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February 25, 2021
“If we give in on the S-400s, they will eventually demand a ‘Kurdistan’”

We have spoken with the President of TURK-DEGS (Turkish Maritime and Global Strategies Center) Former Vice Admiral #CihatYaycı about the hearing that took place at the #US Senate, where anti-#Turkish sentiment has reached its peak. Admiral Yaycı has said that “this was the final straw” and explained the great danger facing Turkey to United World International.

Op-ed by #TevfikKadan

https://unitedworldint.com/20082-if-we-give-in-the-s-400s-they-will-eventually-demand-a-kurdistan/ #Turkey #NATO
July 31, 2021
United World International has organized a webinar titled “The postponement of elections in Libya and the quest for peace in the Eastern #Mediterranean”.

The webinar hosted 2 speakers from #Libya and 2 speakers from #Turkey. From Libya, Dr. #IssaTuwegiar, former Minister of Planning and currently Chairman of the #Libyan Foundation for Development & Entrepreneurship and Dr. #MahmudAhmedAlftise, former Minister of Industry and private consultant in strategic planning spoke.

On the #Turkish side, #UluçÖzülker, retired ambassador, who also served in #Tripoli between 1993 and 1995 as well as ret. Rear-Admiral Dr. #CihatYaycı, former Chief of Staff of the Turkish Naval Forces and currently Chairman of the Turkish Maritime and Global Strategies Center made presentations.

December 29, 2021
UWI’den Libya ve Doğu Akdeniz Semineri: Ülke içi ve bölgesel diyalog vurguları

Seminerde #Libya ve #Türkiye'den ikişer konuşmacı ağırlandı. Libya'dan, eski Planlama Bakanı ve şu an stratejik planlama danışmanı olan Dr. #IssaTuwegiar ile ve eski Sanayi Bakanı mevcut Libya Kalkınma ve Girişimcilik Vakfı Başkanı Dr. #MahmudAhmedAlftise seminerde konuştu. #Türk tarafında ise 1993-1995 yılları arasında #Trablus'ta görev yapmış emekli büyükelçi #UluçÖzülker ve Türk Deniz Kuvvetleri eski Kurmay Başkanı ve halen Türk Denizcilik ve Küresel Stratejiler Merkezi Başkanlığını yürüten emekli Tümamiral Dr. #CihatYaycı birer sunum yaptı.

December 31, 2021
#Hamas’ operation and its repercussions from #Türkiye’s standpoint

Retired Rear Admiral #CihatYaycı spoke at the workshop titled “Will a Great War Break Out?” organized by the #Turkish monthly magazine “Teori”. We present a broad summary of Cihat Yaycı’s presentation.

https://unitedworldint.com/32245-hamas-operation-and-its-repercussions-from-turkiyes-standpoint/ #Palestine #Israel #Gaza
November 8, 2023