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Media is too big
Part one is currently refusing to upload..... I've been having a LOT of issues with downloading and uploading content.... almost as if the content is being remotely restricted. Too bad they rely on our burden of proving that. -Air
Forwarded from Art With Aim
Connections Between Harrelsons and Kennedys (George Magazine, December 1996).
Woody Harrelson's father was CIA, and jailed for killing 2 people. His father was connected to JFK's assassination. Yet JFK Jr put him on the cover of George magazine. Thoughts as to why that would be?
Woody Harrelson's father was CIA, and jailed for killing 2 people. His father was connected to JFK's assassination. Yet JFK Jr put him on the cover of George magazine. Thoughts as to why that would be?
EP 101: Connections Between Harrelsons and Kennedys (George Magazine, December 1996)
#jfkjr #kennedy #johnkennedy #george #georgemagazine #jfk
In December 1996, JFK Jr put Woody Harrelson on the cover of his George Magazine, dressed as an angel. On the surface, it seems like a normal cover, but upon diving into the history of Harrelson's…
In December 1996, JFK Jr put Woody Harrelson on the cover of his George Magazine, dressed as an angel. On the surface, it seems like a normal cover, but upon diving into the history of Harrelson's…
Forwarded from Art With Aim
Colonel Fletcher Prouty was Chief of Special Operations at the Pentagon under President Kennedy. When Kennedy was killed in 1963, Prouty resigned, suspecting "an enemy within". He became a leading exponent of the view that the Government was controlled by what he called "The Secret Team" - a cabal of shadowy figures.
In this 1989 interview, conducted by Director John Edginton, Prouty gives fascinating insights into the MLK/JFK assassinations and the 'Lone Nuts" who were blamed for them.
In this 1989 interview, conducted by Director John Edginton, Prouty gives fascinating insights into the MLK/JFK assassinations and the 'Lone Nuts" who were blamed for them.
THE SENSATIONAL COLONEL PROUTY:Previously Unseen interview on MLK, JFK, RFK assassinations.
#mlk #jfk #assassination #deepstate
Colonel Fletcher Prouty was Chief of Special Operations at the Pentagon under President Kennedy. When Kennedy was killed in 1963, Prouty resigned, suspecting "an enemy within". He became a leading exponent of the view…
Colonel Fletcher Prouty was Chief of Special Operations at the Pentagon under President Kennedy. When Kennedy was killed in 1963, Prouty resigned, suspecting "an enemy within". He became a leading exponent of the view…