Last week in #Turkey
📌 Groundbreaking ceremony for the Canal #Istanbul
📌 Turkish-Azerbaijani joint military exercises
📌 The future of the Turkish Peacekeeping Forces in #Afghanistan
📌 #Vaccination efforts and the normalization process amidst the #Coronavirus pandemic
📌 Groundbreaking ceremony for the Canal #Istanbul
📌 Turkish-Azerbaijani joint military exercises
📌 The future of the Turkish Peacekeeping Forces in #Afghanistan
📌 #Vaccination efforts and the normalization process amidst the #Coronavirus pandemic
United World International
Groundbreaking ceremony of the ‘Canal Istanbul’; Turkish-Azerbaijani Joint Military Exercises; The future of the Turkish Peacekeeping…
Main political events in Turkey in the last week.
📽 Turkish-Syrian #cinema friendship must persist
📌 #Syrian movies in #Istanbul
📌 #Turkish films in #Damascus
📌 Decision to establish cultural centers
Op-ed by #TuncaArslan
📌 #Syrian movies in #Istanbul
📌 #Turkish films in #Damascus
📌 Decision to establish cultural centers
Op-ed by #TuncaArslan
United World International
Turkish-Syrian cinema friendship must persist
Although films were already being produced in Syria after 1936 when the independence was gained, Syrian Cinema only began to gain its national identity in the 1960s with the intervention of the state in private productions.
📽 #TuncaArslan yazdı: #Türkiye-#Suriye #sinema dostluğu sürmeli
📌 #İstanbul’da Suriye filmleri
📌 #Şam’da #Türk filmleri
📌 Kültür merkezleri kurulması kararı
📌 #İstanbul’da Suriye filmleri
📌 #Şam’da #Türk filmleri
📌 Kültür merkezleri kurulması kararı
United World International
Türkiye-Suriye sinema dostluğu sürmeli
Bağımsızlığın kazanıldığı 1936’dan başlayarak yapılmış bazı filmlerin adları ansiklopedik bilgi olarak sıralanabilirse de Suriye sinemasının asıl olarak 1960’lı yıllardan itibaren özel kuruluşların yanına devlet sektörünün de eklenmesiyle ulusal kimlik kazanmaya…
Patriarch Bartholomew’s adventure in Ukraine
#Istanbul (Fener) Patriarch #Bartholomew’s visit to #Ukraine has already sparked tensions and reactions in the #Orthodox world. As we will see, these tensions have more to do with geopolitics than religion.
Op-ed by #DenizBerktay #US #Greece #Russia #Turkey
#Istanbul (Fener) Patriarch #Bartholomew’s visit to #Ukraine has already sparked tensions and reactions in the #Orthodox world. As we will see, these tensions have more to do with geopolitics than religion.
Op-ed by #DenizBerktay #US #Greece #Russia #Turkey
United World International
Patriarch Bartholomew’s adventure in Ukraine
The Patriarch's visit is serving more geopolitics than religion
Last week in Turkey
📌 Leaders of #Russia and #Turkey meet in #sochi
📌 Turkey-#US relations
📌 #Turkish top diplomat’s statements on the #Asia Anew Initiative
📌 National technology and innovation festival in #Istanbul
📌 Leaders of #Russia and #Turkey meet in #sochi
📌 Turkey-#US relations
📌 #Turkish top diplomat’s statements on the #Asia Anew Initiative
📌 National technology and innovation festival in #Istanbul
United World International
Leaders of Russia and Turkey meet in Sochi; Turkish top diplomat’s statements on the Asia Anew Initiative; National technology…
Main political events in Turkey in the last week.
The Organization of #Turkic States as part of the #Eurasian integration
The Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States has convened in #Istanbul on November 12 and decided upon historical changes, including a new name for the organization: The Organization of Turkic States.
United World International expert #MehmetPerinçek evaluated the summit in an interview given to the #Azerbaijani news channel Minval az. #Azerbaijan #Hungary #Kazakhstan #Kyrgyzstan #Turkey #Turkmenistan #Uzbekistan
The Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States has convened in #Istanbul on November 12 and decided upon historical changes, including a new name for the organization: The Organization of Turkic States.
