#British Imperialism in the South Atlantic: #Malvinas and #Antarctica
📌 #Argentine Malvinas
📌 Key elements of the imperial network
📌 Objective Antarctica
📌 Necessary responses
Op-ed by #FacundoEscobar
📌 #Argentine Malvinas
📌 Key elements of the imperial network
📌 Objective Antarctica
📌 Necessary responses
Op-ed by #FacundoEscobar
United World International
British Imperialism in the South Atlantic: Malvinas and Antarctica
On British imperialism's plans towards Latin America and the continent's response.
April 12, 2021
“#GlobalBritain is attempt to revive imperialist traditions – but the times have changed”
By #OscarRotundo / Buenos Aires
https://unitedworldint.com/23382-global-britain-expresses-an-imperialist-hindrance/ #UK #Malvinas #Argentina #Russia #China
By #OscarRotundo / Buenos Aires
https://unitedworldint.com/23382-global-britain-expresses-an-imperialist-hindrance/ #UK #Malvinas #Argentina #Russia #China
United World International
“Global Britain is attempt to revive imperialist traditions – but the times have changed”
On 'Global Britain' and long-gone imperialist powers, on multipolarity and the Malvinas (Falklands) ahead of Argentine President's trip to Russia and China.
February 2, 2022
“#GlobalBritain es un intento de reavivar tradiciones imperialistas, pero los tiempos han cambiado”…
https://noticiaspia.com/global-britain-es-un-intento-de-reavivar-tradiciones-imperialistas-pero-los-tiempos-han-cambiado/ #UK #Argentina #Malvinas
https://noticiaspia.com/global-britain-es-un-intento-de-reavivar-tradiciones-imperialistas-pero-los-tiempos-han-cambiado/ #UK #Argentina #Malvinas
Pia Global
"Global Britain es un intento de reavivar tradiciones imperialistas, pero los tiempos han cambiado"... - Pia Global
PIA Global Y United World International entrevistan a Guillermo Carmona, Secretario de Estado sobre Malvinas, Antártida y Atlántico Sur.
February 3, 2022
“We need to create discomfort for Britain, including its economic interests in #Argentina”
Forty years after the battle for sovereignty in #Malvinas and in view of the global offensive of the #British colonial policy from the South Atlantic to #Ukraine, we interviewed #CarlosRaimundi, Argentine representative to the OAS on the current situation of the conflict.
By #OscarRotundo
https://unitedworldint.com/23424-we-need-to-create-discomfort-for-britain-including-its-economic-interests-in-argentina/ #UK
Forty years after the battle for sovereignty in #Malvinas and in view of the global offensive of the #British colonial policy from the South Atlantic to #Ukraine, we interviewed #CarlosRaimundi, Argentine representative to the OAS on the current situation of the conflict.
By #OscarRotundo
https://unitedworldint.com/23424-we-need-to-create-discomfort-for-britain-including-its-economic-interests-in-argentina/ #UK
United World International
“We need to create discomfort for Britain, including its economic interests in Argentina”
The Argentine diplomat classifies Britain’s Malvinas policy as “colonialist”, observes a new margin of operation for European countries after BREXIT and announces “creating discomfort for British economic interests”.
February 3, 2022
“Sostener el control de un territorio a varios miles de km de una metrópoli constituye un acto de colonialismo”
Entrevistamos a #CarlosRaimundi, representante argentino ante la OEA sobre la situación actual del conflicto.
https://noticiaspia.com/sostener-el-control-de-un-territorio-a-varios-miles-de-km-de-una-metropoli-constituye-un-acto-de-colonialismo/ #GranBretaña #Malvinas
Entrevistamos a #CarlosRaimundi, representante argentino ante la OEA sobre la situación actual del conflicto.
https://noticiaspia.com/sostener-el-control-de-un-territorio-a-varios-miles-de-km-de-una-metropoli-constituye-un-acto-de-colonialismo/ #GranBretaña #Malvinas
Pia Global
“Sostener el control de un territorio a varios miles de km de una metrópoli constituye un acto de colonialismo” - Pia Global
PIA Global y United World International* publican simultáneamente esta entrevista a Carlos Raimundi representante argentino ante la OEA
February 7, 2022
“Multipolarity is the world’s path ahead”
We interviewed the Ambassador of the Republic of #Argentina to the People’s Republic of China, #SabinoVacaNarvaja. The ambassador comments on possible repercussions of #US sanctions against #Russia on Argentine-Chinese relations, on the cooperation potential between CELAC and #China and on the comparison of the #Malvinas and #Taiwan.
By #YunusSoner
We interviewed the Ambassador of the Republic of #Argentina to the People’s Republic of China, #SabinoVacaNarvaja. The ambassador comments on possible repercussions of #US sanctions against #Russia on Argentine-Chinese relations, on the cooperation potential between CELAC and #China and on the comparison of the #Malvinas and #Taiwan.
By #YunusSoner
March 24, 2022
Some lessons to remember: On the 40th anniversary of the Malvinas (#Falklands) War
📌 Cancellation of TIAR
📌 Test of Pan-Americanism against British occupation
📌 From #Mexico to #Patagonia: “The #Malvinas are #Argentine”
By #SergioRodriguezGelfenstein
📌 Cancellation of TIAR
📌 Test of Pan-Americanism against British occupation
📌 From #Mexico to #Patagonia: “The #Malvinas are #Argentine”
By #SergioRodriguezGelfenstein
United World International
Some lessons to remember: On the 40th anniversary of the Malvinas (Falklands) War
"The Malvinas are Argentine" was a slogan that traveled through valleys and mountains, rivers and seas, expressing a feeling that surpassed and surpasses Argentines as a clamor of solidarity of all of us who were born and live between Mexico and Patagonia.
April 5, 2022
#Kosovar forces in the #Malvinas: Tools of ‘Global Britain’
📌 #Argentine reaction
📌 #Serbian reaction
📌 #Kosovo and #NATO
📌 Increased tensions between #Serbia and #Kosovo
📌 “The English do not stop advancing in the consolidation of their presence in the Malvinas.”
By #MicaelaConstantini
📌 #Argentine reaction
📌 #Serbian reaction
📌 #Kosovo and #NATO
📌 Increased tensions between #Serbia and #Kosovo
📌 “The English do not stop advancing in the consolidation of their presence in the Malvinas.”
By #MicaelaConstantini
United World International
Kosovar forces in the Malvinas: Tools of ‘Global Britain’
The deployment of forces from the Balkan country to the South Atlantic is part of Britain's struggle for Atlanticist hegemony.
December 28, 2022
January 9, 2023
Forças kosovares nas #Malvinas: ferramentas da ‘#Bretanha global’
Por #MicaelaConstantini
Por #MicaelaConstantini
Nova Resistência
Forças kosovares nas Malvinas: ferramentas da 'Bretanha global' | Nova Resistência
O presente artigo aborda a importância geo-estratégica e geopolítica das Ilhas Malvinas e do Atlântico Sul para a Grã-Bretanha como potência internacional que disputa a hegemonia diante da transformação para um mundo multipolar. Em 23 de novembro, foi ratificado…
January 9, 2023