The Fener #Patriarchate and assimilation
📌 #Byzantine and missionaries
📌 #Bulgaria and autocephaly
📌 The Ottomans and Fener
📌 Hellenized Bulgars
📌 #Fener and #Orthodox Arabs
Op-ed by #DenizBerktay #US #Russia #Turkey #Ukraine #Greece
📌 #Byzantine and missionaries
📌 #Bulgaria and autocephaly
📌 The Ottomans and Fener
📌 Hellenized Bulgars
📌 #Fener and #Orthodox Arabs
Op-ed by #DenizBerktay #US #Russia #Turkey #Ukraine #Greece
United World International
The Fener Patriarchate and assimilation
The Patriachate's relations with the Byzantine Empire, the Ottoman Empire and the Bulgarians in history.