United World International expert #MehmetPerinçek evaluated the summit in an interview given to the #Azerbaijani news channel Minval az. #Azerbaijan #Hungary #Kazakhstan #Kyrgyzstan #Turkey #Turkmenistan #Uzbekistan
“Turkey’s mediation limits #US influence”
While the #Ukrainian-#Russian delegations are meeting for negotiations in #İstanbul, #Turkey, United World International expert #OnurSinanGüzaltan provided an interview to Russian news outlet Izvestia. “With #Turkish mediation, #Moscow and #Kyiv will be able to reach an agreement,” he said.
While the #Ukrainian-#Russian delegations are meeting for negotiations in #İstanbul, #Turkey, United World International expert #OnurSinanGüzaltan provided an interview to Russian news outlet Izvestia. “With #Turkish mediation, #Moscow and #Kyiv will be able to reach an agreement,” he said.
United World International
“Turkey’s mediation limits US influence”
UWI expert Güzaltan's interview to Russian Izvestia on Ukrainian-Russian negotiations in Istanbul.
Provocation of #Bucha targest peace talks in #Istanbul
We asked Mehmet Perinçek, United World International expert, on his opinion about the incident of Bucha. #Ukraine #Russia
We asked Mehmet Perinçek, United World International expert, on his opinion about the incident of Bucha. #Ukraine #Russia
United World International
Provocation of Bucha targest peace talks in Istanbul
Context and goals of the incident.
Last week in Türkiye
📌 Phone call between presidents of Türkiye and Russia
📌 Summit in #Istanbul on a possible grain corridor
📌 Trilateral summit between #Türkiye, #Russia and #Iran in #Tehran
📌 Phone call between presidents of Türkiye and Russia
📌 Summit in #Istanbul on a possible grain corridor
📌 Trilateral summit between #Türkiye, #Russia and #Iran in #Tehran
United World International
Phone call between presidents of Türkiye and Russia; Summit in Istanbul on a possible grain corridor; Trilateral summit between…
Main political events in Türkiye in the last week.
Yoksul ülkelerin gıda krizine çözüm bulmak amacıyla #İstanbul’da imzalanan tahıl anlaşmasından sonra tahıl yüklü gemilerin #Afrika yerine #Avrupa’ya gitmesi konusunu düzenlenen bir panelle mercek altına alan uzmanlar, #Ukrayna krizinin açlık felaketini yüzde 1'e kadar etkileyebileceğini ve sorunun sadece politik yollarla çözülebileceğini belirtti.
Sputnik Türkiye
‘Tahıl krizi, Batı yaptırımlarına bağlı ödeme sıkıntıları nedeniyle politik bir mesele’
Yoksul ülkelerin gıda krizine çözüm bulmak amacıyla İstanbul’da imzalanan tahıl anlaşmasından sonra tahıl yüklü gemilerin Afrika yerine Avrupa’ya gitmesi konusunu düzenlenen bir panelle mercek altına alan uzmanlar, Ukrayna krizinin açlık...
What is the message of the #terrorist attack in #Istanbul?
Political scientist and UWI author #OnurSinanGüzaltan evaluated recent bombing attack that took place at Istiklal Street, one of the busiest centers in Istanbul, in an interview provided to RT International.
Political scientist and UWI author #OnurSinanGüzaltan evaluated recent bombing attack that took place at Istiklal Street, one of the busiest centers in Istanbul, in an interview provided to RT International.
United World International
What is the message of the terrorist attack in Istanbul?
Possible targets and consequences.
Last week in #Türkiye
📌 Climate Change speech of #Erdoğan
📌 #Turkish objections to #Sweden and #Finland’s #NATO membership are continuing
📌 Exclusive #Istanbul derby victory for #Galatasaray
📌 Climate Change speech of #Erdoğan
📌 #Turkish objections to #Sweden and #Finland’s #NATO membership are continuing
📌 Exclusive #Istanbul derby victory for #Galatasaray
United World International
Erdoğan calls for climate change; Türkiye-NATO relations; Istanbul derby win of Galatasaray FC
Main political events in Türkiye in the last week.
#Ukraine and #Russia reach unofficial agreement in #Istanbul
By #MehmetPerinçek
By #MehmetPerinçek
United World International
Ukraine and Russia reach unofficial agreement in Istanbul
UWI discloses full text of Finnish-mediated agreement on ceasefire and the start of negotations.