United World International
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🌍 Geopolitical analysis and forecasting of global trends

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đź“Ś Monroe Doctrine vs Our American Drift
📌 #Chávez and #Fidel vs the #OAS
đź“Ś Post-pandemic challenge

Chávez said: “#CELAC is the most important political, economic, cultural and social union project in our contemporary history”

Op-ed by #FacundoEscobar

https://unitedworldint.com/20295-celac-vs-oea/ #LatinAmerica
Lights, grays and shadows of the CELAC Summit

📌 Lincoln’s #America vs. Juárez’ America
📌 #Chávez and the birth of CELAC
đź“Ś The Summit in #BuenosAires
đź“Ś #CELAC needs an institutional body
đź“Ś Collective leadership of the region

By #SergioRodrĂ­guezGelfenstein

A decade without #HugoChávez: The Commandante of #LatinAmerican integration

United World International author #SergioRodríguezGelfenstein, who served as Director of International Affairs in the #Venezuela|n Presidency during #Chávez’ government, has given an interview to the Spanish edition of Sputnik news agency on the leaders’ legacy in the continent.
