#Syria gains further popular and diplomatic ground
📌 Syria: we reconfirm with the elections our independence and sovereignty
📌 Syria’s return to the #Arab League
📌 The West: de-legitimizing elections and resisting normalizations
📌 Conclusion: Syrian government gains ground with elections
Op-ed by #YunusSoner
https://unitedworldint.com/18862-syria-gains-further-popular-and-diplomatic-ground/ #Damascus #Assad
📌 Syria: we reconfirm with the elections our independence and sovereignty
📌 Syria’s return to the #Arab League
📌 The West: de-legitimizing elections and resisting normalizations
📌 Conclusion: Syrian government gains ground with elections
Op-ed by #YunusSoner
https://unitedworldint.com/18862-syria-gains-further-popular-and-diplomatic-ground/ #Damascus #Assad
United World International
Syria gains further popular and diplomatic ground
International positioning towards the Syrian presidential elections.
#Assad preparing to shake hands with Arab leaders
📌 The #Arab world searching its ways
📌 #UAE invites al Assad
📌 Sources in #Damascus spoke to UWI: #Syria may mediate between Iran and the Arab world
📌 #Egypt leading the new process
By #MehmetKıvanç
📌 The #Arab world searching its ways
📌 #UAE invites al Assad
📌 Sources in #Damascus spoke to UWI: #Syria may mediate between Iran and the Arab world
📌 #Egypt leading the new process
By #MehmetKıvanç
Last week in Türkiye
📌 Erdogan spoke after the #Sochi Summit
📌 Possibility of #Assad-#Erdogan meeting
📌 Ongoing tensions between #Türkiye and #Greece
📌 Erdogan spoke after the #Sochi Summit
📌 Possibility of #Assad-#Erdogan meeting
📌 Ongoing tensions between #Türkiye and #Greece
United World International
Public announcements after the Sochi meeting; Possible Erdogan-Assad meeting; Tensions between Türkiye and Greece
Main political events in Türkiye in the last week.
What is the possible outcome of the #Assad-#Erdogan meeting in the #Shanghai Conference?
📌 #Putin’s invitations
📌 #Türkiye’s military operation in #Syria
📌 #Turkish and #Syrian chiefs of intelligence hold meetings in July
By #SaidAliBatrouni
📌 #Putin’s invitations
📌 #Türkiye’s military operation in #Syria
📌 #Turkish and #Syrian chiefs of intelligence hold meetings in July
By #SaidAliBatrouni
United World International
What is the possible outcome of the Assad-Erdogan meeting in the Shanghai Conference?
Current equations around the conflict in Syria.
“#Türkiye needs to strengthen the #Assad government”
We spoke with retired Lieutenant General #İsmailHakkıPekin. He has played an important role in #Turkish-#Syrian relations. As Head of Military Intelligence at the General Staff of the Turkish Armed Forces.
We spoke with retired Lieutenant General #İsmailHakkıPekin. He has played an important role in #Turkish-#Syrian relations. As Head of Military Intelligence at the General Staff of the Turkish Armed Forces.
United World International
“Türkiye needs to strengthen the Assad government”
What is the content of talks between Türkiye and Syria, what should be the next steps of Ankara? And who might be behind the burning of the Quran in Sweden?
"#Turquía necesita reforzar el gobierno de #Assad"
"Turquía necesita reforzar el gobierno de Assad"
Hablamos sobre este cambio de política con el teniente general retirado Ismail Hakkı Pekin. Ha desempeñado un importante papel en las relaciones turco-sirias. Como jefe de Inteligencia Militar del
#Türkiye-#Syria relations on the backdrop of meeting between #Assad and #Putin
📌 #Russia, #China and #Iran’s concerns about the opposition in Türkiye
📌 Assad before and now: The difference
📌 Syria demands a timetable from Türkiye
By Prof. #MehmetYuva
📌 #Russia, #China and #Iran’s concerns about the opposition in Türkiye
📌 Assad before and now: The difference
📌 Syria demands a timetable from Türkiye
By Prof. #MehmetYuva
United World International
Türkiye-Syria relations on the backdrop of meeting between Assad and Putin
And the context of elections in Türkiye.
#Arab Summit: Will #Assad seize the opportunity to achieve peace in #Syria?
By #IslamFarag
By #IslamFarag
United World International
Arab Summit: Will Assad seize the opportunity to achieve peace in Syria?
Sources and analysts commented to UWI on Syria's return and the path ahead.
Assad’s visit to China and the new era in West Asia
📌 One of the first countries to recognize new #China
📌 “#Syrian-led, #Syria|n-owned”
📌 #Assad’s plane was escorted by the “#Asia Alliance”
📌 #Türkiye’s gain in the #Eurasia|n climate
By #OrçunGöktürk / President of the #Turkish-#Chinese Belt and Road Institute
📌 One of the first countries to recognize new #China
📌 “#Syrian-led, #Syria|n-owned”
📌 #Assad’s plane was escorted by the “#Asia Alliance”
📌 #Türkiye’s gain in the #Eurasia|n climate
By #OrçunGöktürk / President of the #Turkish-#Chinese Belt and Road Institute
United World International
Assad’s visit to China and the new era in West Asia
The Syrian President's first visit to Beijing after 20 years.
#Turkish-#Syrian reconciliation is inevitably coming
📌 Neither #Iraq nor #Türkiye…The eye is on the location and time of the summit
📌 #Assad and #Erdogan meet in the presence of #Putin
📌 #Damascus requests guarantees from #Russia and #Iran
By #MohamedSabreen, #Cairo / #Egypt
📌 Neither #Iraq nor #Türkiye…The eye is on the location and time of the summit
📌 #Assad and #Erdogan meet in the presence of #Putin
📌 #Damascus requests guarantees from #Russia and #Iran
By #MohamedSabreen, #Cairo / #Egypt
The #Syria|n revolution and #Türkiye’s transformation from a regional power to a global playmaker
The end of the #Assad Government has lifted Türkiye from a regional to a global player, argues the author.
By #AdemKılıç, Political Scientist
The end of the #Assad Government has lifted Türkiye from a regional to a global player, argues the author.
By #AdemKılıç, Political Scientist
United World International
The Syrian revolution and Türkiye’s transformation from a regional power to a global playmaker
After Al #Assad, the target is Türkiye
But #Türkiye, #Russia, #Iran, and other regional countries can still collaborate to prevent #US plans.
UWI author, historian and political scientist Associate Professor #MehmetPerinçek evaluated the fall of Bashar Assad.
https://unitedworldint.com/36131-after-al-assad-the-target-is-turkiye/ #Syria
But #Türkiye, #Russia, #Iran, and other regional countries can still collaborate to prevent #US plans.
UWI author, historian and political scientist Associate Professor #MehmetPerinçek evaluated the fall of Bashar Assad.
https://unitedworldint.com/36131-after-al-assad-the-target-is-turkiye/ #Syria
United World International
After Al Assad, the target is Türkiye