#Türkiye-#EU: Problems of mutual understanding or struggle?
United World International author #MehmetPerinçek gave an interview to the #Azerbaijan|i site Caliber.Аz about the #Turkish-EU relations.
United World International author #MehmetPerinçek gave an interview to the #Azerbaijan|i site Caliber.Аz about the #Turkish-EU relations.
United World International
Türkiye-EU: Problems of mutual understanding or struggle?
Interview to Azerbaijani Caliber.az.
The #Turkish parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee approved a bill, by which #Türkiye gives green light to #Sweden’s adhesion to #NATO.
The Vatan Party made a public declaration on the matter, criticizing the decision and demanding a referendum on the matter.
The Vatan Party made a public declaration on the matter, criticizing the decision and demanding a referendum on the matter.
United World International
Open call for a referendum on NATO
Vatan Party criticizes Turkish parliamentary committee's approval of Sweden's adhesion to NATO.
Uwidata 25 Aralık'ta "#İsrail Saldırganlığını Durdurmak için Bölgesel İşbirliği" başlıklı bir webinar düzenledi.
#Hizbullah ve #HAMAS’ın da konuşmacı olduğu etkinlikte #Türkiye, #Rusya, #İran ve #Çin’in birlikteliğinin #ABD hegemonyasını bitireceği vurgulandı. #Gazze’de ortaya konulan planın ‘#Kürdistan’ projesiyle de ilişkili olduğu belirtildi.
#Hizbullah ve #HAMAS’ın da konuşmacı olduğu etkinlikte #Türkiye, #Rusya, #İran ve #Çin’in birlikteliğinin #ABD hegemonyasını bitireceği vurgulandı. #Gazze’de ortaya konulan planın ‘#Kürdistan’ projesiyle de ilişkili olduğu belirtildi.
‘Batı Asya ülkeleri Filistin’de sorunu çözebilir’
Hizbullah ve HAMAS’ın da konuşmacı olduğu etkinlikte Türkiye, Rusya, İran ve Çin’in birlikteliğinin ABD hegemonyasını bitireceği vurgulandı. Gazze’de ortaya konulan planın ‘Kürdistan’ projesiyle de ilişkili olduğu belirtildi.
Last week in #Türkiye
📌 #PKK attacks on #Turkish Armed Forces base in Northern #Iraq
📌 First approval for #Sweden’s #NATO membership
📌 #PKK attacks on #Turkish Armed Forces base in Northern #Iraq
📌 First approval for #Sweden’s #NATO membership
United World International
PKK attacks on Turkish Armed Forces’ base in Northern Iraq; First approval for Sweden’s NATO membership
Main political events in Türkiye in the last week.
UWİDATA'da Çarpıcı Değerlendirme: "Sonuç Ortada, İsrail Yenildi"
Uwidata "#İsrail Saldırganlığını Durdurmak için Bölgesel İşbirliği" başlıklı bir webinar düzenledi. Çevrimiçi toplantıda #HAMAS Uluslararası Büro Başkanı Dr. #BasemNaim, #Hizbullah Politbüro Üyesi Dr. #AhmadMalli de konuştu.
https://www.ulusal.com.tr/dunya/uwidatada-carpici-degerlendirme-sonuc-ortada-israil-yenildi-15049664 #Filistin #Gazze
Uwidata "#İsrail Saldırganlığını Durdurmak için Bölgesel İşbirliği" başlıklı bir webinar düzenledi. Çevrimiçi toplantıda #HAMAS Uluslararası Büro Başkanı Dr. #BasemNaim, #Hizbullah Politbüro Üyesi Dr. #AhmadMalli de konuştu.
https://www.ulusal.com.tr/dunya/uwidatada-carpici-degerlendirme-sonuc-ortada-israil-yenildi-15049664 #Filistin #Gazze
Ulusal Kanal
UWİDATA'da Çarpıcı Değerlendirme: "Sonuç Ortada, İsrail Yenildi"
Uwidata "İsrail Saldırganlığını Durdurmak için Bölgesel İşbirliği" başlıklı bir webinar düzenledi. Çevrimiçi toplantıda #HAMAS Uluslararası Büro Başkanı Dr. #BasemNaim, #Hizbullah Politbüro Üyesi Dr. #AhmadMalli de konuştu. Konuşmacılar Aksa Tufanı Operasyonu'nun #İsrail ve #ABD için bir yenilgi olduğunu söyledi.
