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Forwarded from Art With Aim
In the Targeted Individual Black Military Ops (which means totally secret military operations that even the majority of people in the system itself, do not know anything about) program, the goal is to control abnormally informed, or individuals dangerous to large scale agendas, within society WITHOUT them even knowing it…. or if they start to suspect it, no one in their lives will believe them if they try to talk about it.

This program uses social media, tracking and tracing a person’s every move from birth using AI, all pervasive (and completely normalized worldwide too) surveillance, and depending on the threat, real-live agents to handle the individual covertly. There are dozens of accounts of Agents going as far as to marry their targets, and have families with them. There are literal court cases legitimizing the reality of this.

In other cases, they use invisible weapons to torture and sicken the person. Look into the MK Ultra tactics…. things that they have been caught doing at Abu Ghraib. This means things presented as fictions, like the TV Show (on Obama’s network platform NETFLIX) Stranger Things, are actually admissions to the hidden reality. They ARE silently torturing people with censorship, shadowbanning, false diagnosis, targeted poisoning, targeted use of invisible weapons tech…… and psychological torture and experimentation too. Even targeted acts of terrorism and assault if necessary. The recent documentary about the tactics behind Scientology mind control and blackmail revealed how. But even something seemingly innocuous, like loud, repetative noises, can be used to mentally torture someone- don’t be crazy! It’s just city life. Train your mind to erase the white noise, and unknowingly plug into the borg-matrix-internet of things hive.

What would a psychopath pretending to be your loving partner say if you accused them of abuse? They would look you straight in the eyes, with a twinkle and Oscar Winning intensity, and tell you that you’re crazy. You are imagining everything….. you’re hurting them to even suspect it….. you are selfish… you are stupid… you are remembering wrong…. it’s your fault. If you leave, I’ll kill you and your loved ones…. If you don’t stop talking like this, I built a secret dungeon, and no one will ever find you. Conspiracy theorist nut. Wear your mask, and stop doing your research as I force dangerous fluids into your body. Everybody is doing it.

We’ve changed the DSM (mental diagnostic manual) to erase psychopaths and criminalize indivudal thought, defiance, and questioning.

Now just imagine if the massive amount of missing children, displaced children in war…. were trafficked, and/or experimented on underground… to be super soldiers for the agenda. To be suicide bombers, set themselves on fire, mass murder people in public, invade borders and rape as many children as possible….. be performers or leaders…. It’s time to grow up, or push up daisies. -Airika
