#Eletions in #Türkiye
📌 #PKK calls to overthrow Erdoğan
📌 Cracks in the Nation Alliance
📌 #Erdoğan’s economic measures ahead of the elections
📌 #PKK calls to overthrow Erdoğan
📌 Cracks in the Nation Alliance
📌 #Erdoğan’s economic measures ahead of the elections
United World International
PKK calls to overthrow Erdoğan; New negotiations within electoral alliances; Erdoğan’s economic measures ahead of elections
Last week's main events in Türkiye regarding the elections.
#Esad’a yakın #Suriyeli vekil Dr. #NabilToumeh: #PKK'yı bitirecek yolun yapı taşları döşendi
Esad’a yakın Suriyeli vekil Dr. Nabil Toumeh: PKK'yı bitirecek yolun yapı taşları döşendi
ABD’nin yaptırımlarla hedef aldığı Suriye’de, iktidardaki Baas Partisi vekili Toumeh, Moskova’daki görüşmeleri ‘başarıya giden yolun yapıtaşları’ diye niteledi. Türkiye ve Suriye arasındaki köklü bağları hatırlattı. ‘İki ülke anlaşırsa, Kürt sorunu hızla…
Suriye’de, iktidardaki Baas Partisi milletvekili Dr. Nabil Toumeh, #Rusya’daki görüşmeleri ‘başarıya giden yolun yapıtaşları’ olarak değerlendirdi. #Türkiye ve #Suriye arasındaki köklü bağları hatırlatan Toumeh, iki ülkenin anlaşması halinde bölgedeki #PKK/#YPG sorunun biteceğini vurguladı.
Ulusal Kanal
Suriye'den Türkiye açıklaması: "PKK'yı bitirecek yolun taşları döşendi"
Negotiations with tribes in #Syria: The #CIA’s plan to carry PKK terrorists to Ukraine
📌 PKK terrorists fighting in #Ukraine
📌 Terrorists trained at the #US base
📌 “The fate of the #Kyiv regime and the #PKK/#PYD is interlinked”
📌 “#Russia and #Türkiye should see the Ukrainian regime and PKK/PYD as parts of the same threat”
By #ÖzgürAltınbaş
📌 PKK terrorists fighting in #Ukraine
📌 Terrorists trained at the #US base
📌 “The fate of the #Kyiv regime and the #PKK/#PYD is interlinked”
📌 “#Russia and #Türkiye should see the Ukrainian regime and PKK/PYD as parts of the same threat”
By #ÖzgürAltınbaş
United World International
Negotiations with tribes in Syria: The CIA’s plan to carry PKK terrorists to Ukraine
The United States is offering 2000 dollars per person, according to reports.
The power behind the #terrorist attack in #Türkiye and the truth about the #PKK
📌 “The conflict is not between #Turks and #Kurds”
📌 “#Ankara’s operations serve as a shield for the whole of #Eurasia”
📌 “The PKK will neither achieve autonomy nor form a separate state”
📌 “Kurds living in Türkiye have equal rights with other citizens”
📌 “The conflict is not between #Turks and #Kurds”
📌 “#Ankara’s operations serve as a shield for the whole of #Eurasia”
📌 “The PKK will neither achieve autonomy nor form a separate state”
📌 “Kurds living in Türkiye have equal rights with other citizens”
United World International
The power behind the terrorist attack in Türkiye and the truth about the PKK
UWI authors evaluate on the PKK's recent terror attack and Turkish anti-terror opreations in the North of Syria.
United World International author #MehmetPerinçek commented on the latest #PKK attack, #US and #Israel|i plans in the region, the importance of confrontation in the Eastern Mediterranean and the opportunities offered by the #Astana meeting scheduled for the second half of January in terms of clearing terrorist organizations to RIA Novosti.
United World International
The Astana Meeting’s opportunities to eliminate terror organizations
Interview to Russian RIA Novosti on the recent PKK attack on Turkish soliders in Iraq.
