United World International
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🌍 Geopolitical analysis and forecasting of global trends

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The #UnitedStates of #America have suffered unseen diplomatic defeats in the Summit of the Americas they hosted from June 6 to 10 in #LosAngeles. A number of presidents refused to follow the #US invitation.

📌 Declaration on migration

By #YunusSoner

Allies that hurt #America

The author, #DougBandow, a Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute and former Special Assistant to President #RonaldReagan, describes the escape of these three countries from #US control and calls #Washington to recalibrate relations with them.

We present the article as published by the American Conservative.

“Arming #Cyprus is the next step to deterring #Putin and #Erdogan

Whom will the #US weapons sent to the island target?

An answer is provided by Mark I. Fox and Ari Cicurel in a recent article published on thehill .com. Fox has (ret.) served as deputy commander, #UnitedStates Central Command and is a member of the Jewish Institute for National Security of #America’s (JINSA) Eastern #Mediterranean and Abraham Accords policy projects. Ari Cicurel is a senior policy analyst at JINSA.

Lights, grays and shadows of the CELAC Summit

📌 Lincoln’s #America vs. Juárez’ America
📌 #Chávez and the birth of CELAC
📌 The Summit in #BuenosAires
📌 #CELAC needs an institutional body
📌 Collective leadership of the region

By #SergioRodríguezGelfenstein