Uwidata "İsrail Saldırganlığını Durdurmak için Bölgesel İşbirliği" başlıklı bir webinar düzenledi. Çevrimiçi toplantıda HAMAS Uluslararası Büro Başkanı Dr. Basem Naim, Hizbullah Politbüro Üyesi Dr. Ahmad Malli de konuştu. Konuşmacılar Aksa Tufanı Operasyonu'nun…
Motives for respecting Mao on his 130th birthday
📌 “Without #MaoZedong, there would be no New China”
📌 China owes its current prosperity to the great change during the #Mao Era
📌 #Türkiye and #China get closer with the revolutionary approach created by Mao
By #AdnanAkfırat
📌 “Without #MaoZedong, there would be no New China”
📌 China owes its current prosperity to the great change during the #Mao Era
📌 #Türkiye and #China get closer with the revolutionary approach created by Mao
By #AdnanAkfırat
United World International
Motives for respecting Mao on his 130th birthday
"Without Mao Zedong, there would be no New China"
Reactions to #Israel|i assassination of #Hamas deputy leader
📌 #Lebanon’s security chief denounces ‘attack on #Lebanese sovereignty’
📌 Assassinated commanders always replaced by ‘more extreme and more radical’ figures: #GideonLevy
📌 #US Department of State warns #Israeli government of “inflammatory statements”
https://unitedworldint.com/32759-reactions-to-israeli-assassination-of-hamas-deputy-leader/ #Palestine #Gaza
📌 #Lebanon’s security chief denounces ‘attack on #Lebanese sovereignty’
📌 Assassinated commanders always replaced by ‘more extreme and more radical’ figures: #GideonLevy
📌 #US Department of State warns #Israeli government of “inflammatory statements”
https://unitedworldint.com/32759-reactions-to-israeli-assassination-of-hamas-deputy-leader/ #Palestine #Gaza
United World International
Reactions to Israeli assassination of Hamas deputy leader
Palestinian forces wow to continue struggle even more decidedly.
#Moscow’s anti-sanctions tsarina
The head of the Bank of #Russia, #ElviraNabiullina, the woman who has become a nightmare for the architects of Western sanctions against Russia gives her first interview in two years.
The head of the Bank of #Russia, #ElviraNabiullina, the woman who has become a nightmare for the architects of Western sanctions against Russia gives her first interview in two years.
United World International
Moscow’s anti-sanctions tsarina
What the woman leading Russia’s Central Bank says about economic war with the West.
Uluslararası ilişkiler ve politika alanında önemli makalelerin yayınlandığı United World International (Uwidata), "#İsrail Saldırganlığını Durdurmak için Bölgesel İşbirliği" başlıklı bir webinar düzenledi. Çevrimiçi toplantıda #HAMAS Uluslararası Büro Başkanı Dr. #BasemNaim, #Hizbullah Politbüro Üyesi Dr. #AhmadMalli de konuştu.
https://www.habervakti.com/aksa-tufani-filistin-sorununu-cozmeden-hic-kimsenin-hicbir-sorunu-cozemeyecegi-gosterdi #Palestine #Gaza
https://www.habervakti.com/aksa-tufani-filistin-sorununu-cozmeden-hic-kimsenin-hicbir-sorunu-cozemeyecegi-gosterdi #Palestine #Gaza
Haber Vakti » Son Dakika Haber, Güncel Haberler, Gazeteler
'Aksa Tufanı, Filistin sorununu çözmeden hiç kimsenin hiçbir sorunu çözemeyeceği gösterdi'
Uluslararası ilişkiler ve politika alanında önemli makalelerin yayınlandığı United World International (Uwidata), "İsrail Saldırganlığını Durdurmak için Bölgesel İşbirliği" başlıklı bir webinar düzenledi. Çevrimiçi toplantıda HAMAS Uluslararası Büro Başkanı…
The main result of the year: The era of #Atlanticism is ending
United World International author #MehmetPerinçek commented on the year 2023 on the #Russia|n Tsargrad channel and talked about his expectations for 2024.
United World International author #MehmetPerinçek commented on the year 2023 on the #Russia|n Tsargrad channel and talked about his expectations for 2024.
United World International
The main result of the year: The era of Atlanticism is ending
Interview to Russian website Tsargrad.
Upholding #QasemSoleimani’s legacy
The #Iranian Mehr News Agency conducted an interview with UWI author Dr. @MehmetPerincek for the martyrdom anniversary of General Qasem Soleimani.
https://unitedworldint.com/32785-upholding-qasem-soleimanis-legacy/ #Iran #Palestine #Israel #US
The #Iranian Mehr News Agency conducted an interview with UWI author Dr. @MehmetPerincek for the martyrdom anniversary of General Qasem Soleimani.
https://unitedworldint.com/32785-upholding-qasem-soleimanis-legacy/ #Iran #Palestine #Israel #US
United World International
Upholding Qasem Soleimani’s legacy
Struggle for Palestine as a strategy not limited to the Arab and Islamic world and the issue of defending the territorial integrity of Syria against PKK/PYD and ISIS.
The operation is a “political message to #MOSSAD not to escalate”
The #Turkish authorities arrested 34 people alleged to cooperated with the #Israel|i Secret Service MOSSAD.