Last week in #Türkiye
📌 #PKK attacks on #Turkish Armed Forces base in Northern #Iraq
📌 First approval for #Sweden’s #NATO membership
📌 #PKK attacks on #Turkish Armed Forces base in Northern #Iraq
📌 First approval for #Sweden’s #NATO membership
United World International
PKK attacks on Turkish Armed Forces’ base in Northern Iraq; First approval for Sweden’s NATO membership
Main political events in Türkiye in the last week.
Ataques del #PKK contra una base de las Fuerzas Armadas #turcas en el norte de #Irak; Primera aprobación del ingreso de Suecia en la #OTAN
Pia Global
Ataques del PKK contra una base de las Fuerzas Armadas turcas en el norte de Irak; Primera aprobación del ingreso de Suecia en…
PIA Global comparte a sus lectores el informe de los últimos eventos sobre Turquía.
This week in #Türkiye
📌 Reaction to the #US after #PKK attack
📌 First #Turkish citizen in #space
📌 Turkish Armed Forces (#TSK) continues mission in Gulf of #Aden
https://unitedworldint.com/32891-reaction-to-the-us-after-pkk-attack-first-turkish-citizen-in-space-turkish-armed-forces-tsk-continues-mission-in-gulf-of-aden/ #AlperGezeravcı
📌 Reaction to the #US after #PKK attack
📌 First #Turkish citizen in #space
📌 Turkish Armed Forces (#TSK) continues mission in Gulf of #Aden
https://unitedworldint.com/32891-reaction-to-the-us-after-pkk-attack-first-turkish-citizen-in-space-turkish-armed-forces-tsk-continues-mission-in-gulf-of-aden/ #AlperGezeravcı
United World International
Reaction to the US after PKK attack; First Turkish citizen in space; Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) continues mission in Gulf of Aden
Main political events in Türkiye in the last week.
Last week in #Türkiye
📌 Statements indicating a military operation into Northern #Iraq
📌 Foreign exchange rate continues to rise
📌 #Erdoğan-#Zelensky meeting
https://unitedworldint.com/33553-statements-indicating-a-military-operation-into-northern-iraq-foreign-exchange-rate-continues-to-rise-erdogan-zelensky-meeting/ #Ukraine #PKK
📌 Statements indicating a military operation into Northern #Iraq
📌 Foreign exchange rate continues to rise
📌 #Erdoğan-#Zelensky meeting
https://unitedworldint.com/33553-statements-indicating-a-military-operation-into-northern-iraq-foreign-exchange-rate-continues-to-rise-erdogan-zelensky-meeting/ #Ukraine #PKK
United World International
Statements indicating a military operation into Northern Iraq; Foreign exchange rate continues to rise; Erdoğan-Zelensky meeting
Main political events in Türkiye in the last week.
Similarity of #Russia’s operation in #Ukraine and #Türkiye’s fight against the #PKK
Interview with #BercanTutar, Foreign policy expert, columnist at Turkish daily newspaper Sabah.
Interview with #BercanTutar, Foreign policy expert, columnist at Turkish daily newspaper Sabah.
United World International
Similarity of Russia’s operation in Ukraine and Türkiye’s fight against the PKK
Republished: #Trump’s expected National Security Adviser called to provide #PKK terrorists with #US visa
On #MichaelWaltz’ Congressional initiatives accompanying a possible US retreat from #Syria.
By #YunusSoner
On #MichaelWaltz’ Congressional initiatives accompanying a possible US retreat from #Syria.
