Greetings from South African Muslims to the Ottoman Caliphate
📌 #Ottoman Legacy in South #Africa
📌 #Muslim activities in #Johannesburg and #Durban in the colonial #SouthAfrica
By #HalimGençoğlu
📌 #Ottoman Legacy in South #Africa
📌 #Muslim activities in #Johannesburg and #Durban in the colonial #SouthAfrica
By #HalimGençoğlu
United World International
Greetings from South African Muslims to the Ottoman Caliphate
Historical documents on bonds between South Africa and the Ottoman Empire
A decolonial response to #France
📌 The Response of Suleiman of #Aleppo to the #French Occupying in #Egypt
📌 Who is French General Jean-Baptiste Kléber?
📌 The honour of Suleiman of Aleppo waits to be rescued
By #HalimGençoğlu
📌 The Response of Suleiman of #Aleppo to the #French Occupying in #Egypt
📌 Who is French General Jean-Baptiste Kléber?
📌 The honour of Suleiman of Aleppo waits to be rescued
By #HalimGençoğlu
Genocide or betrayal: The true story behind the #Armenian question
📌 #Turkish relations with #Armenians in history
📌 What really happened in 1915?
📌 What do the #Ottoman archival documents say?
📌 Why is the term “#Genocide” false?
By #HalimGençoğlu #Armenia #Türkiye
📌 #Turkish relations with #Armenians in history
📌 What really happened in 1915?
📌 What do the #Ottoman archival documents say?
📌 Why is the term “#Genocide” false?
By #HalimGençoğlu #Armenia #Türkiye
United World International
Genocide or betrayal: The true story behind the Armenian question
The Armenian deportation of 1915 is one of the most politicized historical questions in the field and public sphere
Understanding the Coup in #BurkinaFaso in the Context of Post-Colonial #French Policy in #Africa
By #HalimGençoğlu
By #HalimGençoğlu
United World International
Understanding the Coup in Burkina Faso in the Context of Post-Colonial French Policy in Africa
A multi-factoral perspective on the country's coups.
Por #HalimGençoğlu
Por #HalimGençoğlu
Entender el golpe de Estado en Burkina Faso en el contexto de la
El periodo poscolonial en África fue testigo de una serie de golpes de Estado que dejaron una huella indeleble en el panorama político del continente.
#French colonial politics in Gabon
📌 Early #European influence
📌 The #Bongo Family legacy in #Gabon
📌 Navigating the Franco-Gabonese relationship: A complex historical and political alliance
📌 Cultural exchanges and diplomacy
By #HalimGençoğlu #Africa #France
📌 Early #European influence
📌 The #Bongo Family legacy in #Gabon
📌 Navigating the Franco-Gabonese relationship: A complex historical and political alliance
📌 Cultural exchanges and diplomacy
By #HalimGençoğlu #Africa #France
United World International
French colonial politics in Gabon
The Bongo family's legacy in Gabon is a complex story of power, influence, and governance.
#American support for #Israeli terror in #Palestine
📌 Two #Zionist leaders: #JoeBiden and #BenjaminNetanyahu
📌 What #Israel is doing in the region?
📌 Western Response to Israeli Massacre
📌 A Crime Against Humanity in the #MiddleEast
By #HalimGençoğlu
📌 Two #Zionist leaders: #JoeBiden and #BenjaminNetanyahu
📌 What #Israel is doing in the region?
📌 Western Response to Israeli Massacre
📌 A Crime Against Humanity in the #MiddleEast
By #HalimGençoğlu
United World International
American support for Israeli terror in Palestine
The U.S. support for Israel has been based on a variety of factors, including shared strategic interests, historical ties, and domestic political considerations.
French Double Standards for Israeli War Crimes
📌 Why Western Governments Legitimizing #Israel’s Military Actions for #Palestine
📌 #French support for #Israeli Crimes
📌 What #France did about #Armenia|n Question
📌 The French #Genocide in #Algeria
📌 Double Standards for #Muslim Cases in the West: Examining Perceptions and Realities
By #HalimGençoğlu
📌 Why Western Governments Legitimizing #Israel’s Military Actions for #Palestine
📌 #French support for #Israeli Crimes
📌 What #France did about #Armenia|n Question
📌 The French #Genocide in #Algeria
📌 Double Standards for #Muslim Cases in the West: Examining Perceptions and Realities
By #HalimGençoğlu
United World International
French Double Standards for Israeli War Crimes
From Algeria to the Armenian question, from the Caucasus to Paris' treatment of Muslims...
What do South Africans anticipate for the 2024 #Election?
