#Venezuela: #Chavismo and opposition meet in #Mexico
Op-ed by #MicaelaOvelar
https://unitedworldint.com/20557-venezuela-chavismo-and-opposition-meet-in-mexico/ #LatinAmerica #Caracas #NicolásMaduro #JuanGuaidó
Op-ed by #MicaelaOvelar
https://unitedworldint.com/20557-venezuela-chavismo-and-opposition-meet-in-mexico/ #LatinAmerica #Caracas #NicolásMaduro #JuanGuaidó
United World International
Venezuela: Chavismo and opposition meet in Mexico
On context, objectives and prospects of the dialogue process initiated between Venezuelan government and opposition.
High regional tension ahead of the swearing-in of Venezuela’s president-elect, #NicolásMaduro, on January 10
By #MicaelaOvelar, #Caracas / #Venezuela
By #MicaelaOvelar, #Caracas / #Venezuela
United World International
High regional tension ahead of the swearing-in of Venezuela’s president-elect, Nicolás Maduro, on January 10