By #YunusSoner
United World International
Republished: Trump’s expected National Security Adviser called to provide PKK terrorists with US visa
Last week in #Türkiye
📌 #Erdoğan congratulates #Trump
📌 Trustees to the #PKK-affiliated #DEM party municipalities
📌 Finance Minister #MehmetŞimşek visits #China
https://unitedworldint.com/36012-erdogan-congratulates-trump-trustees-to-the-pkk-affiliated-dem-party-municipalities-finance-minister-mehmet-simsek-visits-china/ #US
📌 #Erdoğan congratulates #Trump
📌 Trustees to the #PKK-affiliated #DEM party municipalities
📌 Finance Minister #MehmetŞimşek visits #China
https://unitedworldint.com/36012-erdogan-congratulates-trump-trustees-to-the-pkk-affiliated-dem-party-municipalities-finance-minister-mehmet-simsek-visits-china/ #US
United World International
Erdoğan congratulates Trump; Trustees to the PKK-affiliated DEM party municipalities; Finance Minister Mehmet Şimşek visits China
Interview with AfD Co-Chairman #TinoChrupalla: From #Turks in #Germany to the #PKK, from the war in #Ukraine to #NATO
By #MehmetPerinçek
By #MehmetPerinçek
United World International
Interview with AfD Co-Chairman Tino Chrupalla: From Turks in Germany to the PKK, from the war in Ukraine to NATO
📌 “Indecisiveness” of the #Syria|n government
📌 “Fight against the #PKK will continue till the last terrorist is neutralized”
📌 “#Israel is a major threat to us”
📌 “#Ukraine is a proxy”
Interview with #HulusiAkar, Former Chief of General Staff and current Chairman of the National Defense Commission in the #Turkish Parliament.
By #AdnanTürkkan, #Ankara / #Türkiye
📌 “Fight against the #PKK will continue till the last terrorist is neutralized”
📌 “#Israel is a major threat to us”
📌 “#Ukraine is a proxy”
Interview with #HulusiAkar, Former Chief of General Staff and current Chairman of the National Defense Commission in the #Turkish Parliament.
By #AdnanTürkkan, #Ankara / #Türkiye
United World International
Former Turkish Minister of Defense on Turkish-Syrian raproachment
#Israel from the west, #PKK/#YPG from the east: Establishing the “Second Israel”
How both try to advance their joint project of a so called #Kurdistan
We asked two #Turkish experts, #FikretAkfırat and #İsmetÖzçelik, who have been writing on “Second Israel” for years for their views on the latest developments in #Syria.
How both try to advance their joint project of a so called #Kurdistan
We asked two #Turkish experts, #FikretAkfırat and #İsmetÖzçelik, who have been writing on “Second Israel” for years for their views on the latest developments in #Syria.
United World International
Israel from the west, PKK/YPG from the east: Establishing the “Second Israel”
Last week in #Türkiye
📌 #Erdoğan celebrates #Assad’s fall
📌 Joint press conference from Foreign Minister #Fidan and #HTS leader #Jolani
📌 #MHP’s leader #Bahçeli’s statement on Israel and #PKK
📌 #CHP’s leader Özel: The winners in Syria are the US and Israel, not Erdoğan
📌 Vatan Party’s leader #Perinçek: In the short term, the #US and #Israel won in #Syria
📌 #Erdoğan celebrates #Assad’s fall
📌 Joint press conference from Foreign Minister #Fidan and #HTS leader #Jolani
📌 #MHP’s leader #Bahçeli’s statement on Israel and #PKK
📌 #CHP’s leader Özel: The winners in Syria are the US and Israel, not Erdoğan
📌 Vatan Party’s leader #Perinçek: In the short term, the #US and #Israel won in #Syria
United World International
All eyes on Syria
Last week in Türkiye
📌 Talks with the #PKK continue
📌 Reactions to the new PKK-Process intensify
📌 #Trump’s statements on #Türkiye in #Syria
📌 New year price hikes
📌 Talks with the #PKK continue
📌 Reactions to the new PKK-Process intensify
📌 #Trump’s statements on #Türkiye in #Syria
📌 New year price hikes
United World International
Talks with the PKK continue; Trump’s statements on Türkiye in Syria; New Year price hikes
Two views in the US on the future of the SDF
There are signs that the #US is shifting away from its “partnership with the #SDF” policy.
📌 “Removing the #PKK from #Syria’s political landscape”
By #FikretAkfırat
There are signs that the #US is shifting away from its “partnership with the #SDF” policy.
📌 “Removing the #PKK from #Syria’s political landscape”
By #FikretAkfırat
United World International
Two views in the US on the future of the SDF