📌 Transition from #Apartheid to Democratic Governance in South #Africa
📌 Challenges facing #SouthAfrica today
By #HalimGençoğlu
📌 Transition from #Apartheid to Democratic Governance in South #Africa
📌 Challenges facing #SouthAfrica today
By #HalimGençoğlu
United World International
What do South Africans anticipate for the 2024 Election?
Transition from Apartheid, challenges, candidates and foreign policy considerations.
Reading France’s colonial past from Africa
📌 Revealing the existence of human zoo in France
📌 Are healthy #France-#Africa relations possible?
By #HalimGençoğlu
📌 Revealing the existence of human zoo in France
📌 Are healthy #France-#Africa relations possible?
By #HalimGençoğlu
United World International
Reading France’s colonial past from Africa
Nelson Mandela’s allies against #American #Imperialism
#NelsonMandela, #FidelCastro, #MuammarGaddafi, and #YasserArafat shared a mutual interest in opposing Western imperialism and supporting global liberation movements.
By Dr. #HalimGençoğlu
#NelsonMandela, #FidelCastro, #MuammarGaddafi, and #YasserArafat shared a mutual interest in opposing Western imperialism and supporting global liberation movements.
By Dr. #HalimGençoğlu
United World International
Nelson Mandela’s allies against American Imperialism
Nelson Mandela, Fidel Castro, Muammar Gaddafi, and Yasser Arafat shared a mutual interest in opposing Western imperialism and supporting global liberation movements.
#Ottoman policy for #Habesh Province during the #YavuzSultanSelim Era
With major implications for the Empire's presence in North #Africa.
📌 The conquest of #Cairo
📌 The campaign against the Mamluks
By #HalimGençoğlu
With major implications for the Empire's presence in North #Africa.
📌 The conquest of #Cairo
📌 The campaign against the Mamluks
By #HalimGençoğlu
United World International
Ottoman policy for Habesh Province during the Yavuz Sultan Selim Era
With major implications for the Empire's presence in North Africa.
A history lesson for the #Jewish People
A look at how the #OttomanEmpire has managed peace in the Middle East during the centuries.
📌 #Israel|i occupation in #Palestine
📌 Influence on Modern #Türkiye
By Dr. #HalimGençoğlu
A look at how the #OttomanEmpire has managed peace in the Middle East during the centuries.
📌 #Israel|i occupation in #Palestine
📌 Influence on Modern #Türkiye
By Dr. #HalimGençoğlu
United World International
A history lesson for the Jewish People
Understanding the Western Colonialism and Colonization of #Africa
The long-term effects of direct and indirect colonial rule continue to influence the success of former colonies.
By #HalimGençoğlu
The long-term effects of direct and indirect colonial rule continue to influence the success of former colonies.
By #HalimGençoğlu
United World International
Understanding the Western Colonialism and Colonization of Africa
Comprender el colonialismo occidental y la colonización de #África
Por #HalimGençoğlu
Por #HalimGençoğlu
Pia Global
Comprender el colonialismo occidental y la colonización de África - Pia Global
Comprender el colonialismo occidental y la colonización de África.Los efectos a largo plazo del dominio colonial directo e indirecto siguen influyendo en el éxito de las antiguas colonias.
The #African perspective on #French imperialist policy in Africa
#France’s colonial legacy in #Africa is a somber reminder of the brutalities of empire.
By Dr #HalimGençoğlu
#France’s colonial legacy in #Africa is a somber reminder of the brutalities of empire.
By Dr #HalimGençoğlu
United World International
The African perspective on French imperialist policy in Africa
Ottoman tolerance and cultural symbiosis: The role of #Armenia|n Musicians in shaping #Ottoman music
An introduction into the most outstanding musicians and their position in society.
By #HalimGençoğlu
An introduction into the most outstanding musicians and their position in society.
By #HalimGençoğlu
United World International
Ottoman tolerance and cultural symbiosis: The role of Armenian Musicians in shaping Ottoman music
#Sudan’s crisis and Western politics in East #Africa
Modern struggles, migration issues, geostrategic calculations and short-term approaches.
By #HalimGençoğlu
Modern struggles, migration issues, geostrategic calculations and short-term approaches.
By #HalimGençoğlu
United World International
Sudan’s crisis and Western politics in East Africa
#America’s Support for #Israel’s Crimes and #Trump’s Double Standards
A look from South #Africa.
By Dr. #HalimGençoğlu, Wits University – #SouthAfrica
A look from South #Africa.
By Dr. #HalimGençoğlu, Wits University – #SouthAfrica
United World International
America’s Support for Israel’s Crimes and Trump’s Double Standards