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#Syria gains further popular and diplomatic ground

📌 Syria: we reconfirm with the elections our independence and sovereignty

📌 Syria’s return to the #Arab League

📌 The West: de-legitimizing elections and resisting normalizations

📌 Conclusion: Syrian government gains ground with elections

Op-ed by #YunusSoner

https://unitedworldint.com/18862-syria-gains-further-popular-and-diplomatic-ground/ #Damascus #Assad
#Assad preparing to shake hands with Arab leaders

📌 The #Arab world searching its ways
📌 #UAE invites al Assad
📌 Sources in #Damascus spoke to UWI: #Syria may mediate between Iran and the Arab world
📌 #Egypt leading the new process

By #MehmetKıvanç

Assad’s visit to China and the new era in West Asia

📌 One of the first countries to recognize new #China
📌#Syrian-led, #Syria|n-owned”
📌 #Assad’s plane was escorted by the “#Asia Alliance”
📌 #Türkiye’s gain in the #Eurasia|n climate

By #OrçunGöktürk / President of the #Turkish-#Chinese Belt and Road Institute

#Turkish-#Syrian reconciliation is inevitably coming

📌 Neither #Iraq nor #Türkiye…The eye is on the location and time of the summit
📌 #Assad and #Erdogan meet in the presence of #Putin
📌 #Damascus requests guarantees from #Russia and #Iran

By #MohamedSabreen, #Cairo / #Egypt

The #Syria|n revolution and #Türkiye’s transformation from a regional power to a global playmaker

The end of the #Assad Government has lifted Türkiye from a regional to a global player, argues the author.

By #AdemKılıç, Political Scientist

After Al #Assad, the target is Türkiye

But #Türkiye, #Russia, #Iran, and other regional countries can still collaborate to prevent #US plans.

UWI author, historian and political scientist Associate Professor #MehmetPerinçek evaluated the fall of Bashar Assad.

https://unitedworldint.com/36131-after-al-assad-the-target-is-turkiye/ #Syria