“The #French government and state keep considering North #Africa and #MiddleEast as their backyard, but that period is finished now”
Political Scientist and UWI expert #OnurSinanGüzaltan evaluated French President #EmmanuelMacron’s statements about #Türkiye and #Russia in Russia Today broadcast.
Political Scientist and UWI expert #OnurSinanGüzaltan evaluated French President #EmmanuelMacron’s statements about #Türkiye and #Russia in Russia Today broadcast.
United World International
“The French government and state keep considering North Africa and Middle East as their backyard, but that period is finished now”
Interview to Russia Today on French President's statements regarding Russia and Türkiye.
September 12, 2022
#EmmanuelMacron moves into minefield territory
By #OdileMojon, #Paris, #France
By #OdileMojon, #Paris, #France
United World International
Emmanuel Macron moves into minefield territory
Instead of being led to the abyss by the President, France should be a power of balance and moderation.
March 16, 2024
#EmmanuelMacron se adentra en territorio minado
Por #OdileMojon
https://noticiaspia.com/emmanuel-macron-se-adentra-en-territorio-minado/ #Francia
Por #OdileMojon
https://noticiaspia.com/emmanuel-macron-se-adentra-en-territorio-minado/ #Francia
Pia Global
Emmanuel Macron se adentra en territorio minado - Pia Global
Por Odile Mojon* - A pesar de una situación interna en la que todos los indicadores están en rojo, Emmanuel Macron ha preferido ser el abanderado de la OTAN, arrastrando potencialmente a Francia a un conflicto fuera de sus fronteras.
March 24, 2024
#Macron: Swallowing toads in #Africa and plucking daisy leaves in #Ukraine
By #SergioRodríguezGelfenstein
https://unitedworldint.com/33757-macron-swallowing-toads-in-africa-and-plucking-daisy-leaves-in-ukraine/ #EmmanuelMacron #France #AlexisTexier #RobertoCiriloPerdía
By #SergioRodríguezGelfenstein
https://unitedworldint.com/33757-macron-swallowing-toads-in-africa-and-plucking-daisy-leaves-in-ukraine/ #EmmanuelMacron #France #AlexisTexier #RobertoCiriloPerdía
United World International
Macron: Swallowing toads in Africa and plucking daisy leaves in Ukraine
His suffered defeats in Africa may explain the French president's irrational aggression towards Russia.
March 25, 2024
#EmmanuelMacron’un ‘#Avrupa kutbu’ planı ne kadar gerçekçi?
https://www.aydinlik.com.tr/haber/emmanuel-macronun-avrupa-kutbu-plani-ne-kadar-gercekci-472544 #Fransa
https://www.aydinlik.com.tr/haber/emmanuel-macronun-avrupa-kutbu-plani-ne-kadar-gercekci-472544 #Fransa
Emmanuel Macron’un ‘Avrupa kutbu’ planı ne kadar gerçekçi?
Fransa Cumhurbaşkanı Emmanuel Macron'un çeşitli zamanlarda yaptığı 'bağımsız Avrupa' temalı açıklamaları nasıl okumak gerekli? Onur Sinan Güzaltan yazdı.
May 20, 2024