By #YunusSoner
https://unitedworldint.com/32788-the-operation-is-a-political-message-to-mossad-not-to-escalate/ #Türkiye
The #Turkish authorities arrested 34 people alleged to cooperated with the #Israel|i Secret Service MOSSAD.
By #YunusSoner
https://unitedworldint.com/32788-the-operation-is-a-political-message-to-mossad-not-to-escalate/ #Türkiye
United World International
The operation is a “political message to MOSSAD not to escalate”
On the recent arrest of suspected 34 operatives of MOSSAD in Türkiye - with comments of ret. Lieut-Gen. Pekin, former Head of Military Intelligence.
Missed Opportunities
📌 A significant setback for #Italy
By #FabrizioVerde
📌 A significant setback for #Italy
By #FabrizioVerde
United World International
Missed Opportunities
The Economic and diplomatic consequences of Italy's Silk Road withdrawal.
On the importance of the Bab el Mandeb Strait
📌 Sokollu Mehmet Pasha and #Napoleon
📌 The case of #Somali pirates
📌 Well above 100 billion dollars
📌 The #US has limited capabilities
By #TevfikKadan
📌 Sokollu Mehmet Pasha and #Napoleon
📌 The case of #Somali pirates
📌 Well above 100 billion dollars
📌 The #US has limited capabilities
By #TevfikKadan
United World International
On the importance of the Bab el Mandeb Strait
The nerves of international maritime trade are blank.
The neocolonialism of #France in #Africa and the future of #Europe
United World International author #MehmetPerinçek gave an interview to the newspaper of the #Azerbaijan|i Presidential Administration “Bakinsky Rabochy” about the neocolonial policy of France and events in Africa.
United World International author #MehmetPerinçek gave an interview to the newspaper of the #Azerbaijan|i Presidential Administration “Bakinsky Rabochy” about the neocolonial policy of France and events in Africa.
United World International
The neocolonialism of France in Africa and the future of Europe
Interview to the newspaper of the Azerbaijani Presidential Administration
Ataques del #PKK contra una base de las Fuerzas Armadas #turcas en el norte de #Irak; Primera aprobación del ingreso de Suecia en la #OTAN
Pia Global
Ataques del PKK contra una base de las Fuerzas Armadas turcas en el norte de Irak; Primera aprobación del ingreso de Suecia en…
PIA Global comparte a sus lectores el informe de los últimos eventos sobre Turquía.
PIA Global comparte a sus lectores la entrevista al autor de United World International, #MehmetPerinçek, realizada por el sitio azerbaiyano Caliber.Аz sobre las relaciones entre #Turquía y la #UE.
Pia Global
Türkiye-UE: ¿Problemas de entendimiento o de lucha? - Pia Global
PIA Global comparte a sus lectores la entrevista al autor de United World International, Mehmet Perinçek, realizada por el sitio azerbaiyano Caliber.Аz sobre las relaciones entre Turquía y la UE.
Last week in #Türkiye
📌 Arrest of 33 alleged #Mossad agents
📌 No permission to #British minesweepers to pass through the Straits
📌 Cancellation of #Turkish Super Cup in #Riyadh, #SaudiArabia
https://unitedworldint.com/32811-arrest-of-33-alleged-mossad-agents-no-permission-to-british-minesweepers-to-pass-through-the-straits-cancellation-of-turkish-super-cup-in-riyadh-saudi-arabia/ #Israel
📌 Arrest of 33 alleged #Mossad agents
📌 No permission to #British minesweepers to pass through the Straits
📌 Cancellation of #Turkish Super Cup in #Riyadh, #SaudiArabia
https://unitedworldint.com/32811-arrest-of-33-alleged-mossad-agents-no-permission-to-british-minesweepers-to-pass-through-the-straits-cancellation-of-turkish-super-cup-in-riyadh-saudi-arabia/ #Israel
United World International
Arrest of 33 alleged Mossad agents; No permission to British minesweepers to pass through the Straits; Cancellation of Turkish…
Main political events in Türkiye in the last week.
#Caucasus: Peace efforts in the shadow of global conflict
#ElsadMirbeshiroglu: "The #UnitedStates and #France prevent Armenia from taking steps towards peace, because it is not in their interest."
By #YunusSoner
https://unitedworldint.com/32817-caucasus-peace-efforts-in-the-shadow-of-global-conflict/ #Azerbaijan #FahriErenel #LeonidSavin
#ElsadMirbeshiroglu: "The #UnitedStates and #France prevent Armenia from taking steps towards peace, because it is not in their interest."
By #YunusSoner
https://unitedworldint.com/32817-caucasus-peace-efforts-in-the-shadow-of-global-conflict/ #Azerbaijan #FahriErenel #LeonidSavin
United World International
Caucasus: Peace efforts in the shadow of global conflict
Negotiations between Armenia and Azerbaijan are hindered by Western interference that tries to open up a new front against Russia, experts say in interview.