#Armenian Prime Minister #NikolPashinyan will go to #Brussels on 5 April, where #US Secretary of State and #European Commission President, with the participation of #NATO Secretary General, will meet with him to discuss issues related to #Armenia’s development. The meeting in Brussels on 5 April, #MehmetPerinçek believes, is in a sense a preparation for war against both #Azerbaijan and #Russia.
La reunión de #Bruselas del 5 de abril es una preparación para la guerra
Por #MehmetPerinçek
https://noticiaspia.com/la-reunion-de-bruselas-del-5-de-abril-es-una-preparacion-para-la-guerra/ #Armenia #NikolPashinyan
Por #MehmetPerinçek
https://noticiaspia.com/la-reunion-de-bruselas-del-5-de-abril-es-una-preparacion-para-la-guerra/ #Armenia #NikolPashinyan
Pia Global
La reunión de Bruselas del 5 de abril es una preparación para la guerra - Pia Global
Por Mehmet Perinçek* - La misión de observación de la UE que opera en Armenia acabará convirtiéndose en una estructura paramilitar.
#France’s arming of #Armenia is also a policy against #Türkiye and #Russia
In an interview to gdh . digital, #NaimAsas, President of the #Paris-based Strategic Analysis and Geopolitical Research Center, explained France’s plans in the South #Caucasus.
By #TahranOruçoğlu
https://unitedworldint.com/34158-frances-arming-of-armenia-is-also-a-policy-against-turkiye-and-russia/ #Azerbaijan
In an interview to gdh . digital, #NaimAsas, President of the #Paris-based Strategic Analysis and Geopolitical Research Center, explained France’s plans in the South #Caucasus.
By #TahranOruçoğlu
https://unitedworldint.com/34158-frances-arming-of-armenia-is-also-a-policy-against-turkiye-and-russia/ #Azerbaijan
United World International
France’s arming of Armenia is also a policy against Türkiye and Russia
Naim Asas, President of the Paris-based Strategic Analysis and Geopolitical Research Center, explains France's plans in the South Caucasus
A success story of Azerbaijan
UWI author #MehmetPerinçek gave an interview to the newspaper of the #Azerbaijani Presidential Administration “Bakinsky Rabochy” about the withdrawal of the #Russian peacekeeping contingent from the #Karabakh region of #Azerbaijan and the subsequent return to Azerbaijan of four villages, which remained under #Armenia|n occupation for thirty years.
UWI author #MehmetPerinçek gave an interview to the newspaper of the #Azerbaijani Presidential Administration “Bakinsky Rabochy” about the withdrawal of the #Russian peacekeeping contingent from the #Karabakh region of #Azerbaijan and the subsequent return to Azerbaijan of four villages, which remained under #Armenia|n occupation for thirty years.
United World International
A success story of Azerbaijan
Interview to the newspaper of the Azerbaijani Presidential Administration “Bakinsky Rabochy” about the withdrawal of the Russian peacekeeping contingent
What is behind the protests in Armenia?
📌 Reasons for the protests, negotiations with #Azerbaijan and relations with #Russia
📌 Who is #Galstanyan and what will #Pashinyan do?
📌 Western penetration of #Armenia
📌 Reasons for the protests, negotiations with #Azerbaijan and relations with #Russia
📌 Who is #Galstanyan and what will #Pashinyan do?
📌 Western penetration of #Armenia
#Georgia y #Armenia abrieron sus pueras a Occidente y se sumieron en el caos
Por #MehmetPerinçek
Por #MehmetPerinçek
Pia Global
Georgia y Armenia abrieron sus puertas a Occidente y se sumieron en el caos - Pia Global
Por Mehmet Perinçek* - Intentan por todos los medios interferir en estos procesos para que vuelva a reinar el caos en la región. Para ello necesitan élites políticas títeres.
Renewed tensions over the #Zangezur Corridor: Why now?
#Tehran’s reasons to object to the corridor and the future of the tensions.
By #MehmetAkifAkıncı
https://unitedworldint.com/35778-renewed-tensions-over-the-zangezur-corridor-why-now #Azerbaijan #Armenia #Iran
#Tehran’s reasons to object to the corridor and the future of the tensions.
By #MehmetAkifAkıncı
https://unitedworldint.com/35778-renewed-tensions-over-the-zangezur-corridor-why-now #Azerbaijan #Armenia #Iran
United World International
Renewed tensions over the Zangezur Corridor: Why now?
Why is Iran obstructing the realization of the #Zangezur Corridor?
Currently, the struggle over the corridor is more between #Iran and #Russia than between #Azerbaijan and #Armenia.
Interview with #TuralIsmayilov, spokesperson for the Azerbaijan Social Research Center, and #Iranian political commentator #AhmetHabiboglu.
By #TehranTapdigov, #Baku / Azerbaijan
Currently, the struggle over the corridor is more between #Iran and #Russia than between #Azerbaijan and #Armenia.
Interview with #TuralIsmayilov, spokesperson for the Azerbaijan Social Research Center, and #Iranian political commentator #AhmetHabiboglu.
By #TehranTapdigov, #Baku / Azerbaijan
United World International
Why is Iran obstructing the realization of the Zangezur Corridor?
#France and the #US are preparing #Armenia for a new war
What kind of logic is behind preparing a defeated country for a new war against #Azerbaijan?
By #TehranTapdigov – Political commentator
What kind of logic is behind preparing a defeated country for a new war against #Azerbaijan?
By #TehranTapdigov – Political commentator
United World International
France and the U.S. are preparing Armenia for a new war
Ottoman tolerance and cultural symbiosis: The role of #Armenia|n Musicians in shaping #Ottoman music
An introduction into the most outstanding musicians and their position in society.
By #HalimGençoğlu
An introduction into the most outstanding musicians and their position in society.
By #HalimGençoğlu
United World International
Ottoman tolerance and cultural symbiosis: The role of Armenian Musicians in shaping Ottoman music
#European trap for #Armenia
Interview to #Azerbaijan|i website Caliber .az
Interview to #Azerbaijan|i website Caliber .az
United World International
European trap for Armenia
Trampa #europea para Armenia
«Quieren apartar a #Armenia de los países y alianzas regionales. Porque ven muy bien que ahora se está desarrollando una iniciativa regional en el #Cáucaso Sur». PIA Global comparte la entrevista realizada a #MehmetPerinçek y a #StanislavPritchin.
«Quieren apartar a #Armenia de los países y alianzas regionales. Porque ven muy bien que ahora se está desarrollando una iniciativa regional en el #Cáucaso Sur». PIA Global comparte la entrevista realizada a #MehmetPerinçek y a #StanislavPritchin.
Pia Global
Trampa europea para Armenia - Pia Global
"Quieren apartar a Armenia de los países y alianzas regionales. Porque ven muy bien que ahora se está desarrollando una iniciativa regional en el Cáucaso Sur". PIA Global comparte la entrevista realizada a Mehmet Perinçek y a Stanislav Pritchin.