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UWI webinar: Regional cooperation to stop #Israel|i aggression

🗓 December 25, 2023

12:30 PM (Turkish time, GMT+3)


#Palestine: Dr. #BasemNaim, Chairman of international Bureau of #Hamas

#Lebanon: Dr. #AhmadMalli, Member of the Politburo of #Hezbollah

#Syria: Prof. #BessamAbuAbdullah, Political Scientist

#Türkiye: #İsmailHakkıPekin, ret. Lieutenant-General, former Head of Intelligence of the #Turkish Armed Forces’ General Staff

Turkish Republic of Northern #Cyprus: Prof. Dr. #HüseyinIşıksal, Academic

#Russia: #VyacheslavMatuzov, former #Soviet and #Russian Diplomat

Operation Al-Aqsa Storm: Reasons and consequences for #Gaza, Al-Quds and the region

📌 “Both #Israel and #Hamas were preparing for years”
📌 Two things Hamas miscalculated: #Muslim countries and #Hezbollah
📌 Dependence on the #US and Western countries
📌 #Türkiye’s guarantor proposal

Interview with journalist #RamazanBursa, who is closely acquainted with the Palestinian issue and the region.

By #ŞafakErdem

UWİDATA'da Çarpıcı Değerlendirme: "Sonuç Ortada, İsrail Yenildi"

Uwidata "#İsrail Saldırganlığını Durdurmak için Bölgesel İşbirliği" başlıklı bir webinar düzenledi. Çevrimiçi toplantıda #HAMAS Uluslararası Büro Başkanı Dr. #BasemNaim, #Hizbullah Politbüro Üyesi Dr. #AhmadMalli de konuştu.

https://www.ulusal.com.tr/dunya/uwidatada-carpici-degerlendirme-sonuc-ortada-israil-yenildi-15049664 #Filistin #Gazze
Reactions to #Israel|i assassination of #Hamas deputy leader

📌 #Lebanon’s security chief denounces ‘attack on #Lebanese sovereignty’
📌 Assassinated commanders always replaced by ‘more extreme and more radical’ figures: #GideonLevy
📌 #US Department of State warns #Israeli government of “inflammatory statements” 

https://unitedworldint.com/32759-reactions-to-israeli-assassination-of-hamas-deputy-leader/ #Palestine #Gaza
The testament and last will of #YahyaSinwar

The leader of #Hamas Yahya Sinwar was martyred by #Israel|i forces.

The images showing #Sinwar fighting until the last drop of his blood deeply affected the people all around the world.

Raise your voice and stand up for #Palestine!

At a time when the West has lost its moral values and international institutions have lost their functionality, we must raise our voices for human rights!

By #AdemKılıç, political scientist

https://unitedworldint.com/36190-raise-your-voice-and-stand-up-for-palestine/ #Israel #Hamas