The #Bolivarian Revolution’s path forward to #socialism
By Jacobo Torres de León, member of the #Venezuelan National Assembly representing workers, member of the Vice-Presidency of the PSUV and International Coordinator of the Bolivarian #Socialist Confederation of Workers (CBST).
Translation by #YunusSoner #LatinAmerica #Venezuela #Caracas
By Jacobo Torres de León, member of the #Venezuelan National Assembly representing workers, member of the Vice-Presidency of the PSUV and International Coordinator of the Bolivarian #Socialist Confederation of Workers (CBST).
Translation by #YunusSoner #LatinAmerica #Venezuela #Caracas
United World International
The Bolivarian Revolution’s path forward to socialism
The member of the Venezuelan National Assembly, Jacobo Torres de León wrote for UWI on the country's road ahead.