Tarihi referandum! ABD’ye karşı halk seferberliği
#Venezuela dün halk oylamasına gitti. Konu, Guyana Esequibo'sunun ülkeye katılması. Referandum, #ABD'nin #Guyana üzerinden Venezuela'nın kara ve deniz yetki alanına müdahalesine yanıt niteliği taşıyor
https://www.aydinlik.com.tr/haber/tarihi-referandum-abdye-karsi-halk-seferberligi-437747 #YunusSoner
#Venezuela dün halk oylamasına gitti. Konu, Guyana Esequibo'sunun ülkeye katılması. Referandum, #ABD'nin #Guyana üzerinden Venezuela'nın kara ve deniz yetki alanına müdahalesine yanıt niteliği taşıyor
https://www.aydinlik.com.tr/haber/tarihi-referandum-abdye-karsi-halk-seferberligi-437747 #YunusSoner
Tarihi referandum! ABD’ye karşı halk seferberliği
Venezuela dün halk oylamasına gitti. Konu, Guyana Esequibo'sunun ülkeye katılması. Referandum, ABD'nin Guyana üzerinden Venezuela'nın kara ve deniz yetki alanına müdahalesine yanıt niteliği taşıyor
Guayana Esequibo: Geoeconomics of an occupation
📌 #LatinAmerica as the epicenter of a “new” geopolicts of oil
By #IreneLéon
https://unitedworldint.com/32599-guayana-esequibo-geoeconomics-of-an-occupation/ #Venezuela #US
📌 #LatinAmerica as the epicenter of a “new” geopolicts of oil
By #IreneLéon
https://unitedworldint.com/32599-guayana-esequibo-geoeconomics-of-an-occupation/ #Venezuela #US
United World International
Guayana Esequibo: Geoeconomics of an occupation
And the central role of ExxonMobil in it.
From #Bolívar to #Chávez: 200 years later, the enemy is the same
By #SergioRodríguezGelfenstein
https://unitedworldint.com/32608-from-bolivar-to-chavez-200-years-later-the-enemy-is-the-same/ #Venezuela
By #SergioRodríguezGelfenstein
https://unitedworldint.com/32608-from-bolivar-to-chavez-200-years-later-the-enemy-is-the-same/ #Venezuela
United World International
From Bolívar to Chávez: 200 years later, the enemy is the same
The recent conflict around Guayana Esequibo is just the last chapter of an older and wider conflict. Here's why.
After 25 years the revolution is still standing
By #GeraldinaColotti
https://unitedworldint.com/32973-after-25-years-the-revolution-is-still-standing/ #LatinAmerica #Venezuela #Chávez
By #GeraldinaColotti
https://unitedworldint.com/32973-after-25-years-the-revolution-is-still-standing/ #LatinAmerica #Venezuela #Chávez
United World International
After 25 years the revolution is still standing
The month of February has a great importance in the Bolivarian Revolution of Venezuela. Here's why.
Lula and Petro: “Tell me who you are with and I will tell you who you are”
By #SergioRodríguezGelfenstein
https://unitedworldint.com/33966-lula-and-petro-tell-me-who-you-are-with-and-i-will-tell-you-who-you-are/ #Venezuela #Brazil #US #EU
By #SergioRodríguezGelfenstein
https://unitedworldint.com/33966-lula-and-petro-tell-me-who-you-are-with-and-i-will-tell-you-who-you-are/ #Venezuela #Brazil #US #EU
United World International
Lula and Petro: “Tell me who you are with and I will tell you who you are”
On Brazil and Colombia's support for the Pro-American oppositional wanna-be candidate in Venezuela.
A week’s lights and shadows in #Iran
By #SergioRodríguezGelfenstein
https://unitedworldint.com/34808-a-weeks-lights-and-shadows-in-iran #Venezuela #Tehran
By #SergioRodríguezGelfenstein
https://unitedworldint.com/34808-a-weeks-lights-and-shadows-in-iran #Venezuela #Tehran
United World International
A week’s lights and shadows in Iran
UWI author Gelfenstein attended as part of the Venezuelan delegation the 35th International Book Fair of Tehran.
Venezuelan elections: Continental integration versus disintegration
Interview with #JorgeArreaza, Executive Secretary of the ALBA, former foreign minister of Venezuela
By #YunusSoner, #Caracas / #Venezuela
Interview with #JorgeArreaza, Executive Secretary of the ALBA, former foreign minister of Venezuela
By #YunusSoner, #Caracas / #Venezuela
United World International
Venezuelan elections: Continental integration versus disintegration
The presidential elections turn the country into the field of a much wider conflict.
“#Imperialism attacked the people and forced migration”
Interview with #YvanGil, foreign minister of #Venezuela
Interview with #YvanGil, foreign minister of #Venezuela
United World International
“Imperialism attacked the people and forced migration”
But Venezuela is recovering and brings its citizens home, says the Minister in Interview.
The #Venezuelan right-wing opposition’s plan to sabotage presidential elections
Interview with #TarekWilliamSaab, Attorney General of Venezuela
By #YunusSoner, #Caracas, #Venezuela
Interview with #TarekWilliamSaab, Attorney General of Venezuela
By #YunusSoner, #Caracas, #Venezuela
United World International
The Venezuelan right-wing opposition’s plan to sabotage presidential elections
The Attorney General provides details of a second Guaido Scenario.
How the #Venezuelan economy recovered despite sanctions
A new program of economic recovery has been put in place. Successes in reducing inflation, still a way to go in increasing wages.
Interview with #FernandoBastidas, Member of parliament from the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV)
By #YunusSoner, #Caracas / #Venezuela
A new program of economic recovery has been put in place. Successes in reducing inflation, still a way to go in increasing wages.
Interview with #FernandoBastidas, Member of parliament from the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV)
By #YunusSoner, #Caracas / #Venezuela
United World International
How the Venezuelan economy recovered despite sanctions
A new program of economic recovery has been put in place. Successes in reducing inflation, still a way to go in increasing wages.