United World International
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🌍 Geopolitical analysis and forecasting of global trends

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Middle East looks to the East and China to the West

📌 #SaudiArabia takes priority in China’s Middle East diplomacy
📌 The increasing importance of the #Arab world to China
📌 Good relations between #China and all parties in the #MiddleEast are conducive to the multi-polar world order

By Dr. #YangChen

#Syria’s return to #Arab League “just a matter of time”

📌 #SaudiArabia moved “closer to neutrality in global conflicts”
📌 “Backing armed opposition in the #MiddleEast is way behind us now”
📌#Atatürk departed from #Damascus to found the first #Turkish Republic”
📌 #Syrian-#Turkish relations will “lead to quick solution of #Kurdish problem East of #Euphrates

By #NahedAlHuseini for UWI / Damascus, Syria

Iran joining BRICS: Background and prospects

📌 Sanctions on Iran
📌#BRICS economy”?
📌 #Iran and #SaudiArabia
📌 “Unipolarity coming to an end”
📌 Variety of currencies instead of the dollar

Interview with #MandanaTishehyar, Allameh Tabataba’i University, ATU · Department of Regional Studies. Doctor of Philosophy.

By #ŞafakEdem

First day at the ICJ hearing on legal consequences of Israeli occupation of Palestine

📌 South #Africa: Israel establishes apartheid
📌 #SaudiArabia: Israel’s occupation “was illegal since 1967”
📌 #Netherlands: Presentation without mentioning #Israel or #Palestine
📌 #Bolivia: States must cooperate to stop Israel

By #YunusSoner

https://unitedworldint.com/33125-first-day-at-the-icj-hearing-on-legal-consequences-of-israeli-occupation-of-palestine/ #Algeria #Bangladesh #Belgium #Belize #Brazil #Chile
What is behind #BinSalman’s alleged assassination?

📌 “The #US really wants bin #Salman gone”
📌 “The fake assassination attempt is related to the #Israel|i attack on #Rafah

United World International asked #AbbasDjuma, a #Moscow-based #Syria|n journalist who closely follows the region, about the issue.

https://unitedworldint.com/34499-what-is-behind-bin-salmans-alleged-assassination/ #SaudiArabia #Palestine #Gaza
#Iraq-#Türkiye Development Road

📌 What is the “Development Road Project”?
📌 What does #Iran say?
📌 What is the #US’s approach to the project?
📌 #SaudiArabia’s stance
📌 #China and #Russia|n Federation?

By #FikretAkfırat
