#China will not fall into the trap of Great Power Competition with #USA in the #MiddleEast
By Dr. #YangChen
By Dr. #YangChen
United World International
China will not fall into the trap of Great Power Competition with USA in the Middle East
Beijing's strategy towards West Asia and the possible roles Washington can play.
20th anniversary of the #US occupation of #Iraq
📌 20 days before the US attack
📌 Greater #MiddleEast Project and the ‘Second Israel’
📌 The US breathes life into #ISIS and #PKK
📌 The lesson #Türkiye takes from the US sanctions
By #MehmetPerinçek
📌 20 days before the US attack
📌 Greater #MiddleEast Project and the ‘Second Israel’
📌 The US breathes life into #ISIS and #PKK
📌 The lesson #Türkiye takes from the US sanctions
By #MehmetPerinçek
United World International
20th anniversary of the US occupation of Iraq
The world has changed profoundly in the last 20 years: Eurasian countries are coming together and their unity will prevent new US aggressions.
#Iran-#SaudiArabia agreement: The ‘#MiddleEast’ on the way of becoming ‘#WestAsia’
📌 The doors to be opened by the deal
📌 Thinking #Ankara, #Cairo, #Tehran and #Riyadh together
1. Respect for Territorial Integrity
2. Mutual Respect for Internal Affairs
3. Mutual Dialogue in Foreign Policies
By #OnurSinanGüzaltan
📌 The doors to be opened by the deal
📌 Thinking #Ankara, #Cairo, #Tehran and #Riyadh together
1. Respect for Territorial Integrity
2. Mutual Respect for Internal Affairs
3. Mutual Dialogue in Foreign Policies
By #OnurSinanGüzaltan
United World International
Iran-Saudi Arabia agreement: The ‘Middle East’ on the way of becoming ‘West Asia’
Global and regional prospects of the deal between Iran and Saudi Arabia.
Anti-#Netanyahu protests in Israel: “It’s an ethnic and cultural conflict”
We talked to #IsrailShamir, one of #Russia’s leading #MiddleEast experts, about the protests in #Israel and the latest developments in the region.
By #OnurSinanGüzaltan
We talked to #IsrailShamir, one of #Russia’s leading #MiddleEast experts, about the protests in #Israel and the latest developments in the region.
By #OnurSinanGüzaltan
Portraits of politicians – 2: #KemalKılıçdaroğlu
📌 #Kılıçdaroğlu’s weak points
📌 New co-chair candidate for the Greater #MiddleEast Project
📌 Distancing from #Eurasia, loyalty to #NATO
📌 Two sensitive issues: the #PKK and #FethullahGülen Terrorist Organization (#FETÖ)
By #TuncaArslan
📌 #Kılıçdaroğlu’s weak points
📌 New co-chair candidate for the Greater #MiddleEast Project
📌 Distancing from #Eurasia, loyalty to #NATO
📌 Two sensitive issues: the #PKK and #FethullahGülen Terrorist Organization (#FETÖ)
By #TuncaArslan
#Syria’s return to #Arab League “just a matter of time”
📌 #SaudiArabia moved “closer to neutrality in global conflicts”
📌 “Backing armed opposition in the #MiddleEast is way behind us now”
📌 “#Atatürk departed from #Damascus to found the first #Turkish Republic”
📌 #Syrian-#Turkish relations will “lead to quick solution of #Kurdish problem East of #Euphrates”
By #NahedAlHuseini for UWI / Damascus, Syria
📌 #SaudiArabia moved “closer to neutrality in global conflicts”
📌 “Backing armed opposition in the #MiddleEast is way behind us now”
📌 “#Atatürk departed from #Damascus to found the first #Turkish Republic”
📌 #Syrian-#Turkish relations will “lead to quick solution of #Kurdish problem East of #Euphrates”
By #NahedAlHuseini for UWI / Damascus, Syria
United World International
Syria’s return to Arab League “just a matter of time”
On Chinese and Russian mediation efforts, Saudi Arabia's new stance and Türkiye's position.
“We need to have patience”
Interview with Dr. #WangJin, Associate Professor, and the Assistant Director, Institute of #MiddleEast Studies, Northwest University of #China.
By #YunusSoner
Interview with Dr. #WangJin, Associate Professor, and the Assistant Director, Institute of #MiddleEast Studies, Northwest University of #China.
By #YunusSoner
United World International
“We need to have patience”
On Chinese diplomacy and the Global Security Initiative towards the Middle East.
BRICS Dossier
📌 New #BRICS member states: new order or big work ahead?
📌 Resource-rich BRICS needs to boost its #economy first
📌 The #G7 remains too large to forego international trade with them
📌 The #MiddleEast as an emerging BRICS hub?
By #DaveGreen
📌 New #BRICS member states: new order or big work ahead?
📌 Resource-rich BRICS needs to boost its #economy first
📌 The #G7 remains too large to forego international trade with them
📌 The #MiddleEast as an emerging BRICS hub?
By #DaveGreen
United World International
BRICS Dossier
The #US is trying to blackmail #Egypt into ditching #Russia
By #AbbasJuma, international journalist, political commentator, #MiddleEast and #Africa specialist
By #AbbasJuma, international journalist, political commentator, #MiddleEast and #Africa specialist
United World International
The US is trying to blackmail Egypt into ditching Russia
The moves come on the background of steadly worsening relations between Cairo and Washington.