Allies that hurt #America
The author, #DougBandow, a Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute and former Special Assistant to President #RonaldReagan, describes the escape of these three countries from #US control and calls #Washington to recalibrate relations with them.
We present the article as published by the American Conservative.
The author, #DougBandow, a Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute and former Special Assistant to President #RonaldReagan, describes the escape of these three countries from #US control and calls #Washington to recalibrate relations with them.
We present the article as published by the American Conservative.
United World International
Allies that hurt America
Argues in the American Conservative: "Our so-called alliances with Saudi Arabia, South Korea, and Türkiye demand re-evaluation."
#Washington is shuffling the cards – Cairo fears miscalculation
By #IslamFarag, Reporting from #Cairo, #Egypt
By #IslamFarag, Reporting from #Cairo, #Egypt
United World International
Washington is shuffling the cards – Cairo fears miscalculation
Egypt suppported OPEC decision to cut production, the US reponds with withholding aid. On the background of an economic crisis and the upcoming COP27, this all mounts to a tense situation.
#Washington baraja las cartas: El Cairo teme un error de cálculo
Por #IslamFarag #Egipto
Por #IslamFarag #Egipto
Pia Global
Washington baraja las cartas: El Cairo teme un error de cálculo - Pia Global
Washington baraja las cartas: El Cairo teme un error de cálculo. La decisión de la OPEP+ provocó reacciones confusas en Estados Unidos.
Brazil will return as “admired and respected protagonist” of international politics
📌 #Brazil “does not have to support #US strategy – which only consists in responding to #Washington’s relative decline”
We interviewed #WalterSorrentino
By #YunusSoner
📌 #Brazil “does not have to support #US strategy – which only consists in responding to #Washington’s relative decline”
We interviewed #WalterSorrentino
By #YunusSoner
United World International
Brazil will return as “admired and respected protagonist” of international politics
Expected foreign policy, ecomomic crisis, domestic political challenges, future of Bolsonaro and the rising Evangelism.
Mehmetçiğin kararlılığı ABD'yi bu noktaya getirdi: Koruyamam ama belki kaçırırım
#Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerinin terörün kökünü kazımak için verdiği mücadele, #PKK ve hamisi #ABD'yi zora soktu. Terör örgütüne güvence dahi veremeyen #Washington, sadece vize vaadinde bulunabiliyor.
#Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerinin terörün kökünü kazımak için verdiği mücadele, #PKK ve hamisi #ABD'yi zora soktu. Terör örgütüne güvence dahi veremeyen #Washington, sadece vize vaadinde bulunabiliyor.
Mehmetçiğin kararlılığı ABD'yi bu noktaya getirdi: Koruyamam ama belki kaçırırım
Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerinin terörün kökünü kazımak için verdiği mücadele, PKK ve hamisi ABD'yi zora soktu. Terör örgütüne güvence dahi veremeyen Washington, sadece vize vaadinde bulunabiliyor. Senatoya sunulan yasa taslağında toplam 20 bin kişiye başvuru hakkı…
Brazil will return as “admired and respected protagonist” of international politics
📌 #Brazil “does not have to support #US strategy – which only consists in responding to #Washington’s relative decline”
We interviewed #WalterSorrentino
By #YunusSoner
📌 #Brazil “does not have to support #US strategy – which only consists in responding to #Washington’s relative decline”
We interviewed #WalterSorrentino
By #YunusSoner
United World International
Brazil will return as “admired and respected protagonist” of international politics
Expected foreign policy, ecomomic crisis, domestic political challenges, future of Bolsonaro and the rising Evangelism.
Gürcü siyaset bilimci olayların iç yüzünü anlattı: Turuncu kalkışma #ABD direktifiyle başladı
Maskeli ve molotof kokteylli kalabalıklar, Gürcü Parlamentosunu ablukaya aldı. #Washington, darbe girişimine derhal destek verdi. #Gürcü siyaset bilimci Aphaidzade, #Ukrayna’da savaşan paralı askerlerin ülkeye geldiğini ve olayların #CIA tarafından yönlendirildiğini söyledi #Gürcistan
Maskeli ve molotof kokteylli kalabalıklar, Gürcü Parlamentosunu ablukaya aldı. #Washington, darbe girişimine derhal destek verdi. #Gürcü siyaset bilimci Aphaidzade, #Ukrayna’da savaşan paralı askerlerin ülkeye geldiğini ve olayların #CIA tarafından yönlendirildiğini söyledi #Gürcistan
Gürcü siyaset bilimci olayların iç yüzünü anlattı: Turuncu kalkışma ABD direktifiyle başladı
Maskeli ve molotof kokteylli kalabalıklar, Gürcü Parlamentosunu ablukaya aldı. Washington, darbe girişimine derhal destek verdi. Gürcü siyaset bilimci Aphaidzade, Ukrayna’da savaşan paralı askerlerin ülkeye geldiğini ve olayların CIA tarafından yönlendirildiğini…
Elections in #Paraguay: Just a “gatopardian” change mounted by #Washington
By #SergioRodríguezGelfenstein #LatinAmerica #US
By #SergioRodríguezGelfenstein #LatinAmerica #US
United World International
Elections in Paraguay: Just a “gatopardian” change mounted by Washington
But there is also the shadow of disputed relations with Taiwan vs. China.
“#France has lost its identity: #Catholicism”
📌 What was Jean-Marie Le Pen telling?
📌 #US’s #European policy after the World War II
📌 #American-#Zionist powers and massive immigration
📌 #Salafism since the early 2000s
📌 The #Dreyfus case and political #Judaism
📌 #Washington blackmails #Macron
Interview with #ElieHatem, Commite Member of Action Française, Editor of the newspaper L'action Français Hebdo
By #ŞafakErdem
📌 What was Jean-Marie Le Pen telling?
📌 #US’s #European policy after the World War II
📌 #American-#Zionist powers and massive immigration
📌 #Salafism since the early 2000s
📌 The #Dreyfus case and political #Judaism
📌 #Washington blackmails #Macron
Interview with #ElieHatem, Commite Member of Action Française, Editor of the newspaper L'action Français Hebdo
By #ŞafakErdem
United World International
“France has lost its identity: Catholicism”
And American-Zionist lobbies campaign against Macron with the recent protests, argues Hatem.
With its extension, #NATO is becoming “unmanageable”
"#Washington has realized that it loses regional influence when #Türkiye approaches #Russia and #China"
Interview with #FahriErenel, Retired Brigadier General and Head of the Department of Political Science and Public Administration at İstinye University (İstanbul)
By #YunusSoner
"#Washington has realized that it loses regional influence when #Türkiye approaches #Russia and #China"
Interview with #FahriErenel, Retired Brigadier General and Head of the Department of Political Science and Public Administration at İstinye University (İstanbul)
By #YunusSoner
United World International
With its extension, NATO is becoming “unmanageable”
The alliance has its eyes on the Black Sea, where it wants to disrupt Eurasian energy transfer and fight growing Chinese influence.