#Italy 2022: The coldest winter ever
📌 A poor and cold #Christmas
📌 The coldest winter ever
📌 #Meloni government subservient to #NATO and #EU
By #FabrizioVerde
📌 A poor and cold #Christmas
📌 The coldest winter ever
📌 #Meloni government subservient to #NATO and #EU
By #FabrizioVerde
United World International
Italy 2022: The coldest winter ever
Almost one in ten cannot afford their bills and refreain from heating their homes.
#Italy and #Türkiye: Cooperation for a New #Mediterranean Order
By #FabrizioVerde
By #FabrizioVerde
United World International
Italy and Türkiye: Cooperation for a New Mediterranean Order
The Mare Nostrum can thus turn into the sea of multipolarity.
Nothing changes with Elly Schlein
📌 Who is #EllySchlein??
📌 The secretary for an increasingly liberal/#US party
📌 #Schlein and #Meloni: Two sides of the same coin
By #FabrizioVerde
https://unitedworldint.com/29046-nothing-changes-with-elly-schlein/ #Italy
📌 Who is #EllySchlein??
📌 The secretary for an increasingly liberal/#US party
📌 #Schlein and #Meloni: Two sides of the same coin
By #FabrizioVerde
https://unitedworldint.com/29046-nothing-changes-with-elly-schlein/ #Italy
United World International
Nothing changes with Elly Schlein
#Italy and the #BRICS alternative
📌 #US policy in the #Mediterranean and the new #Italian government
By #FabrizioVerde
📌 #US policy in the #Mediterranean and the new #Italian government
By #FabrizioVerde
#Italia y la alternativa #BRICS
Por #FabrizioVerde
Por #FabrizioVerde
Pia Global
Italia y la alternativa BRICS - Pia Global
Por Fabrizio Verde* - La alternativa de los BRICS permitiría entonces a Italia liberarse del euro y del Banco Central Europeo y recuperar así su soberanía monetaria perdida.
Travel notes from Venezuela
📌 The consequences of sanctions
📌 The resistance of the #Venezuelan people
📌 #BRICS and de-dollarization: #Venezuela’s way to overcome the effects of criminal sanctions
📌 Reducing the use of the Dollar
By #FabrizioVerde
📌 The consequences of sanctions
📌 The resistance of the #Venezuelan people
📌 #BRICS and de-dollarization: #Venezuela’s way to overcome the effects of criminal sanctions
📌 Reducing the use of the Dollar
By #FabrizioVerde
United World International
Travel notes from Venezuela
The multipolar world and popular resistance in a besieged country.
Towards a Multipolar World: The Benefits of a Ruble Payment Mechanism between #Italy and #Russia
📌 A chance for #Italian companies to diversify their sources of income
📌 Reducing dependence on #US dollar
By #FabrizioVerde
📌 A chance for #Italian companies to diversify their sources of income
📌 Reducing dependence on #US dollar
By #FabrizioVerde
United World International
Towards a Multipolar World: The Benefits of a Ruble Payment Mechanism between Italy and Russia
The President of the Italo-Russian Chamber of Commerce explains the benefits.
Is #Italy withdrawing from the Belt and Road Initiative?
Interview with #FabrizioVerde
Interview with #FabrizioVerde
United World International
Is Italy withdrawing from the Belt and Road Initiative?
Due to US pressure, Italy plays with fire regarding its economic future, says Fabrizio Verde.
#Italy “chose the old order”
The #Italian government has announced to end its participation in the Chinese Belt and Road Project.
UWI author #FabrizioVerde commented in an interview with #TolgaDişçi on Italy’s reasons to exit the initiative.
https://unitedworldint.com/32638-italy-chose-the-old-order/ #China
The #Italian government has announced to end its participation in the Chinese Belt and Road Project.
UWI author #FabrizioVerde commented in an interview with #TolgaDişçi on Italy’s reasons to exit the initiative.
https://unitedworldint.com/32638-italy-chose-the-old-order/ #China
United World International
Italy “chose the old order”
On the country's decision to withdraw from the Belt and Road Initiative
Missed Opportunities
📌 A significant setback for #Italy
By #FabrizioVerde
📌 A significant setback for #Italy
By #FabrizioVerde
United World International
Missed Opportunities
The Economic and diplomatic consequences of Italy's Silk Road withdrawal.
The #Meloni doctrine: Uncritical and visceral #Atlanticism
📌 Red Sea
📌 #Israel
📌 On the wrong side of history
By #FabrizioVerde
https://unitedworldint.com/33833-the-meloni-doctrine-uncritical-and-visceral-atlanticism/ #Italy
📌 Red Sea
📌 #Israel
📌 On the wrong side of history
By #FabrizioVerde
https://unitedworldint.com/33833-the-meloni-doctrine-uncritical-and-visceral-atlanticism/ #Italy
United World International
The Meloni doctrine: Uncritical and visceral Atlanticism
5 questions 5 answers on the #EU Parliament #elections
📌 #Europeans looking for an alternative
📌 Green transformation policies
📌 Growing dissatisfaction of the Europeans
📌 No genuine alternative in #Italy
By #FabrizioVerde
📌 #Europeans looking for an alternative
📌 Green transformation policies
📌 Growing dissatisfaction of the Europeans
📌 No genuine alternative in #Italy
By #FabrizioVerde
United World International
5 questions 5 answers on the EU Parliament elections
Europeans are looking for an alternative.
#Europe’s strategic dilemma: Sacrificing autonomy for #US Interests
The #European Defense Fund, the #Ukraine Assistance Fund, and how #Brussels subordinates European peoples’ interest to those of #Washington.
By #FabrizioVerde, #Naples / #Italy
The #European Defense Fund, the #Ukraine Assistance Fund, and how #Brussels subordinates European peoples’ interest to those of #Washington.
By #FabrizioVerde, #Naples / #Italy
United World International
Europe’s strategic dilemma: Sacrificing autonomy for U.S. Interests