La cumbre #BRICS entre nuevos retos o un desarrollo discreto
Escrito por #FernandoEsteche #Argentina
Escrito por #FernandoEsteche #Argentina
Pia Global
La cumbre BRICS entre nuevos retos o un desarrollo discreto - Pia Global
Por Fernando Esteche*. - Entre el 22 y 24 de agosto se reunirá en Sudáfrica la cumbre de presidentes de los BRICS.
#Argentina in the #BRICS – despite the government in #BuenosAires!
📌 The absence in the family photo
By #FernandoEsteche
📌 The absence in the family photo
By #FernandoEsteche
United World International
Argentina in the BRICS – despite the government in Buenos Aires!
A critical perspective from Buenos Aires.
#Guatemala’s challenges
📌 The importance of indigenous peoples
By #FernandoEsteche
📌 The importance of indigenous peoples
By #FernandoEsteche
United World International
Guatemala’s challenges
The probable next president is coming as an anti-establishment figure, but he is indepted to US and Europe. The Indigenous people will decide his political course.
#American lifting of sanctions on #Venezuela to mitigate the effects of #Israeli militarism
By #ÚrsulaAsta and #FernandoEsteche #Palestine #Gaza #Israel
By #ÚrsulaAsta and #FernandoEsteche #Palestine #Gaza #Israel
United World International
American lifting of sanctions on Venezuela to mitigate the effects of Israeli militarism
Reflections on the geopolitical reasons for easing the blockade.
Levantamiento norteamericano de sanciones a #Venezuela para mitigar los efectos del guerrerismo #israelí
Por #ÚrsulaAsta y #FernandoEsteche
Por #ÚrsulaAsta y #FernandoEsteche
Radio Gráfica
Levantamiento norteamericano de sanciones a Venezuela para mitigar los efectos del guerrerismo israelí
Por Úrsula Asta y Fernando Esteche* El escalamiento militar de la guerra de ocupación israelí sobre Palestina, sumado a la
The Argentina that is coming
By #FernandoEsteche and #PabloRodolfoTreber, reporting from #BuenosAires, #Argentina
By #FernandoEsteche and #PabloRodolfoTreber, reporting from #BuenosAires, #Argentina
United World International
The Argentina that is coming
Details on president-elect's cabinet and an outline on his economic and foreign policy.
#Argentine people “raised its voice”
Interview with #FernandoEsteche, professor at the University of La Plata in #BuenosAires.
By #YunusSoner
Interview with #FernandoEsteche, professor at the University of La Plata in #BuenosAires.
By #YunusSoner
United World International
Argentine people “raised its voice”
Interview with Prof. Esteche from the University of Plata, Buenos Aires, on the recent general strike in the country.
Geopolítica de dominó toppling
Por #FernandoEsteche #Argentina
Por #FernandoEsteche #Argentina
Pia Global
Geopolítica de dominó toppling - Pia Global
Por Fernando Esteche* Especial para UWI. Hay una metáfora para definir o graficar la geopolítica que suele hacer referencia al tablero de ajedrez que es un juego donde uno busca jaquear al rey del contrincante.
The division within the MAS exposes #Bolivia to an imperialist victory
By Prof. Dr. #FernandoEsteche
By Prof. Dr. #FernandoEsteche
United World International
The division within the MAS exposes Bolivia to an imperialist victory
Engaged in a fierce internal battle, cadres on both sides miss the looming danger, let alone formulating a policy against it.
La división dentro del MAS expone a #Bolivia a una victoria imperialista
Por #FernandoEsteche
Por #FernandoEsteche
Pia Global
La división dentro del MAS expone a Bolivia a una victoria imperialista - Pia Global
Por Fernando Esteche*. -Cuando los movimientos sociales construyeron la herramienta política MAS-IPSP (Movimiento al Socialismo – Instrumento Político de la Soberanía del Pueblo), quedó claro que la soberanía política recaía en un conglomerado de movimientos…
Bolivia: A coup for destabilization and forced early elections
We spoke about the coup, its failure, the frictions within the popular front and the reasons and dimensions of crisis in #Bolivia with #HugoMoldiz. Former Minister of Interior under then-President #EvoMorales.
By #FernandoEsteche
We spoke about the coup, its failure, the frictions within the popular front and the reasons and dimensions of crisis in #Bolivia with #HugoMoldiz. Former Minister of Interior under then-President #EvoMorales.
By #FernandoEsteche
“What the US calls ‘criminal gangs’ are in reality low-income-neighborhoods demanding social change”
The #US tests its Global Fragility Act here, but #Haiti resists.
Interview with #KimIves, Journalist, editor, and filmmaker at Haïti Liberté
By #FernandoEsteche
The #US tests its Global Fragility Act here, but #Haiti resists.
Interview with #KimIves, Journalist, editor, and filmmaker at Haïti Liberté
By #FernandoEsteche
United World International
“What the US calls ‘criminal gangs’ are in reality low-income-neighborhoods demanding social change”
#ElSalvador and #Ecuador: The democracy of exception
The example of authoritarian, police-based neoliberalism is already spreading to other countries in the continent.
By #FernandoEsteche, #BuenosAires / #Argentina
The example of authoritarian, police-based neoliberalism is already spreading to other countries in the continent.
By #FernandoEsteche, #BuenosAires / #Argentina
United World International
El Salvador and Ecuador: The democracy of exception
#DonaldTrump volviendo a #GeorgeWashington
Por #FernandoEsteche
Por #FernandoEsteche
Pia Global
Donald Trump volviendo a George Washington - Pia Global
Por Fernando Esteche*. - La reelección no consecutiva de Donald Trump como presidente de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica invita a una reflexión sobre qué debe esperar América Latina y el Caribe en su histórica relación de dependencia y colonialidad con…