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Blowing up the #MiddleEast? #Pompeo, #Trump and #Netanyahu

There are not many people in the world who doubt that Israeli secret services are responsible for the assassination of the prominent Iranian physicist #MohsenFakhrizadeh, the “father” of the Iranian nuclear program. Without openly admitting it, the Israelis did nothing to amuse such impressions, instead they “anonymously” admitted their responsibility to the New York Times.

📌 The trip to #SaudiArabia and #Tehran’s calculations
📌 #Pentagon Purge
📌 War with #Iran means “mini world war”

Op-ed by #DimitrisKonstantakopoulos

#Vaccine diplomacy by #Netanyahu

The #TelAviv administration promises other countries #COVID19 vaccine in exchange for moving their embassies to #Jerusalem.

This situation sparked controversy in #Israel, with criticism that Tel Aviv should vaccinate the Palestinians under its auspices before other countries.

https://unitedworldint.com/16393-vaccine-diplomacy-by-netanyahu/ #Palestine
#Netanyahu may end up in jail”

We spoke with #AhmadMalli, Director of Lebanese University’s Center for Legal and Political Studies about #Israel’s attacks on #Gaza, the Palestinian resistance and the ceasefire decision.

Op-ed by #Elifİlhamoğlu

https://unitedworldint.com/18810-netanyahu-may-end-up-in-jail/ #Palestine
Did #TelAviv fall victim to #Netanyahu’s political defeat?

📌 #Israel has been unable to constitute a lasting government since 2 years
📌 Netanyahu failed in achieving governing majority in Knesset
📌 #Arab parties influential for government formation

Op-ed by #PooyaMirzaei

Anti-#Netanyahu protests in Israel: “It’s an ethnic and cultural conflict”

We talked to #IsrailShamir, one of #Russia’s leading #MiddleEast experts, about the protests in #Israel and the latest developments in the region.

By #OnurSinanGüzaltan

Member of Israeli Knesset to UWI: Netanyahu is “weak, paranoid and violent”

📌 #Netanyahu’s government “wanted this war”
📌 “Democratic versus #Jewish State”
📌 From Shin Bet over the police to the Armed Forces: Who supports
📌 Dangers of civil #war

Interview with with #OferCassif, Communist Party of #Israel and Hadesh member of the #Israeli parliament, the Knesset.

By #YunusSoner

“The #Netanyahu Government will fall soon after the war…”

Interview with #OfferCassif, who is member of the #Israeli parliament, the Knesset for the fraction of Hadash, the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality. Hadash is a left-wing party with three parliamentarians in the Knesset. Founded by the Communist Party of #Israel, the faction defines itself as #Jewish-#Arab. Cassif is Jewish and has a clear position in terms of what is happening in #Gaza.

By #YunusSoner

https://unitedworldint.com/32494-the-netanyahu-government-will-fall-soon-after-the-war/ #Palestine
#US incapacity and the process leading to “great chaos” in the region!

Presidential candidates in #Washington are competing in who’s loving #Israel more, while #Netanyahu is setting the region on fire.

By #AdemKılıç, Political scientist
