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Forwarded from YumNaturals Emporium Amandha Vollmer (Amandha Vollmer)
People who still deny the obvious are an interesting breed. It's not that difficult to control the weather and cloud seed. You can do home science experiments to get the idea. This has been ongoing for decades. Nexrad, HAARP, roadrunner tech and more are verified, real and happening. The patents are numerous.

The level of denial on this one is demented. Weather warfare is real. For some examples we have the last big ice storm in Texas and the latest hurricane in Florida, undoubtedly to punish those who are most awake to the plandemic and actually like freedom! Fancy that! As if a natural hurricane hovers over land like that. Yeah, right.

I've been researching, having discussions with lawyers, and my friend Christine Massey and I have made FOI requests for the geoengineering programs going on in Canada. There are a lot of documents so you can bet many of them are military grade and therefore are being blacked out as we speak. Once I get the documents and assess everything, I'll pull together a video to share my research with you.

They want to push their fake climate hoax all over us? Well, I'm going to make a big stink about the fact that they're messing with our weather and blaming it on cow farts while destroying our food supply in the name of nonsense.
#geoengineering #foodindustry #weatherwarfare #haarp #nexrad #floridahurricane #texas #research #cloudseeding #climatechange #hoax #scam #cowfarts #deathcult #weather #foryou #fyp

Instagram post: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjqxk1OOQTK/
Обновление ситуации, 20 января 2023 г. — Разрушение биосферы достигает СОБЫТИЯ УРОВНЯ ВЫМИРАНИЯ (ELE) с участием Дэйн Вигингтон:

- Дейн Вигингтон из #Geoengineering Watch присоединяется к Майку Адамсу, чтобы обсудить атаки на биосферу
- Вооружение погодных систем для управления штормами и дождями
- Как превращение погоды в оружие вызывает неурожаи, нехватку продовольствия и голод
- Новая наземная лазерная система направляет удары молний по намеченным целям
- Wall Street Journal теперь сообщает о технологиях управления погодой
- Цены на томатный суп Кэмпбелл указывают на безумную девальвацию валюты
- Обнаружено, что воздействие глифосата вызывает окислительный стресс и рак
- Электромобили с избыточным весом могут привести к обрушению парковочных конструкций
- Член палаты представителей Мэтт Гетц представляет законопроект об отмене ATF
- Джо Байден подталкивает нас к Третьей мировой войне, желая помочь Украине атаковать Крым


Forwarded from YumNaturals Emporium Amandha Vollmer (Amandha Vollmer)
With the recent attack on Lahaina, Maui - yes, I said attack (DEW weapons), we need to work as hard as we can to wake people up to the long-running agenda to enslave every man, woman, and child. Every day, each of us must take some action to expose and stop these maniacs who have been destroying innocent lives, stealing resources, faking climate change, faking pandemics (when there are no viruses), faking outer space, and lying about literally everything. These thugs are a bunch of low-life Satanic baby eaters who should have had a visit with the guillotine long ago. Why we continue to tolerate them, as they have slowly taken over almost every government, the entire media, and every 3 letter agency, is beyond me. Children at Lahaina shouldn’t be burning alive, these motherfuckers should. Most of those children that “went home” from school early were most likely trafficked by FEMA and The Red Cross - also, of course, completely owned by this evil cult.

Now that AI is exploding and the propaganda-filled enterTRAINment industry has so successfully confused truth with lies, the next generations of children are going to be tasked with trying to sort through all the misinformation unless we clean up their pineal glands (use CleanSlate which contains 66.7% bioavailable silica, use Restore to repair the gut), teach them to trust their intuition, help them understand that monsters have been running the show since the last great “reset” and previously, teach them how to build our own systems, understand real law, and take back our power.

They are so desperate to force us into their 15-minute “smart” surveillance ghettos in just one year they have invented one disaster after another. “Net zero” and “reducing carbon” are all pseudonyms for “reducing YOU,” making more bullshit excuses to lock you down and remove freedoms. They are so confident that you are so stupid they feel free to manufacture all these “unprecedented” violent weather events, fires, plandemics, and economic and environmental disasters in a few short seasons. Um, obvious much? At this stage, it has got to take great energy and effort for anyone to stay ignorant and pretend like nothing is wrong.

If you know anyone who has been cult-indoctrinated into the climate change delusion, please share this article with them. Save a mind, today.


#geoengineering #chemtrails #weatherwarfare #DEW #Maui #Lahaina
Forwarded from YumNaturals Emporium Amandha Vollmer (Amandha Vollmer)
And people are STILL clueless about weather engineering and weather warfare. Somedays I wonder why I still even bother to try.

They wonder WHY so many people are dying, doctors are baffled! Duh.

They wonder why they didn't know a category 5 hurricane came on so suddenly, meteorologists are baffled! Duh.

I just dealt with a bunch of idiots that still think aiplanes and boxcutters did 9/11. People just refuse to look at the facts and evidence. It is really sad.

#geoengineering #climatechangehoax #chemtrails #ionosphericspraying #weathercontrol #haarp #nexrad #covidvaccineinjuries
Forwarded from Art With Aim
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Geoengineering Whistleblower Interview with Kristen Meghan. She was also a leading figure against masks... I found it a little off that she is not mentioning her credentials as an Industrial Hygienist and PPE expert here.... but I looked into it more and found this post in 2016 about her: https://m.vk.com/@secretxgovernment-chemtrails-and-the-global-warming-lie-how-geoengineering-aff

Kristen Meghan worked for the US-Army as an environmental specialist and became a witness to geoengineering. In this short interview she shares her first-hand knowledge and insights.

