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Forwarded from The Conspiracy Hole (Adam)
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'No real thinking in academia anymore'

This is on Climate Change. But it is the best 12 mins you'll find that describes the lack of critical thinking in science anymore.

Please watch it.

Forwarded from YumNaturals Emporium Amandha Vollmer (Amandha Vollmer)
People who still deny the obvious are an interesting breed. It's not that difficult to control the weather and cloud seed. You can do home science experiments to get the idea. This has been ongoing for decades. Nexrad, HAARP, roadrunner tech and more are verified, real and happening. The patents are numerous.

The level of denial on this one is demented. Weather warfare is real. For some examples we have the last big ice storm in Texas and the latest hurricane in Florida, undoubtedly to punish those who are most awake to the plandemic and actually like freedom! Fancy that! As if a natural hurricane hovers over land like that. Yeah, right.

I've been researching, having discussions with lawyers, and my friend Christine Massey and I have made FOI requests for the geoengineering programs going on in Canada. There are a lot of documents so you can bet many of them are military grade and therefore are being blacked out as we speak. Once I get the documents and assess everything, I'll pull together a video to share my research with you.

They want to push their fake climate hoax all over us? Well, I'm going to make a big stink about the fact that they're messing with our weather and blaming it on cow farts while destroying our food supply in the name of nonsense.
#geoengineering #foodindustry #weatherwarfare #haarp #nexrad #floridahurricane #texas #research #cloudseeding #climatechange #hoax #scam #cowfarts #deathcult #weather #foryou #fyp

Instagram post: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjqxk1OOQTK/
Forwarded from AmazingPolly.net
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I discuss “Sustainable (aka Predictable) Development” and ponder how the controllers deal with the elements weather and people. To send support please visit my website: https://amazingpolly.net/ THANK YOU and God bless you!

#Amazingpolly #Sustainable #ESG #DEI #GreatReset #ClimateChange #Labour #psychology
Forwarded from Art With Aim (Airika Dollner)
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Richard Siegmund Lindzen is an American atmospheric physicist. He was a Professor of Meteorology at MIT until his retirement in 2013.


Forwarded from Art With Aim
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What he omitted here is that they didn't just shelve the electric vehicle technology for profits, they did it so they could evolve their ability to completely control the use of the technology remotely, and spy on everyone as well.

When there is a one world bank covertly controlling all sides via our paychecks, inflation, economic crashes, taxes, database collapses, glitches, total media control, drugs, food, water, shelter, transit, energy, etc..... they don't care about making money. They invented money. They would kill, poison, lie, even commit generational incest in order to maintain that airtight control. -Air


For those still not paying attention, the goal is to cause fires (stop land management, spray accelerates, force drought, hit it with Dew) to cause as much destruction as possible. These are land zones for agenda 2030 and they have work to do. You have to be living under a rock to not know this by now.

#fire #california #climatechange #dew #agenda #un #evil #lahina #patternrecognition


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