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#UyghurGenocide” is an imperialist lie!

📌 I witnessed it: vocational centers brought peace
📌 #China has succeeded in the fight against the Three Evils
📌 #Uyghur problems are not #Turkey’s national issue
📌 The turning point is july 15th
📌 The #US’ hand in Uyghur separatism
📌 Problems can be solved only through cooperation
📌 Parallelism between #ETIM and #PKK
📌 The two gates of #Asia

Op-ed by #AdnanAkfırat

May 5, 2021
The so-called #Uyghur Tribunal, which accuses #China of committing ‘#genocide’, has started in #London.

We asked experts to evaluate this organization gathered in London in the context of international law and foreign policy. Vatan Party Deputy Chairman, attorney #MehmetCengiz and the Professor at the Yeditepe University, #EminGürses evaluated so called Uyghur Tribunal.

Op-ed by #Elifİlhamoğlu

June 6, 2021
Who makes up the so-called ‘#Uyghur Tribunal’?

When we look at the delegation, we can clearly see that this is not a legal court, but a political organization serving various interest/capital groups.

The target is #Asia!

Op-ed by #Elifİlhamoğlu

https://unitedworldint.com/19162-who-makes-up-the-so-called-uyghur-tribunal/ #China
June 14, 2021
December 12, 2021
Xinjiang’s window to the world

Impressions from a visit to China’s Xinjiang #Uyghur Autonomous Region. Most astonishing: The presence of #NasreddinHodja

By #ÖzgürAltınbaş, #Urumqi, #Xinjiang / #China

September 23, 2024