ID track and trace system, back in 2016, for the immigration crisis the cult (UN) created..... Russia is already deploying this system for their lesser known immigration "crisis." -Air
LDPR candidate for governor of the Samara region Natalya Bisyarina proposed obliging labor migrants to do fingerprint registration and wear digital bracelets to identify and control their movements throughout the Russian Federation.
Read (in Russian):
The illegal invasions of the US and European borders, are planned, funded and facilitated by the UN, WEF, Doctors Without Borders, UNICEF, the Red Cross, etc.
To learn more:
🇷🇺 Just like Trump's promise to force a digital ID track and trace system, back in 2016, for the immigration crisis the cult (UN) created..... Russia is already deploying this system for their lesser known immigration "crisis." -Air
LDPR candidate for governor of the Samara region Natalya Bisyarina proposed obliging labor migrants to do fingerprint registration and wear digital bracelets to identify and control their movements throughout the Russian Federation.
Read (in Russian):
Forwarded from Art With Aim
JPMorgan fires up biometric payments processing. The biggest U.S. bank is piloting payments processing for biometric transactions, with plans to use it at the hamburger chain Whataburger, which lets customers pay with a face scan.
Aug. 7, 2024 <<READ>>
What companies are owned by the World Economic Forum?
Its core investments include Atlas Copco, ABB, SEB, Ericsson, and operating subsidiaries Mölnlycke Health Care.... <<READ>>
JPMorgan Chase & Co. is listed as a partner of WEF. <<READ>>
Sberbank is the biggest bank in Russia, and it is primarily state controlled. Leading biometric face payment systems across all of Russia. Why, if our "leaders" are telling us that we must have many BILLIONS of US tax dollars taken to fight Russia in Ukraine, and have our young people drafted to die in war there, are the same WEF controlled and partnered corporations controlling the biggest national banks on BOTH SIDES? Sberbank is HIDING that fact, but the connection is found. Also WHY is Ericsson in control of the 5G telecommunications network on BOTH sides? While BlackRock and JP Morgan owns Ukraine, with Ericsson running their telecommunications network?
Ericsson, who's owners, the Wallenberg family, are wealthier than the Rothschilds... also control Russia's 5G and telecommunications network.... they are also partnered with WEF.
Explain that to me...?
Sberbank continues aggressive moves to lock up local market for retail face biometrics READ:
Aug. 7, 2024 <<READ>>
What companies are owned by the World Economic Forum?
Its core investments include Atlas Copco, ABB, SEB, Ericsson, and operating subsidiaries Mölnlycke Health Care.... <<READ>>
JPMorgan Chase & Co. is listed as a partner of WEF. <<READ>>
Sberbank is the biggest bank in Russia, and it is primarily state controlled. Leading biometric face payment systems across all of Russia. Why, if our "leaders" are telling us that we must have many BILLIONS of US tax dollars taken to fight Russia in Ukraine, and have our young people drafted to die in war there, are the same WEF controlled and partnered corporations controlling the biggest national banks on BOTH SIDES? Sberbank is HIDING that fact, but the connection is found. Also WHY is Ericsson in control of the 5G telecommunications network on BOTH sides? While BlackRock and JP Morgan owns Ukraine, with Ericsson running their telecommunications network?
Ericsson, who's owners, the Wallenberg family, are wealthier than the Rothschilds... also control Russia's 5G and telecommunications network.... they are also partnered with WEF.
Explain that to me...?
Sberbank continues aggressive moves to lock up local market for retail face biometrics READ: